View Full Version : Displacement not on pull down

March 5th, 2009, 05:14 PM
If I force a displacement on the Scan Tool Enter Vin to 1998cc should it recalc an already recorded log or do I have to force it before I log? I'm using a Cobalt SS Vin which the engine digit also comes up as a 5.7. 1G1AP11P870xxx

I don't think the g/cyl are logging in the correct column.

March 5th, 2009, 06:04 PM
Hi dennisscars,

Can you post some screenshots...

You may have to hit the recalc button (looks like snowflake, at bottom left next to speaker button).

If you save the displacement in the customer details then it should be remembered.

And welcome to the forum...:cheers:

March 5th, 2009, 06:29 PM
Thanks for the speedy reply.

No joy on replot and if I close and reopen it's back to 5.7.

I'm finding that log data at the .56 column requires timing changes at about the 1.08 column. This was taken from a dyno pull, but is consistent placement with track logged data.

Also if I lower the scale to .03 it will log decel values that low, which I wish I had control over timing during hard decel.

March 5th, 2009, 06:44 PM
I pm'd Tech Support.

Can you post the log file if that's ok...?

March 5th, 2009, 07:39 PM
There are two places to set the displacement.

1. In the Edit->Default Customer details.
2. In the Edit->Log File Information.

When a log file is created the details from the "Default Customer details" screen are copied into the log file and remain there, no matter what you change the "Default Customer details" to in the future.

If you want to change the details recorded in the log file then you'll need to change the "Log File Information" screen and then re-save the log file.


March 6th, 2009, 02:29 AM
No joy either. I changed both locations and "saved as" to another file. It also reverted back to 5.7 upon reload. Replot either time had no effect.

Maybe because I'm using PP engine code which comes back as both P=LT1, LSJ - P=5.7L V8, 2.0 litre MFI?

March 6th, 2009, 08:17 AM
Can you please send your log file to paul@efilive.com and include a link to this thread.


March 6th, 2009, 04:23 PM
I'm finding that log data at the .56 column requires timing changes at about the 1.08 column.

Hmm, now I understand the problem. The CALC_CYLAIR PID is set up for a V8 with (obviously 8 cylinders). The PID calculation has nothing to do with the displacement of the engine. The PID is calculated as follows:
Grams/cyl = {SAE.MAF.gps}*15/{SAE.RPM}
You can see that by right clicking on it (or any calculated PID) in the [PIDs F8] tab page and selecting "More info...".

Anyway, because that expression is set up for 8 cylinders and you're running 4 then you need to double the value of that expression.

I.e. change it to:
Grams/cyl = {SAE.MAF.gps}*30/{SAE.RPM}

Notice in your comment above that 0.56 is exactly half of 1.08, beacsue the existing formula is spreading the air measured by the MAF over 8 cylinders instead of 4 :)

I've attached a calc_pids.txt file that contains the new PID.
Copy that calc_pids.txt file into the folder:
\My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\User Configuration
Overwrite the existing calc_pids.txt file if you don't already have any calculated PIDs defined, otherwise you'll need to manually edit the file and enter the information from this attached file into your existing file.


March 8th, 2009, 05:50 AM
Thanks! I would have never figured that out.. :cheers:

May 24th, 2009, 04:39 AM
Would this also cause the VE now to not calculate?

May 24th, 2009, 07:49 AM
Would this also cause the VE now to not calculate?

What do you mean by the "VE"?
- Do you mean the alternate units for displaying the VE table?
- Do you mean a PID that returns the VE value during logging? If so which PID?


May 24th, 2009, 10:31 AM
The CALC.VE only yields N/A now in my data even though it's selected.

Would the {%=(SAE.MAF.gps)*etc} also be a V8, or did I bollocks up something elsewhere?


May 24th, 2009, 11:56 AM
You can add your vehicle's displacement to the Edit-->Log file information menu item. Then replot the charts using the "star" icon at the bottom of the window.

I can't remember if the CALC.VE equation is specific to V8 or is generic for all cylinder counts.


May 24th, 2009, 12:15 PM
That did it!
Thanks :cheers: