View Full Version : Configuring innovate LM1 to V1

Robbie The Wrench
March 15th, 2009, 03:15 AM
Can anyone explain how to set up the Innovate LM1 analogue cable (orange connector) to EFI V1?
The innovate tool will not let me enter the values set in the EFI manual.
I am getting close to figuring out this whole picture of tuning, just need help with some of the details. Thanks

March 15th, 2009, 08:55 AM
page 14 LM1 manual
The advanced analog output settings are only available
from LM-1 firmware version 1.33b on.
If your LM-1 has an earlier version of firmware,
you can upgrade to later versions by downloading it
from www.tuneyourengine.com
page 13
As factory programmed the first output simulates a typical narrow band oxygen sensor. The second output is programmed to output between 1.0 V for an AFR of 10 (gasoline) and 2.0V for an AFR of 20.
Have you checked to see if the default setting shows AFR matching
between the V1 and LM1?

The default LM1 analog#2 setting match the LM1 PIDS from flashscan.
AFR = {EXT.AD1}*10

Robbie The Wrench
March 16th, 2009, 03:28 PM
Thank you mr.prick
I had tried before to do just that but tried to enter 0V=0AFR. :doh2:Innovate would not let me do this of coarse. I followed your advice and entered 1V=10AFR and 2V=20AFR.
I greatly appreciate the help from this forum.:)

March 16th, 2009, 04:07 PM