View Full Version : EFILive Version 8 (Black Box Logging) is now available

May 10th, 2009, 07:37 AM
The EFILive version 8 software, supporting Black Box logging for FlashScan and AutoCal is now available.

Download here:
Please download and install BOTH V7.5 and V8.1

There is a fault with the V2.06.08 firmware, please read the "Known Issues" here:

The version 8 software contains three major new features:
1. Black Box Logging configuration software.
2. FlashScan/AutoCal Settings editor.
3. FlashScan/AutoCal firmware version V2.06.07

There are only two functioning modules in the EFILive_ScanAndTune.exe program:
1. F3: Black Box Logging.
2. F6: Device Settings.
The other options have not been released yet.

The EFILive V8 Errors.txt file has been replaced with a pdf document: EFILive Error Codes.pdf with extra error descriptions and actions to be taken.


May 10th, 2009, 08:43 AM
While not strictly necessary, if you uninstall your existing V8 install and delete the two folders below before installing the new V8 software, then your new V8 install will be cleaner and there will be no "old" files hanging around to confuse you later...

On XP:
\Program Files\EFILive\V8
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive\V8

On Vista (you may need to set "show hidden files" to see ProgramData)
\Program Files\EFILive\V8


May 10th, 2009, 10:16 AM
The Channel allocation looks nice. :cucumber:

Still have the problem with TEMP2 not displaying. Still need to go into the Options txt and add -, for controller.

Didn't see the change from kpa to Mpa for FRP_C.

When viewing F/S or AC in Custom. The PIDs set up as custom, the information is correct. I'm finding the logged data is in metric for these PIDs.

MAP2, No default and units in pka.
BOOST2_DMA, Default was metric, changed to Imperial.
DESTCBOST, No default and units in pka.

May 10th, 2009, 10:33 AM
Still have the problem with TEMP2 not displaying. Still need to go into the Options txt and add -, for controller.
Works ok here, are you sure you're using build 52?

Didn't see the change from kpa to Mpa for FRP_C.
My bad, don't know how that change got left out of build 52.

When viewing F/S or AC in Custom. The PIDs set up as custom, the information is correct. I'm finding the logged data is in metric for these PIDs.

The logged data is not stored in any units. It is displayed in the Scan Tool as whatever units you have set up in the charts and/or [Data F9] tab page.

MAP2, No default and units in pka.
BOOST2_DMA, Default was metric, changed to Imperial.
DESTCBOST, No default and units in pka.

Not sure what you mean by listing those PIDs? Can you elaborate please?


May 10th, 2009, 11:51 AM

Couldn't get the TEMP1 or TEMP2 to work with build 51 or 52. When using EFI S&T, adding TEMP2 External Temperature to the Selected PID list, changing the properties to custom. Default ID Properties: Node: is empty!
Custom ID Properties: Quick set is empty, should have °F or °K ? Had to change the Factor, Offset, and Units. Click OK. Saved the PID and programed to F/S with S&T. The selected PID will not view or record. If I go and Edit the Options txt file and change ( ) to (-,) for the controller and save the file. View it in EFI S&T for that selected PID and check the properties the Node: has - and is not empty. Program the changed Options txt to F/S. It will view in °F and play back in °F. WHY does it work this way and not the other way?

The 3 PIDs should have logged in IMPERIAL from the Options txt setting.
The PIDs that are listed are from F8 in the log and from the customized PID list that can be viewed in Imperial from F/S or A/C. The log has them as metric. F/S can't change 2 of the PIDs to IMPERIAL because the UNITS are set by default to metric. Its just like FRP_C. F/S has the UNITS set to PSI, Default Metric or Imperial. The recorded log will only play back in PSI never metric. Until it's changed in F/S.

May 11th, 2009, 05:38 AM
When I program the settings to my FS unit, i get a pop up on the PC that says

Error: $010A: Received data message contained unknown command action.

And in the FS unit the settings are all out of whack.

After this recent update also I have been unable to BBL saying that the PMM is not valid with this firmware???

I have firmware 2.06.07 apr 08/09

May 11th, 2009, 05:43 AM

Nevermind.. I did an update to the firmware, didn't realize it had the SAME version but a different date and i know now why it was.

Been here for a while and sometimes get a little bit.... THIS DOESN't WORK let me post.. jeje..

Thanks :)

May 11th, 2009, 01:42 PM
FYI for those using W7 beta or RC1 you need to run V8 setup under compatibility mode for Vista SP1/SP2 or XP SP3 otherwise it will terminate program setup saying it is incompatible with Win NT/x. Works perfectly so far.

May 12th, 2009, 01:46 AM
Yap Yap... Been using efilive with W7 since 7000 and the only issue i had was minor that the arrow keys seemed to be "stuck" but after a reinstall... everything flawless!

May 12th, 2009, 04:12 AM
Scan&Tune last night came up with "Cannot access clipboard, Access denied" or words to that effect. It came back almost as fast as I could click ok. If I was quick enough I could get in and click the action I needed.
Seemed ok today.
Build 52 and FW 0705
I exited and went back in same error.

May 12th, 2009, 06:55 AM
Yap Yap... Been using efilive with W7 since 7000 and the only issue i had was minor that the arrow keys seemed to be "stuck" but after a reinstall... everything flawless!

Same here, just thought Id post it so anyone can make it work the first time. Used it first on b7000 too now onto b7100, didnt bother to make V8 beta work on W7 as I was using Vista as my test OS to keep a backup copy of V8 guaranteed to work.

May 12th, 2009, 09:59 AM
Is this going to replace V7.5 completely soon ?

May 12th, 2009, 10:17 AM

I'm trying to set up my pids with the new software and I get this....see attached.

I must be missing something somewhere.

Can anyone point me in the right direction, everything else seems fine.



May 12th, 2009, 10:49 AM

I'm trying to set up my pids with the new software and I get this....see attached.

I must be missing something somewhere.

Can anyone point me in the right direction, everything else seems fine.



It means that the PCM you are using does not support that particular PID.

In the short term, you need to remove the PID from the list of selected PIDs in the BBL setup software and re-program the FlashScan with the new PID selection.

In the long term... it is a DMA PID which is supported/unsupported depending on the operating system number of the PCM. It may be that we have not added support for that PID for the particular operating system of your PCM.
Can you send the OS number of your PCM? Use the FlashScan device, menu option: F2->F2->F1 to get the operating system number.


May 12th, 2009, 11:37 AM
So some of the PIDs are not supported for BBL right now?

May 13th, 2009, 04:52 PM
In the Flashscan Menu Items section, I can only see LS1, LS2, LB7 and LMM options (all "sample"). I am looking for the LBZ,AL6 PID list. How do I get this, or is this not possible on this release?

May 13th, 2009, 07:17 PM
Paul has set BBL up now to be 100% user defined, as in you need to open up S&T then add the proper vehicle (in your case LBZ and AL6). Once you have that setup, click on it then add PIDs to the lower left pane!

May 13th, 2009, 09:42 PM
In the Flashscan Menu Items section, I can only see LS1, LS2, LB7 and LMM options (all "sample"). I am looking for the LBZ,AL6 PID list. How do I get this, or is this not possible on this release?

In the blue section, right click an Unused row and select Properties. In that Properties screen you can select which controller you want to configure. You can delete/overwrite the sample ones if you want.

Each item that you set up in the blue section, corresponds to an item in FlashScan's/AutoCal's PID selection menu.

Remember to use the [Program] button to program the changes back into FlashScan/AuotCal.


May 14th, 2009, 03:10 AM
dinorex, for example, look at post #210: showthread.php?p=94515#post94515 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?p=94515#post94515)

May 14th, 2009, 03:11 AM
Paul, is there a way to set the non-custom precision...?

May 14th, 2009, 05:57 AM
Pretty snazzy , good job .

May 15th, 2009, 05:01 AM
When saving settings F6 stuff to the V2 unit I get a "Error: $010A Recieved data message contained unknown command action"
This was after setting serial IO

May 15th, 2009, 05:58 AM
Did you go to the Windows task bar lower right and click V2 icon and update firmware ?
Got same error until I did that .

May 15th, 2009, 07:47 AM
Is this going to replace V7.5 completely soon ?

Yes it will replace V7 completely. The standalone read/flash option is due next, followed by the V8 Scan and Tune PC based software.


May 15th, 2009, 07:50 AM
Paul, is there a way to set the non-custom precision...?

No. The idea was that if you wanted the default units with a custom precision you'd set up the custom PID with everything the same except the precision.


May 15th, 2009, 07:52 AM
When saving settings F6 stuff to the V2 unit I get a "Error: $010A Recieved data message contained unknown command action"
This was after setting serial IO

When saving the settings to FlashScan, there needed to be some way to tell FlashScan that the settings had been changed and to re-read the Settings.dat file. I had to add a new command to the FlashScan firmware to do that. Older firmware won't recognize that command and will give you the error you see.

As Chevy366 said, upgrade the firmware to the latest V2.06.08 available in the latest V8 dowbnload on our downloads page.


May 15th, 2009, 08:51 AM
Noticed that with new build that just plugging in V2 does not trigger recognition of device , you have to physically select device in FlashScan and AutoCal Device Settings (lower right corner of window AutoCal or FlashScan)to get task bar tray icon of V2 for firmware updates .

May 15th, 2009, 09:17 AM
When setting up custom units and you click the clear button, it exits back to the main BBL window. Shouldnt it just clear the values and keep the custom units pane open? Does it regardless if there are values in the min/max fields or not.

Another question, any way to make it so when you put a PID in the Selected PIDs area in S&T BBL to have them disappear from Available PIDs? Right now when you add the same PID again it just moves where the PID was in the list, but I think having it disappear completely from the Available PIDs is a good idea.

Third round here, whew! When you add a new controller selection, go to add the PIDs you wish to scan with, save the Options.txt file to your PC, and then click Program it appears everything works properly. However if you are using a different controller that you have not copied the *.pmm file to V2 already it will NOT program the new *.pmm file that isnt on V2 without first closing and restarting S&T BBL. (ie I made a dummy LS1 99-08 PID selection and programmed it but the LS1 99-09 .pmm file was not copied over.) Doesnt matter if I select Program All PMM Files (slower) or not, doesnt copy the new .pmm's till the program is relaunched.

May 15th, 2009, 12:34 PM
There is a fault with the V2.06.08 firmware, please read the "Known Issues" here:


May 15th, 2009, 01:01 PM
The auto update will not download Build 53,
I'm stuck on Build 52.

May 15th, 2009, 01:06 PM
You can open EE and program it.

May 15th, 2009, 01:09 PM
It tells me no newer updates are available.
My sig is current BTW.

May 15th, 2009, 01:35 PM
The auto update will not download Build 53,
I'm stuck on Build 52.
I have not made an auto update for build 53. Just download and install the latest full release.
Also take note of the firmware problem with V2.06.08 and make sure you download and install the V2.06.09 firmware.


May 15th, 2009, 01:39 PM
When setting up custom units and you click the clear button, it exits back to the main BBL window. Shouldnt it just clear the values and keep the custom units pane open? Does it regardless if there are values in the min/max fields or not.
That's a bug. Will be fixed.

Another question, any way to make it so when you put a PID in the Selected PIDs area in S&T BBL to have them disappear from Available PIDs? Right now when you add the same PID again it just moves where the PID was in the list, but I think having it disappear completely from the Available PIDs is a good idea.
Its probably a good idea, I'm not sure how much work it would be to add that feature. But I'll keep it in mind.

Third round here, whew! When you add a new controller selection, go to add the PIDs you wish to scan with, save the Options.txt file to your PC, and then click Program it appears everything works properly. However if you are using a different controller that you have not copied the *.pmm file to V2 already it will NOT program the new *.pmm file that isnt on V2 without first closing and restarting S&T BBL. (ie I made a dummy LS1 99-08 PID selection and programmed it but the LS1 99-09 .pmm file was not copied over.) Doesnt matter if I select Program All PMM Files (slower) or not, doesnt copy the new .pmm's till the program is relaunched.
I've seen similar issues and I am working on fixing them...

Thanks for the legwork.


May 15th, 2009, 06:39 PM
One suggestion to idiot proof the software, checking both the "Program PID Selections Only" and "Program All PMM Files" at the same time, it only programs the PID selections...doh! To save people like me from myself, perhaps those could be radio buttons rather than check boxes.

May 15th, 2009, 06:40 PM
I've done a little bit of testing over the last couple of days as we drive to QLD from Melbourne. I've seen a couple of funny things happen that may not be a real test, as I'm logging the T42 in a V6 Sportswagon.

If you connect the V2, then turn on the ignition, you get error chimes and alerts on the dash to say that ESP and ABS are disabled. This is very much like the early days with BBL and the E38. however, just to complicates things...

If you connect the V2 after the car is running, there are no errors and ESP and ABS are fine.
Laptop logging does not cause the errors either.

When completing a BBL session by pressing the <Cancel> button, the V2 indicates that the file is saved and then appears to hang. Previously it would drop back to the main menu but now it sits at the screen showing the file number. If I then press<Cancel> or <OK> the V2 saves a trace file and appears to hang at the trace file name just like the log file. Pressing <Cancel> or <OK> again returns to the main menu.

I'm not sure if this was a diagnostic mode that was left in or not.

If you want me to upload a log and a trace, let me know.


May 15th, 2009, 10:25 PM
One suggestion to idiot proof the software, checking both the "Program PID Selections Only" and "Program All PMM Files" at the same time, it only programs the PID selections...doh! To save people like me from myself, perhaps those could be radio buttons rather than check boxes.

Also if you unplug the v2 when its starting to record it looks like the config filesystem gets corrupt. The error "no options.txt" is shown and you have to reformat and rewrite the pmm and options file to the unit again.
That is bad if you only have the v2 unit in the fireup lane :)
This has happened to me 2x

May 16th, 2009, 08:28 AM
One suggestion to idiot proof the software, checking both the "Program PID Selections Only" and "Program All PMM Files" at the same time, it only programs the PID selections...doh! To save people like me from myself, perhaps those could be radio buttons rather than check boxes.

Hmm, I see what you mean.

May 16th, 2009, 08:31 AM
If you connect the V2, then turn on the ignition, you get error chimes and alerts on the dash to say that ESP and ABS are disabled. This is very much like the early days with BBL and the E38. however, just to complicates things...

If you connect the V2 after the car is running, there are no errors and ESP and ABS are fine.
Laptop logging does not cause the errors either.

I see that here sometimes as well. Still trying to figure out why.

I'm not sure if this was a diagnostic mode that was left in or not.
When completing a BBL session by pressing the <Cancel> button, the V2 indicates that the file is saved and then appears to hang. Previously it would drop back to the main menu but now it sits at the screen showing the file number. If I then press<Cancel> or <OK> the V2 saves a trace file and appears to hang at the trace file name just like the log file. Pressing <Cancel> or <OK> again returns to the main menu.

That sounds like the time limit for displaying alerts/errors is set too high. Check in "Edit Settings" that the times for Alerts and Errors are set to reasonable values.


May 16th, 2009, 08:34 AM
Also if you unplug the v2 when its starting to record it looks like the config filesystem gets corrupt. The error "no options.txt" is shown and you have to reformat and rewrite the pmm and options file to the unit again.
That is bad if you only have the v2 unit in the fireup lane :)
This has happened to me 2x

The file system can easily get corrupted, same as if you pulled power from a PC while it was writing to disk.
That is a real show stopper if you don't have immediate access to a PC to reformat the Config file system.

What I have been working on is a way to maintain a backup of the Config file system on an SD card. That way if the corruption happens, you can plug in the "Recovery SD Card" and get FlashScan to reformat the Config file system and restore the Options.txt, Settings.dat and *.pmm files.


May 16th, 2009, 07:18 PM
I see that here sometimes as well. Still trying to figure out why.

Good, at least it's not just the V6 then.

That sounds like the time limit for displaying alerts/errors is set too high. Check in "Edit Settings" that the times for Alerts and Errors are set to reasonable values.

Ahh.... yes. Slight case of PEBCAK at this end. I didn't see the new setting for the message timeouts. All fixed now.



May 16th, 2009, 08:00 PM
When saving settings F6 stuff to the V2 unit I get a "Error: $010A Recieved data message contained unknown command action"
This was after setting serial IO
i fixed this upgrading the firmware.

May 16th, 2009, 09:00 PM
Firstly :thankyou2: for releasing the BBL software with a more user friendly interface. Takes a bit of getting used to compared to the relative simplicity of V1 BBL but it's an awesome achievement.:thumb_yello:

The only things not working properly for me logging E38 and T43 are:

1. My serial wideband is in my PID list and appears on the V2 but is not recorded in the BBL.
2. I can't find a PID for BEN1_E38.
3. PID GEAR thinks I'm in 1st when I'm actually reversing and P indicated either 1st or 3rd.
4. PID PRNDL only displays Drive 6 for all forward gears.

Is there something else I need to do to get my serial wideband to appear in the BBL?


May 17th, 2009, 06:33 AM
The file system can easily get corrupted, same as if you pulled power from a PC while it was writing to disk.
That is a real show stopper if you don't have immediate access to a PC to reformat the Config file system.

What I have been working on is a way to maintain a backup of the Config file system on an SD card. That way if the corruption happens, you can plug in the "Recovery SD Card" and get FlashScan to reformat the Config file system and restore the Options.txt, Settings.dat and *.pmm files.


Yeah it might have happened without too much user error either. Is it time for a basic journaling file system instead?

May 17th, 2009, 08:16 AM
Yeah it might have happened without too much user error either. Is it time for a basic journaling file system instead?
Something like this... http://www.hcc-embedded.com/en/products/file_systems/safefat

Alternatively I've been investigating into not having a Config FAT file system but just storing the Config data in an internal fail-safe format. There's no reason to store the Config data in a FAT file system as it is not removable and no other device/computer will ever need to access it.


May 17th, 2009, 09:48 AM
Could you change the serial BEN PIDs format to .2 in the sae.generic.txt?
I like to see .2 precision for this PID on the data tab
and this is the only way I have found to adjust it.

May 17th, 2009, 02:29 PM
Could you change the serial BEN PIDs format to .2 in the sae.generic.txt?
I like to see .2 precision for this PID on the data tab
and this is the only way I have found to adjust it.

May 17th, 2009, 02:47 PM
Thank you

May 17th, 2009, 05:50 PM
lol... is 2 enough...? I like 3 better...:D...same with the AFR and EQ pids.

May 17th, 2009, 05:52 PM
Would it be possible to have WO2EQR1 and WO2EQR2 pids...?

(where WO2EQR = 1/WO2LAM).

May 19th, 2009, 06:15 AM
Something like this... http://www.hcc-embedded.com/en/products/file_systems/safefat

Alternatively I've been investigating into not having a Config FAT file system but just storing the Config data in an internal fail-safe format. There's no reason to store the Config data in a FAT file system as it is not removable and no other device/computer will ever need to access it.


Yeah, either or.
You could almost steal all the internal memory for system use and force people to use SD Cards, they are almost free now anyway. (Then save DTC code info in there too ;)

May 19th, 2009, 10:09 AM
Yeah, either or.
You could almost steal all the internal memory for system use and force people to use SD Cards, they are almost free now anyway. (Then save DTC code info in there too ;)

Hmm, except AutoCal has no external memory. So I need to support all the functions on the internal memory anyway.

Happy Jim
May 23rd, 2009, 03:35 AM
I'm being dense....how do I get my log file off the V2 with the new software?

I just know this is going to be obvious and I'll feel silly.....but I just can't see it?



May 23rd, 2009, 03:43 AM
I have not used BBL for awhile but IIRC,
you can drag and drop it from EE.

Happy Jim
May 23rd, 2009, 03:53 AM
I have not used BBL for awhile but IIRC,
you can drag and drop it from EE.

I was OK doing that with the old EE, but with the new Carlos Fandango one.....I can't see how to (I know this is me just being thick!!)

May 23rd, 2009, 04:08 AM
It should be the same.
FWIW the old EE short cut opens EFILive scan and tune now.
You will need to navigate to C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8 and
create a new shortcut for EE, it has a new look.

Happy Jim
May 23rd, 2009, 06:49 AM
It should be the same.
FWIW the old EE short cut opens EFILive scan and tune now.
You will need to navigate to C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8 and
create a new shortcut for EE, it has a new look.

OK, had a look in there and the cupboard was bare......zapped everything and started again. Bingo EE staring me in the face, I must have biffed something up during the install (in my defence I was rushed/didn't bother reading anything :hihi:)



May 23rd, 2009, 10:00 AM

Couldn't get the TEMP1 or TEMP2 to work with build 51 or 52. When using EFI S&T, adding TEMP2 External Temperature to the Selected PID list, changing the properties to custom. Default ID Properties: Node: is empty!
Custom ID Properties: Quick set is empty, should have °F or °K ? Had to change the Factor, Offset, and Units. Click OK. Saved the PID and programed to F/S with S&T. The selected PID will not view or record. If I go and Edit the Options txt file and change ( ) to (-,) for the controller and save the file. View it in EFI S&T for that selected PID and check the properties the Node: has - and is not empty. Program the changed Options txt to F/S. It will view in °F and play back in °F. WHY does it work this way and not the other way?

The 3 PIDs should have logged in IMPERIAL from the Options txt setting.
The PIDs that are listed are from F8 in the log and from the customized PID list that can be viewed in Imperial from F/S or A/C. The log has them as metric. F/S can't change 2 of the PIDs to IMPERIAL because the UNITS are set by default to metric. Its just like FRP_C. F/S has the UNITS set to PSI, Default Metric or Imperial. The recorded log will only play back in PSI never metric. Until it's changed in F/S.

Did you get anything on this? I'm having the same problem and wondered if there was a work around so I could log my EGT, please? :welcome:

May 23rd, 2009, 11:58 AM
I'm looking at this now...
Follow in this thread:

May 23rd, 2009, 12:05 PM
I'm looking at this now...
Follow in this thread:

Thank you - This new release is INCREDIBLE!!!:fluffy: I LOVE the new BBL! :cucumber:

May 23rd, 2009, 01:15 PM
I think we may have missed signals...that thread looks like the hardware is missing. My thread was about the software itself... in the parameters of options.txt there is nothing. for temp2 and temp1
Sorry if i mis-lead you!

May 23rd, 2009, 03:00 PM
I think we may have missed signals...that thread looks like the hardware is missing. My thread was about the software itself... in the parameters of options.txt there is nothing. for temp2 and temp1
Sorry if i mis-lead you!

I understand. However, I see the TEMP1 and TEMP2 PIDs in the Options.txt after using the BBL software to select them.
Which controller are you trying to select them for?

Anyway, back to the reason I linked to this thread...

While trying to reproduce the problems with AD2, I saw an anomaly with the TempX PIDs. Temp1 appears to remain static at 3degC while TEMP2 appears to contain one of the AD values - that's what I am working on at the moment.


May 23rd, 2009, 03:24 PM
LBZ controller - in my options ...well here it is...

; (LBZ|Auto)
;Node PID Custom (Cap:Units:Prec:Fact:Offs:Inv) Alarm (min:max:style:time*10ms:hold*sec)
;---- ---------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
ECM, FRPDES, :psi:0:1450.376953:0.000000:N
ECM, FRP_C, :psi:0:1450.376953:0.000000:N
ECM, BOOST2_M, :psi:1:0.145038:0.000000:N
ECM, ECT, :°F:0:1.800000:32.000000:N
ECM, ENGTRQREF_M, :ftlb:1:0.737600:0.000000:N
ECM, IAT, :°F:0:1.800000:32.000000:N
TCM, TFT, :°F:0:1.800000:32.000000:N
TCM, REQTRQR, :ftlb:1:0.737600:0.000000:N
ECM, ENGOILP, :psi:1:0.145038:0.000000:N
ECM, VSS, :mph:0:0.621371:0.000000:N
ECM, MAP2, :psi:1:0.145038:0.000000:N
ECM, MAP, :psi:1:0.145038:0.000000:N

It won't work that way and i don't know how to manually do it... it just puts in the temp1 in options.txt but I don't see it on the flashscan and it logs nothing.
I see the other PIDS have 'variables" or other options to them... This one does not.

May 23rd, 2009, 08:11 PM
THe external PIDs should have a dash for the controller type.
instead of just

When you save the PID selections from the BB logging setup window it should create the Options.txt file correctly with the dashes.

Make sure you are using the latest V8.1 release because an older version of the software had a problem that caused it to leave off the dash.

The latest version V8.1.2 is available here:


May 24th, 2009, 12:17 AM
Did you get anything on this? I'm having the same problem and wondered if there was a work around so I could log my EGT, please? :welcome:

If you go into the Options.txt file and add the - that is missing that's the work around.

- , TEMP2, :°F:0:1.800000:32.000000:N

May 24th, 2009, 01:53 AM
THe external PIDs should have a dash for the controller type.
instead of just

When you save the PID selections from the BB logging setup window it should create the Options.txt file correctly with the dashes.

Make sure you are using the latest V8.1 release because an older version of the software had a problem that caused it to leave off the dash.

The latest version V8.1.2 is available here:


I went ahead and deleted both of the temp PID's and then saved. I then reselected them and saved it again - Here's what I came up with:

; __________________________________________________ _______________________
; (LBZ|Auto)
;Node PID Custom (Cap:Units:Prec:Fact:Offs:Inv) Alarm (min:max:style:time*10ms:hold*sec)
;---- ---------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
ECM, FRPDES, :psi:0:1450.376953:0.000000:N
ECM, FRP_C, :psi:0:1450.376953:0.000000:N
ECM, BOOST2_M, :psi:1:0.145038:0.000000:N
ECM, ECT, :°F:0:1.800000:32.000000:N
ECM, ENGTRQREF_M, :ftlb:1:0.737600:0.000000:N
ECM, IAT, :°F:0:1.800000:32.000000:N
TCM, TFT, :°F:0:1.800000:32.000000:N
TCM, REQTRQR, :ftlb:1:0.737600:0.000000:N
ECM, ENGOILP, :psi:1:0.145038:0.000000:N
ECM, VSS, :mph:0:0.621371:0.000000:N
ECM, MAP2, :psi:1:0.145038:0.000000:N
ECM, MAP, :psi:1:0.145038:0.000000:N

May 24th, 2009, 01:53 AM
If you go into the Options.txt file and add the - that is missing that's the work around.

- , TEMP2, :°F:0:1.800000:32.000000:N

Thank you both!! I'll do that!:fluffy::fluffy:

May 24th, 2009, 07:47 AM
I went ahead and deleted both of the temp PID's and then saved. I then reselected them and saved it again - Here's what I came up with:

Are you sure you're not using an older version of the software?
Check the version you are using on the very first screen when EFILive Scan and Tune is first started. It should show V8.1.2 Build 55 or higher.


May 24th, 2009, 11:18 AM
Yeah Paul, I'm using V8.1.2 build 55 actually.

Once I put in the slash like above it works, but it thinks the temp probe 1 shows on both temp 1 and 2 probe. So another words it says temp2 is listed as temp1 if that makes sense. :)

May 24th, 2009, 11:57 PM
THe external PIDs should have a dash for the controller type.
instead of just

When you save the PID selections from the BB logging setup window it should create the Options.txt file correctly with the dashes.

Make sure you are using the latest V8.1 release because an older version of the software had a problem that caused it to leave off the dash.

The latest version V8.1.2 is available here:



I can't verify if the LB7 external PID works.
I noticed that when saving the file in S/T. PCM is added for the node not the - and a description for the PID is added on the LB7. The LMM and LBZ is missing that information when setting up the Custom settings to use the two Temp PIDs.
The Options txt file has the - added for the LB7 and LLY when saving S/T. Could the problem be that the set-up information for the LMM and LBZ in custom properties is missing. If that is added I think it would work.

May 25th, 2009, 09:53 PM
Hi guys, EFILive BBL etc: fabulous capability taking shape there.

PID editor is right out there! It was all kinda hard before this great tool!

A few issues come to light today as I wade through the learning curve of using build 55 capabilties etc.

These may have been reported already and already be on the to do list, so I will keep it short:

A/. For BBL display or log pids, V2 Selects both WB02 sensors on BBL. i.e. in options select one sensor, on scan/log two are presented. Seems that they always use 3 lines each too. Could do with just Lambda.

B/. Some items that are selected, are in log, do not appear on V2 BBL screen.

C/. Some items that are selected, are not in log, do not appear on V2 BBL screen - examples:

TCM VSS PID when selected has gone missing from V2 and log....it worked before.

PID's SCALCORVE_M & it uncorrected partner while listed in the FS V2 PID list, do not appear on the V2 or log.

Probably a few others to come.... :0

D/. Selecting Lambda in Flashscan and Autocal Device Settings "F7" sees EQR on the V2. (can be changed in V2 options.)

E/. De-selecting "Auto Select all digital PID's", turns all digital off. (i.e.needs 0,1,2 option ?)

F/. Selecting 1 Wideband sets in the editor or in the V2 selects both WB PIDs. Techedge WB. (see also A....I may be stuttering....:) )

G/. In FS/AC PID selections, ECM PID descriptions come and go, and descriptions get out of order.

H/. Sometimes V2 will notify writing log file, but nothing ends up on the SD card.


Back to the grind.....

Cheers, Ian :cheers:

PS - For those of us with 64k row limits in XL, it would be good when exporting large logs if they produce a seperate file (auto) for every 64k rows or so. Not the end of the world of course.

May 27th, 2009, 09:40 AM
Hi Ian,

Thanks for the detailed write up. It is taking me a while to go through and investigate the points you raised. I'll post my results/updates in this thread. Feel free to post a reminder if I have not posted by end of next week.


May 27th, 2009, 09:53 PM
Hi Ian,

Thanks for the detailed write up. It is taking me a while to go through and investigate the points you raised. I'll post my results/updates in this thread. Feel free to post a reminder if I have not posted by end of next week.


No worries Paul. Please let me know if you know need more details.

Also came across another one today:

I have EQ_RAT and AFRATIO_M as selected PID's in BBL. They both appear on the list in the LCD on the V2, but EQ_RAT does not make it into the log.

Cheers, Ian

May 31st, 2009, 01:06 PM
And another...though am sure this is not a bug, but by design intent, and that is:

When VSS for example is selected from ECM and also from TCM, only one will "stick" in the Scan and Tune editor.

Similar if the options.txt is edited to add in what the editor wont, V2 BBL uses the first VSS PID and ignores the second.

Previously both could be used.

I can see the editor and the V2 are doing the right thing as two may be selected by accident, and they uses channels, but there are times when both are relevant.

Maybe an option ?


May 31st, 2009, 04:54 PM
And another...though am sure this is not a bug, but by design intent, and that is:

When VSS for example is selected from ECM and also from TCM, only one will "stick" in the Scan and Tune editor.

Similar if the options.txt is edited to add in what the editor wont, V2 BBL uses the first VSS PID and ignores the second.

Previously both could be used.

I can see the editor and the V2 are doing the right thing as two may be selected by accident, and they uses channels, but there are times when both are relevant.

Maybe an option ?


By design, PIDs with the same name form different controllers can be selected. however, the BBL firmware in FlashScan V2 is currently set up to emulate the *.efi log file format for the V7 software. That *.efi log file format cannot handle PIDs with the same name from different controllers so only the first one is used, the second one is ignored.

Once the V8 scan tool softwar eis ready, the FlashScan firmware will be switched over to the V8 style log files which will allow multiple PIDs with the same name.

I had overlooked the fact that you can still select 2 PIDs with the same name in the BBL setup software. Even though they can't be logged - yet.


June 9th, 2009, 08:23 AM
By design, PIDs with the same name form different controllers can be selected. however, the BBL firmware in FlashScan V2 is currently set up to emulate the *.efi log file format for the V7 software. That *.efi log file format cannot handle PIDs with the same name from different controllers so only the first one is used, the second one is ignored.

Once the V8 scan tool softwar eis ready, the FlashScan firmware will be switched over to the V8 style log files which will allow multiple PIDs with the same name.

I had overlooked the fact that you can still select 2 PIDs with the same name in the BBL setup software. Even though they can't be logged - yet.


Thanks Paul.

June 9th, 2009, 09:59 AM
Quick question re: the latest firmware. has any one else noticed that the "auto pause" function no longer works? Previously, if you turned off the ignition, the V2 would sense the engine shutdown and pause the log. Now it seems to continue logging.


June 9th, 2009, 10:14 AM
Quick question re: the latest firmware. has any one else noticed that the "auto pause" function no longer works? Previously, if you turned off the ignition, the V2 would sense the engine shutdown and pause the log. Now it seems to continue logging.


I checked this a couple days ago and thought it did pause on engine off. Will re-check now that you raise this.

Cheers, Ian

June 9th, 2009, 02:05 PM
It will only pause if the ECM stops sending data after ignition off.

I've seen vehicles stop sending data 5-10 seconds after ignition off (mostly VPW vehicles).
I've seen vehicles continue to send data after ignition off until I got bored waiting for it to stop (mostly CAN vehicles).

The only way to be sure is to press the Ok button of FlashScan to manually pause recording.

I guess something that would be nice (I've thought about doing this for a while) is to have two triggers that control pausing.

1. If VSS is zero for at least "n" seconds, then stop recording until VSS is greater than zero again.
2. If RPM is zero for at least "n" seconds, then stop recording until RPM is greater than zero again.

I think that would help take a lot of dead data out of road logs. I would also make the scanner insert flags into the log file when the data was automatically paused and re-started to avoid surprises when analyzing the data later.


June 9th, 2009, 02:12 PM
Hmmm.... this is what happened to me, see post #18: showthread.php?p=96099 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?p=96099&highlight=flatlines#post96099)

June 9th, 2009, 02:38 PM
Just had a thought.....

The E38 stays "alive" for a long time after ignition off.... if you don;t open the drivers door! I think the time mine kept logging was when the missus went into a shop to buy some stuff while I sat in the car. So the drivers door never opened and all accessories kept running. I bet this is why the ECM didn't stop sending data. In this case, it's actually a good thing as you can log IVT cool down rates etc once the engine has stopped.

June 20th, 2009, 09:53 PM
Hi Ian,

Thanks for the detailed write up. It is taking me a while to go through and investigate the points you raised. I'll post my results/updates in this thread. Feel free to post a reminder if I have not posted by end of next week.


Hi Paul,

How is this progressing? I noticed that you now have an error message if "duplicate" PIDs are selected.

But....EQ_RAT appears to be missing from the selection listing in Scan and Tune now, and even if it is listed in Options.txt, it does not log, even though it displays on the V2. Doesnt show up in the PID listing in Scan either.

Search party needed? :grin:

June 21st, 2009, 09:15 AM
Still grinding through the latest firmware update and addressing the issues you raised as I get to them.

I'm buried so deep under the firmware code, no search party would ever find me :help2:


June 21st, 2009, 10:23 AM
Still grinding through the latest firmware update and addressing the issues you raised as I get to them.

I'm buried so deep under the firmware code, no search party would ever find me :help2:


:shock: No worries Paul. Thanks for the update. Keep at it, you all are doing some great stuff with V2 etc.

"Careflight" at the ready. They helped a couple guys who were deep in croc territory over the weekend (one buried to his neck to keep warm....), so they have some warmed up shovels at the ready and know where to dig....:)

Cheers, Ian