The good part of testing this, is that you actually want to stop the spin. So I'd be looking for a more slippery surface than normal for the initial testing. Perhaps a good dirt road where some initial "slip" would be expected, or just a gravel car park / work lot would be fine.

  1. Try the stock settings on the gravel / dirt and note how hard the TC kicks in.
  2. Dull the setting down progressively to gauge how they are impacting the torque delivery on the "less than favorable" ground.
  3. Once you get it close, then move to the a paved road, perhaps a concrete loading area or long driveway would be a great place to test if available. This will keep the boys in blue away.

Remember that the biggest impact of this tuning will be in 1st and maybe 2nd gear, so you can actually do full testing without breaking the speed limit. Taking off "hard" out on the open road when no other cars are around would be hard to justify as "hooning", you are just getting up to speed quickly.....