View Full Version : T42 cpu ?

February 15th, 2009, 02:21 AM
Does anyone know what it is? I've found info on various ECMs, but none for the TCM.

If I read a TCM with EFILive and save to a file, is that file in raw format or is it encrypted? I'm looking for a way to read the flash in raw form.


February 15th, 2009, 05:52 AM
The file is encrypted. You may be able to get a copy of a stock raw binary but reading one out of a module will be tougher as none of the Editors support this function.

February 15th, 2009, 12:43 PM
Thanks for the Reply Al !

Looks like I'm going to have to write something the read these on my own then.


February 15th, 2009, 12:52 PM
Lot of effort to go to, but kudos if you do. What would you end up with that is not available already?


February 16th, 2009, 02:23 AM
Lot of effort to go to, but kudos if you do. What would you end up with that is not available already?


Yes, a very large effort as far as time consumed. Getting the bin won't be so bad, it the reverse engineering effort that follows that's going to take weeks or even months.

I want to patch the T42 so that I can run it in my '06 GTO *manual 6-speed equipped* car, to control the 4L65E I am installing in place of the 6-speed manual. And perhaps a 4L80E later, as it stands, 05-06 automatic GTOs can't run a 4L80E from the T42 either, and end up having to pruchase another $1000 controller, or go with a full manual valve body.

Using a T42 in the *proper* OEM arangement would require a reflash of my PIM, BCM, ECM and probably the IP as well. My VIN is going to show *manual 6-speed* on TIS, so can the dealer even put an automatic program in my car? I don't have faith that they can.

If I could remove any dependency the T42 may have on the other modules, other than the current engine operating conditions on the GMLAN, then maybe I can use it as if it were a standalone controller. Hopefully the necessary parms are still placed on the GMLAN from the ECM, such as RPM, TPS, etc with the manual trans OS.

I know I would not have torque management, shifter lock in park until brake pedal depressed, gear indication on the IP, but I can live without that. T42's are very inexpensive compared to aftermarket controllers, and since I have the harness from an automatic equipped GTO, the install would be clean.

But yes, lots of work to retrieve, decompile and alter the T42, if it's even doable. I've done this kind of stuff before, but it was a long time ago and the target was an M6801 based CPU in the 87 Grand National PCM. The EEPROM in that was only 4k, sooooo much smaller than today's stuff. :)


February 16th, 2009, 03:58 AM
The GM dealer can choose "automatic" on your manual GTO, when programming it with tis2000 and it may work to program a T42, even if it is a manual vin number and save you a lot of time and effort to get what you want, or you can program it as a automatic with a different vin number, and change the vins of the ecm/tcm using efilive after flashing it.

February 16th, 2009, 06:29 AM
Why not Full reflash the ECM with an appropriate GTO automatic file, put your VIN back in it and then you can use the T42 with its correct file and your VIN. I agree some features might not be supported, I/P to start with, but you already said you weren't concerned.

February 16th, 2009, 09:10 AM
I want to patch the T42 so that I can run it in my '06 GTO *manual 6-speed equipped* car, to control the 4L65E I am installing in place of the 6-speed manual. And perhaps a 4L80E later, as it stands, 05-06 automatic GTOs can't run a 4L80E from the T42 either, and end up having to pruchase another $1000 controller, or go with a full manual valve body.

Using a T42 in the *proper* OEM arangement would require a reflash of my PIM, BCM, ECM and probably the IP as well. My VIN is going to show *manual 6-speed* on TIS, so can the dealer even put an automatic program in my car? I don't have faith that they can.



To echo Al and 98WS6, you simply need a T42 with an 06 GTO flash, and the ECM reflashed. TIS gives the option of auto/man. You can do can flash with EFILive for E40 and T42, in preference to a dealer.

There are no flashes for the BCM/PIM. Generally the BCM's in Oz built cars are the same for auto/man.

The wiring is going to be more difficult than the ECM/TCM, with the trans wiring normally integrated with the engine harness, with a seperate trans harness probably the way to go.

Yes a lot of work to dis a 1Mb T42.


February 16th, 2009, 11:16 AM
Thanks for the input. I do tend to overcomplicate things sometimes. :confused:

I actually have in my posession a T42 and engine harness from a donor '06 GTO. My thought was that I could swap out my M6 harness for this A4 harness, flash the A4 OS to my ECM, change the VIN in the T42 (if it even stores it), and be one my way. Do you really think it would be this simple?

I don't have EFILive because at the time I purchased my tuner package, I wanted 2-bar support for the turbo setup, and the other pkg had it. Unfortuntely, I don't think I can flash what might be deemed an 'incompatible OS' into my ECM with that pkg. When I asked, I was told to seek out a Tech-II. I'm also very nervous about bricking my one and only E40. I'm still on the lookout for a spare E40.

As mentioned, I have zero faith in GM dealerships. On a recent visit to the GM parts dept to order a few minor pieces for the 4L65E, the parts manager asked for my VIN. I told him, "no problem", but my car is not an automatic and I was acquiring parts for the M6 to A4 swap. At that point he actually got snotty with me and told me that he couldn't help because my VIN would only pull up manual trans parts, and he had no idea what I would need. I actually had the part numbers with me, but that attitude sealed the deal, I wasn't buying from them. I got what I needed from the local U-pull-it recycler.

Regarding the PIM, I read in the factory service manual that when replaced, the PIM is to be configured for automatic versus manual. Where is this config flag stored if not in the PIM?


February 16th, 2009, 12:07 PM
Thanks for the input. I do tend to overcomplicate things sometimes. :confused:

I actually have in my posession a T42 and engine harness from a donor '06 GTO. My thought was that I could swap out my M6 harness for this A4 harness, flash the A4 OS to my ECM, change the VIN in the T42 (if it even stores it), and be one my way. Do you really think it would be this simple?

As mentioned, I have zero faith in GM dealerships. On a recent visit to the GM parts dept to order a few minor pieces for the 4L65E, the parts manager asked for my VIN. I told him, "no problem", but my car is not an automatic and I was acquiring parts for the M6 to A4 swap. At that point he actually got snotty with me and told me that he couldn't help because my VIN would only pull up manual trans parts, and he had no idea what I would need. I actually had the part numbers with me, but that attitude sealed the deal, I wasn't buying from them. I got what I needed from the local U-pull-it recycler.

Regarding the PIM, I read in the factory service manual that when replaced, the PIM is to be configured for automatic versus manual. Where is this config flag stored if not in the PIM?


Yes on it should be that simple. M6 & A4 have same OS. EFIlive can do what you need. Though you will need to add some wiring to the body harness to support the auto.

You need to find a dealer/dealer tech that will get out of the box and understands what you are doing. Not much chance of a parts guy going beyond what he is trained on. Its not really a dealer role to support conversions, also legal liability etc. Its really an aftermarket area.

The PIM is configured with a Tech II, hence the need to find a dealer tech that can/will configure it. Or send it to someone that has a Tech II, has the knowledge, and offers the service like Chuck @ Corvettes of Westchester.


February 17th, 2009, 01:09 PM
I bought another E40 off eBay. Hopefully I'll be able to flash it with the A4 GTO OS. (Its out of a Malibu, but has the correct part# 12596679)

I read the GTO T42 I have as well. Then loaded the image into IDA and set the processor as 68030 (I don't have a 68332 option). I've just finished changing everything that looks like code into code. It looks reasonable:

ROM:00009774 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ S U B R O U T I N E ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
ROM:00009774 sub_9774: ; CODE XREF: ROM:loc_94B2p
ROM:00009774 movea.l #$FFB840,a0 ; Prepare to transmit SeedKey (Note TCM id's itself as an engine controller? $10)
ROM:0000977A move.b #7,(a0)
ROM:0000977E move.b #$6C,1(a0) ; 'l'
ROM:00009784 move.b #$F0,2(a0)
ROM:0000978A move.b #$10,3(a0)
ROM:00009790 move.b #$67,4(a0) ; 'g'
ROM:00009796 move.b #1,5(a0)
ROM:0000979C clr.b 6(a0)
ROM:000097A0 clr.b 7(a0)
ROM:000097A4 jsr nullsub_2
ROM:000097AA rts
ROM:000097AA ; End of function sub_9774

I'm not going to spend too much time reversing it. But at least I have it now in case I want to poke around later.


October 4th, 2011, 04:57 AM
The PIM is configured with a Tech II, hence the need to find a dealer tech that can/will configure it.

I should follow this up.

I completed the conversion to the automatic in the GTO a couple years ago. I broke the T56, so I was motivated. :)

Along with the obvious changes such as replacing the M6 pedals with A4 pedals, installing an OEM A4 shifter, flex plate, cross member, transmission, etc...

I found a complete A4 engine/trans wiring harness from the same model year and replaced mine with it. I reflashed the entire ECM with an image from an A4 GTO. I borrowed a Tech-II and reprogrammed the PIM, and I saved both EEPROM images from the PIM in case I want to go back without using a Tech-II. I read the EEPROM from the instrument panel of an A4 GTO and comparing with mine, found the A4 specific areas, made the changes and it now displays the PRND321. (I also programmed the text display to read "TwinTurbo 2006"). I installed a TCM from another 2006 GTO.

Hmmm, I think that's it. It was all pretty much plug-n-play.

Now I'm on the path of installing a 4L80e. I'm going to build a converter box to sit between the TCM and the 4L80e so I can use the 4L60e control program.