View Full Version : Help!

April 5th, 2009, 07:54 AM
Ok, I'm an idiot. I was on the phone while trying to load a .tun onto my truck. I recently had to get a new computer from GM, so I was going through the motions and relicensing the truck. I was on the phone with a buddy and not really paying attention(or evidently bothering to read the warning messages!!!). Long story short I ended up "permanently locking" my PCM.

How the heck do I undo and/or unlock the darn thing????

April 5th, 2009, 10:20 AM
Sorry, you need to be more specific on what steps you did.
"permanently locking" can be interoperated in many different ways.
Also, model of the vehicle might be handy too.


April 6th, 2009, 05:47 AM
Ahh, sorry about that. It's a 2005 chevy 2500 with the LLY. I had downloaded and saved the stock .tun from the PCM, and made some changes to several of the tables.

I went to upload the new .tun file to the PCM. I had forgotten that since the dealer had to replace the previous PCM that I had in the truck originally, my old EFI Live license wouldn't work on the new PCM.

The upload failed because I didn't have the new PCM licensed to EFI Live. I received a dialogue box saying something to the effect of "You need to register the vehicle before proceeding."

This is where I screwed up. I wasn't really paying attention at this point as I was having a heated discussion on the darn phone. I think I just clicked the "OK" in the dialogue box, and kept clicking the "OK" or "Continue" buttons with my freaking head in the clouds.

The last dialogue box that popped up said something to the effect of "Warning, you are about to permanently lock the PCM to your cable." Like a space cadet I just clicked "OK" or "Continue" and let the magic happen.

What the heck did I do, and more importantly, can it be undone?

April 6th, 2009, 06:23 AM
No, you did what you needed to do. Your ECM is now locked to your FlashScan which is required to flash it. It cannot be undone either, but you want to tune your truck so it doesnt matter.

Licenses are locked to the controller's serial number so if it gets replaced you will need to use a new license to flash it. Do you have a V1 or a V2?

April 6th, 2009, 06:41 AM
I have a V2... It will still not let me upload the .tun file. When I click "Test" it says that the test fails because it cannot talk to the PCM. When I click "Start" it says that the upload fails because the PCM is "Locked" and then tells me to click the "Unlock" button. Unfortunately, there is no "Unlock" button that I can find that is not greyed out.

June 13th, 2009, 10:24 AM
So did you ever figure this out?