View Full Version : Possible stand-alone tune downloading

April 10th, 2009, 04:20 AM
I have seen post on future V2 like stand-alone tune uploading. Would downloading a tune be stand-alone as well?

Thanks for your time and help.

April 10th, 2009, 05:56 AM

Yes, uploading/downloading (i.e. both directions) will be supported... Paul is working on these features.

April 10th, 2009, 07:51 AM
Kool!!! Thanks for the info and a great tool. It just keeps getting better. Can't wait to have something new to try.


April 14th, 2009, 04:11 AM

May 5th, 2009, 08:52 AM
Well you know....

This is a good gimmick... just to not have a laptop around for the occasional tuner... But honestly.... BBL is as good as it gets... I use diablosport to tune and i totally HATE BBF. why? because its a 2 step process rather than a FLASH IT NOW button like we have now.

I want the feature, but as a workshop... its useless.

Just a my opinion.

May 5th, 2009, 10:44 AM
BBF will work something like this:
- from your PC you will download several previously edited tune files to your V2;
- take V2 to car, select which tune file, and write it.

This is way different than the handheld tuner which asks you to answer a series of questions before it downloads [slowly, I might add].

May 5th, 2009, 12:40 PM
Ill use it for making 3 or 4 tunes with slight tweaks then loading them onto my V2 for a roadtrip. Then I can flash tunes at a rest stop and see what the effects are and flash back immediately without dragging the laptop out of the trunk.

May 5th, 2009, 01:40 PM
Well you know....

This is a good gimmick... just to not have a laptop around for the occasional tuner... But honestly.... BBL is as good as it gets... I use diablosport to tune and i totally HATE BBF. why? because its a 2 step process rather than a FLASH IT NOW button like we have now.

I want the feature, but as a workshop... its useless.

Just a my opinion.

You get an F. :doh2:

Ill use it for making 3 or 4 tunes with slight tweaks then loading them onto my V2 for a roadtrip. Then I can flash tunes at a rest stop and see what the effects are and flash back immediately without dragging the laptop out of the trunk.

You get an A++.

But it is more than that. You don't have need a laptop. You don't have to keep a laptop in your car that can get stole. It doesn't matter if your laptop battery dies. The FS2 runs off the cars power.
There are a 1000 advantages.

Plus. I got EFILIVE for full retail in sept 2006 with the promise of BBF. It is 2009. I am actually a really nice guy. I have helped out a ton of people in my life that still to this day owe me. However, how far can you push me around with this release date???

Sorry for sounding like a total bitch. I just don't know what else to say. This is just a bad situation.


May 5th, 2009, 04:06 PM
You get an F. :doh2:

You get an A++.

But it is more than that. You don't have need a laptop. You don't have to keep a laptop in your car that can get stole. It doesn't matter if your laptop battery dies. The FS2 runs off the cars power.
There are a 1000 advantages.

Plus. I got EFILIVE for full retail in sept 2006 with the promise of BBF. It is 2009. I am actually a really nice guy. I have helped out a ton of people in my life that still to this day owe me. However, how far can you push me around with this release date???

Sorry for sounding like a total bitch. I just don't know what else to say. This is just a bad situation.

Who are you to grade me... or anyone else.. keep the comments like that to yourself...

If you do not like the product.. go get a diablosport...

Sorry.. this is the best there is in the market... I just stated an opinion and observations... As much as I like the BBF and I know its advantages, I was just stating that having the pass-thru was even MORE important...

Get a grip. Paul and Ross have made WONDERS with this software, and I am grateful that I can actually PAY for this and have a software like this one that continually evolves.

May 6th, 2009, 01:37 PM
Who are you to grade me... or anyone else.. keep the comments like that to yourself...

If you do not like the product.. go get a diablosport...

Sorry.. this is the best there is in the market... I just stated an opinion and observations... As much as I like the BBF and I know its advantages, I was just stating that having the pass-thru was even MORE important...

Get a grip. Paul and Ross have made WONDERS with this software, and I am grateful that I can actually PAY for this and have a software like this one that continually evolves.


Try paying some tax to the federal government or becoming an actual state.

No on in PR knows shit about cars.

Show me the famous racers in NHRA from PR?

May 6th, 2009, 02:28 PM

Try paying some tax to the federal government or becoming an actual state.

No on in PR knows shit about cars.

Show me the famous racers in NHRA from PR?

First... learn to write... go to school... I speak english much better than you do and english is my second language... Try speaking spanish to start.. So I am not going to waste my time arguing with an internet racist idiot just like you.

I am pretty sure you haven't been here... Take care and have a nice night...

May 6th, 2009, 02:51 PM
This forum is not the place for personal attacks on EFILive customers.

2002_z28_six_speed, your comments to and about Highlander are insulting (to Highlander and to me and probably a lot of other customers as well). They are totally inappropriate and do not belong on this board.

However, your comments and frustration about BBF not being ready are/is appropriate. If you're pissed with EFILive about not delivering BBF on time, that's understandable, but if you must vent (and we all do sometimes) direct it at me or at EFILive. I'm the one responsible for not having it ready yet.


P.S. 2002_z28_six_speed if you want to reply, then reply to me in this thread. If this thread gets one more inappropriate post I will lock it and most likely delete the offending comments.

May 6th, 2009, 03:42 PM
I'm running a day late and everything is in flames...:bash:

May 6th, 2009, 03:49 PM
This forum is not the place for personal attacks on EFILive customers.

2002_z28_six_speed, your comments to and about Highlander are insulting (to Highlander and to me and probably a lot of other customers as well). They are totally inappropriate and do not belong on this board.

However, your comments and frustration about BBF not being ready are/is appropriate. If you're pissed with EFILive about not delivering BBF on time, that's understandable, but if you must vent (and we all do sometimes) direct it at me or at EFILive. I'm the one responsible for not having it ready yet.


P.S. 2002_z28_six_speed if you want to reply, then reply to me in this thread. If this thread gets one more inappropriate post I will lock it and most likely delete the offending comments.


I re read my post and I don't see the racist remarks he was talking about unless you modified my post or I modified it and forgot that I said it. I don't even see anything that offensive at all. I think this is totally blown out of proportion as far as the real severity of the issue after the other tuner guy. But, I believe you should listen to my thought: if he can't take criticism then he shouldn't criticize me and not expect me to defend my thoughts.

I don't remember making any threats but I acknowledge your wishes. Thanks for listening.

First... learn to write... go to school... I speak english much better than you do and english is my second language... Try speaking spanish to start.. So I am not going to waste my time arguing with an internet racist idiot just like you.

I am pretty sure you haven't been here... Take care and have a nice night...

I speak more than two languages. Thanks.

May 6th, 2009, 05:20 PM
That is perfect... Maybe you can help Paul and I to translate this software into as many languages as possible. I have spanish and french covered down.

May 7th, 2009, 02:08 AM
Everything has been sorted out...?

May 7th, 2009, 02:34 AM
I speak more than one language also , need a Pig Latin translator ? :anitoof:
Just so it is politically correct , and no obtuse meaning can be derived from the comment . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pig_Latin

May 7th, 2009, 02:45 AM

May 7th, 2009, 04:45 PM
That is perfect... Maybe you can help Paul and I to translate this software into as many languages as possible. I have spanish and french covered down.

You should quit rassing people. This situation is your fault; learn your lesson. Paul won't be there to cover your ass all the time.

{hint: I suggest you stop.}

May 7th, 2009, 05:07 PM
You should quit rassing people. This situation is your fault; learn your lesson. Paul won't be there to cover your ass all the time.

{hint: I suggest you stop.}

Hey, this software is very advanced when you compare it to the other GM tuning software. Remember when LS1 Edit was the only LS1 tool?!!! :throw:

Now, leave the programmer alone, so he can setup the V2 box to flash my RR instead...:hihi:

May 7th, 2009, 06:31 PM
You should quit rassing people. This situation is your fault; learn your lesson. Paul won't be there to cover your ass all the time.

{hint: I suggest you stop.}

Both of you need to remember that we are all smart people on this board. So calm down and we can all continue to help each other. Any of us can be useful and any of us can be wrong at times.

I see how Highlander spoke his opinion and after reading Scarabs reply and yours Z28, I don't really agree with him (agree with the advantages, no stolen laptop!) but I won't be harsh to him like I have been to others in the past. Learning myself. Giving him an "F" for his opinion may have seemed like a personal attack to him, reading it on his screen on his end. Maybe you didn't mean it as such. Things always come out garbled across this computer screen. You cannot put emotion into typewritten words. One persons genuine care may be seen as sarcasm by another.

I don't know why it has taken 3 years for the Black Box stuff to be ready. Paul, can you tell us a little about the business?

I think you had said that because of all the new OS's (and there are plenty, you said), and that you have made new vehicle and current OS a top priority, that the BB stuff has been put on the back burner, about at the point when you just don't get to it each week with your normal duties (and those duties taking 60-90 hours a week I'm sure).

May 7th, 2009, 06:34 PM
Hey, this software is very advanced when you compare it to the other GM tuning software. Remember when LS1 Edit was the only LS1 tool?!!! :throw:

Now, leave the programmer alone, so he can setup the V2 box to flash my RR instead...:hihi:

For the money, unbeatable support. Pauls posts on this forum are so valuable.

May 7th, 2009, 07:57 PM
You should quit rassing people. This situation is your fault; learn your lesson. Paul won't be there to cover your ass all the time.

{hint: I suggest you stop.}

Agreed! Time for everyone to walk away.

May 7th, 2009, 08:06 PM
I don't know why it has taken 3 years for the Black Box stuff to be ready. Paul, can you tell us a little about the business?

First and foremost I underestimated the effort involved in building the standalone flashing capability into FlashScan (i.e. BBF). Second, I underestimated the number of things apart from BBF that would drag me off the BBF project. Some of those things had to take precedence over BBF for the good of the company. No point going bust, then BBF would not happen at all.
