I bought my AutoCal v3 thinking I could just plug the thing in and flash the tunes pre loaded to it as advertised. I followed the instructions that came with the AutoCal on flashing the tune. When trying to full flash the tune file that came on the AutoCal I got error code $0502. I contacted the company I bought the AutoCal from to let them know the issue I was having and they sent me this message: "Get in touch with our EFI Live tuner directly and let them know what’s going on. Use the exact email below. NOT EFI Live corporate, they won’t be able to help." So I emailed efilivetech@yahoo.com (the email they gave me) to describe my problem and all the info I already gave the company I bought the AutoCal from (make, model, year, VIN, modification, etc...). I got a reply instructing me to update the software for V8 and firmware for the AutoCal and try flashing the tune again. That didn't work. So they sent me a "recalibrated tune". Still error code $0502 when trying to full flash. Then they told me to confirm that all my configuration files were OK and had a green check next to them. They all were OK and had the check mark but still, error code $0502. I let them know I still couldn't flash the tune and I stopped getting replies so, I started trying to figure it out myself. After a few youtube videos I was able to flash the tune after selecting adding "CMF" to the BBL enabled controllers under the scan and tune tabs in the BBX window. My truck is a 2019 Ram 2500 6.7 Cummins. I have no idea what I'm doing but, from what I have gathered, 19+ Rams use a CMF ECM? And for some reason, whoever is assigned to tuning my truck had every other controller enabled besides the CMF controller. As soon as I enabled it, it worked. Now, the person I have been in contact with at "EFI Support" has no email signature so I don't now their name or if they even work for EFI Live. I emailed them to let them know what I had figured out, and that I got the tune flashed and they replied saying that they were "glad I got it working" and "enjoy your tunes". I installed my CSP5 switch that came with the AutoCal and tried to do a data log to see if the switch was working and I got error code $0A04 and when trying to switch tunes using the AutoCal I got error code $0701. I looked these code up and it seems to me that it has something to do with the AutoCal not being able to communicate with the CMF controller. So, I emailed efilivetech@yahoo.com again to let them know what errors I was having now and they sent me another re-calibrated tune. And again, Error code $0502. I plugged the AutoCal into my computer and read the tune file that was sent to me and lo and behold, the CMF controller was selected under the scan tab along with CMB, CMC, CMD, and CME but CMF was not selected under the tune tab. Again, I don't know what I'm doing, but does the person I've been getting tune files from know what they are doing? Am I an idiot and just doing something wrong? Should I be worried about driving my truck? Any answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated.