Quote Originally Posted by tblu92 View Post
Blacky I think I understand this now
One more question---
Can I load the PREVIOUS version of Firmware back into my laptop ? And get rid of the New Beta Firmware ??? I can't seem to find older versions Can you Forward me the previous version
Will that put everything back the way it was ? Tom
What version of firmware is in your FlashScan?
If it is version 2.08.198 or earlier, then you can continue using the V7.5 software with your FlashScan V2 device.
If you have already updated your FlashScan V2 firmware to V2.08.199 or later, then you will only be able to use the V8 software with your FlashScan device from now on.
You cannot roll-back your FlashScan V2 device to an earlier firmware version once you have updated it.
