View Full Version : logging button?

February 17th, 2009, 07:50 AM
the button the the box, that says start/stop logging... what does it do? im assuming its capable of recording a log with this button, just like the red button in the scan tool? but how do i set it up so that it works, and does it need to be hooked to the laptop to record data. i tried a search and couldn't figure it out, any help would be appreciated.

February 17th, 2009, 08:07 AM
Hi hot-dog,

Yes, that is what that button does...

From the back of my mind:

Connect V1 to PC and to vehicle, and start the scantool...

The first time you connect to a specific vehicle (one time per vehicle) do this:
1. in the scantool, press the connect button (green/round in upper left),
2. do Validate Pids, let this finish (about 30 seconds; only need to do this one time per vehicle),
3. press the disconnect button,
4. remove cable from vehicle (but leave attached to PC).

Then, each time you want to program the pids to log, do this:
5. on the PIDs tab select the pids you want to log, keeping the channel count to 24 or less),
6. save the selected pids from step 5 to a file (for future reference),
7. press the connect button (connecting to V1 only),
8. go FlashScan->Program Pids,
9. set the number of logs to zero or one (log time should show 23 minutes),
10. press the Program button, and wait for it to finish,
11. exit the Program window,
12. press the disconnect button.

Now you can connect V1 to vehicle and press the start/stop button to start/stop a log.

When done, bring V1 to your PC, do Flashscan->Read PIDs/Log (I forgot what it's called), read the logged data from V1 and save it to a file... and after that you can view it.

You need to go FlashScan->Program Pids and Clear the data before logging again.

February 17th, 2009, 08:58 AM
wow, thanks allot man. quick response too. that's great, iv had the thing for a few months now and i wasn't sure if i could log without the laptop until now.