View Full Version : Make the scantool remember my maps

May 17th, 2009, 01:20 PM
Is there a way to make the scantool remember my previously opened maps?

Sometimes they do remember, other times... THey are all blank.

Anyway to solve this?

Thank you

May 17th, 2009, 01:54 PM
Does this always happen?
I have found that previous maps are lost after:

opening both the tune.exe and scan.exe at the same time
editing the calc.pids.txt or sae.eneric.txt improperly

can be easily avoided
can be avoided by keeping the scan.exe open while editing the text
after saving it, open another window of the scan.exe and if you get an error
close the newly opened scan.exe window then re-configure the text untill
you don't get an error message.

This will prevent the loss of saved maps under these two conditions.

May 17th, 2009, 02:12 PM

I can't have them both open at the same time??? Or do you mean launch them at the same time?

But thanks for the heads up!

May 17th, 2009, 02:28 PM
Launch (open) them at the same time.

May 17th, 2009, 08:32 PM
Create a file called *.mls (in the Maps folder), where * is the same name as the dashboard *.vdb and the same name as the PID selection file *.pid.

Then when you open that *.pid file the matching *.vdb (dash) and matching *.mls (maps) files will be processed.

Here's the layout of the *.mls file:

; __________________________________________________ _____________________
; | |
; | Copyright (c) 1998-2007 |
; | EFILive Limited |
; | http://www.efilive.com |
; | contact: info@efilive.com |
; |_________________________________________________ ______________________|
; This file is used to specify which *.map file should be loaded into the
; scan tool when loading a *.pid file with a name that matches this file.
; I.e. if you open a pid file called: "Default Imperial.pid", then create
; a matching "Default Imperial.mls" file in the maps folder. All the map
; filenames listed in that file will be automatically loaded.
; The file format is:
; [Maps]
; MapA=filename_of_map_A
; MapB=filename_of_map_B
; MapC=filename_of_map_C
; ect...
; you can include all maps or only as many maps as you want loaded.
; Example file:, called "Default Metric.mls":
MapA={B5913_5914} High_Low Timing Table - Total Spark Advance (MAF).map
MapB={B5001} MAF Calibration Table - LC-1 Wideband AFR.mapRegards

May 17th, 2009, 10:13 PM

May 18th, 2009, 02:55 AM
I have these files:

When I open Other_8.pid I don't seem to get that dash and that set of maps...

Am I allowed to have the "=" sign in map filenames (see attached)...?

May 18th, 2009, 06:09 AM
I'm not 100% certain, but I remmber having to uncheck something in the Scan Tool . Under 'Edit', 'Properties', 'Startup', uncheck the box marked 'Always load PID file:'.

I think that was it. If not search the forum, I'm sure Paul posted the complete instuctions to get this to work.

It's the 'Always load dashboard file:' that has to be unchecked.

May 18th, 2009, 07:38 AM
Ok, I will try that... hmmm.... seems vaguely familiar... thanks.

May 18th, 2009, 08:00 AM
Am I allowed to have the "=" sign in map filenames (see attached)...?

I can't remember.

The *.mls file is processed using a standard *.ini file API. I'm pretty sure that ini file values can contain =. I think the ini file API searches for the first = in the line as a delimiter between the key and the value.
