View Full Version : spark tables..

September 28th, 2005, 04:15 PM
didn't really know where to put this but...anywayz

I was wondering, my car has LSX intake air lid, bellow, and I'm going SD tune and was wondering how and what to change my spark table to (the high octane) I know from stock after all my mods including my intake and kooks headers that i need to tune the car and I will soon be dialing in the VE table. but what about these spark tables....i know that will need to be changed i just don't know where to get started on that...

should I log some certain values...make some table and make comparisons and determine spark values from there??

or am I just confused as where to start?

This Saturday is when I will start my ve tuning, I will be wiring up the wideband and getting it ready to go for my trip back to charlotte Sunday afternoon and start logging like crazy. That will get my VE in check and then i can play with the A/F ratio...other than that what should I check/change to tune my car and get more power out of it?...crazy question i know...

September 28th, 2005, 05:30 PM
In the Scan Tool, select the "Spark" option from the System drop down list box in the [PIDs (F8)] tab page. The PID names starting with "EST" are your friends.
Right click on them and select "More info..." to see which tables they relate to back in the tuning tool spark maps.


September 28th, 2005, 07:40 PM
You should also log
As these values are commonly used by the PCM to index into the spark maps.

Keep the channel count to 24 or less for 10 frames per second logging.
If you increase the channel count to 25..36 then EFILive will drop down to Dynamic scan mode and only get 5-7 frames per second.
If you increase the channel count above 36 channels then EFILive will drop down to Generic scan mode and you'll get 1 frame per second.

EFILive displays the channel count at the bottom of the list of PIDs.


October 1st, 2005, 03:21 PM
i know about keeping the pids down....thanks for the help. now all i see is idle spark, base spark, egr spark, cranking spark, eq ratio spark, run spark, and spark smoothing. ?? which EST are you talking about for spark?

I know also to log what you said above...thats already on my priority list because i know that those numbers have a lot to do with the car.

October 1st, 2005, 07:26 PM
Those PIDs were added recently, you may want to try downloading and upgrading your software to V7.3 008 here:


October 2nd, 2005, 02:54 PM
do i still need to make all those changes to the different files so that everything works okay in efi live with the new version

October 2nd, 2005, 03:02 PM
Do you mean do you need to add all those files? For scanning, no, you only need to update the files in the Program Files\EFIlive\V7\Configuration folder.
But I strongly recommend doing all the changes listed on that web page - that will keep all the software consistent.

A complete install is being created that will automate the upgrade process.


October 2nd, 2005, 03:04 PM
lol.... that will be great. I'm starting my sd tune now and I will get the wideband hooked up hopefully by Wed and it won't rain here the rest of the week...so far they are calling for rain all week :( we do need it tho