View Full Version : 5 speed BBL

Big Mike
April 27th, 2009, 02:49 PM
Having an issue with viewing and logging data for my Allison via BBL. I have the AL5 PMM file loaded into the V2 and can see that its there in the config files when I check the V8 with the V2 connected to the laptop but the AL5 pid file doesn't show up in the pid selection list on the V2. In fact, the AL6 doesn't either. I'm sure it's something I'm overlooking or not fully understanding with BBL or the pid files as this is still rather new to me. Haven't needed it up to this point so I didn't realize that they're not there in the V2.

Running the current BB version 2.06.02 and Firmware 2.06.06.

Thanks for any and all help in advance.