View Full Version : BBL first timer success and failures

May 30th, 2009, 12:10 AM
Just recently got my Flashscan V2 and have the latest drivers, usb, 7.5 and 8.1 versions installed.

I'm using an LM1 for wideband and the serial cables with null modem gender bender between to connect to efilive external innovate wideband.

I've had it working a couple times, but everytime I make a change, BBL goes haywire.

I can use 8.1 to download my PID's. I know this because I unchecked samples 2,3,4 and change the name of my F1 everytime. If Flashscan displays the new name, I must be doing the download.

I can also use the explorer to copy the saved .efi files to my computer and open them in v7.5 scan tool.

Here's some observations that might need to be in the manual.
1. Use an sd card and format it. File errors until you do this.
2. Get the latest versions and drivers.
3. 8.1 only has a few purposes at this point. Defining your PID set, defining your settings, then downloading these two things to your flashscan hand held device. The explorer is what you use to see the log files on the hand held device and get them into your v7.5 logged data directory so you can open them on your computer.
4. Before logging, always select the pid set and hit the OK button. It will say please wait for a moment.

Back to my issues -
After I start logging data, the flashscan device displays my select pids very well. Whichever I select using the 8.1 program and download, there they are on the display in the order I put them. This leads me to think I'm doing many things right.

So I grab the logged .efi files using the explorer and open them in v7.5 dashboard. This is where 9 out of 10 times it doesn't work right. Sometimes it only shows rpm, sometimes only extwideband, once everything! Most the time the chart series items are lined out and not in the data tab. If I go to select in the pid tab, it tells me to clear the counters, doh! What a mess.

Now in all fairness, it could be something I have done to 7.5 or just flaky 7.5. Before I even started messing with changing anything or BBL, I noticed if I opened the Camaro sample efi with the default dashboard it worked great. But then when I tried to open other consecutive sample files, none of them would work. They wouldn't play, or the charts where all jacked up, or lined out. I would have to exit and come back in to get camaro sample to work again. So as I had to figure out how to get my serial wideband to show up in dashboard, I started making my own dashboard. Of course during the learning process, I overwrote the default dashboard with some of my own stuff and no longer have a clean default.

So I have my dashboard of what I need. I cannot seem to get any of the samples to run with my dashboard and can no longer get my bbl logged files to work with it either. I've tried some of the other alternate dashboards that I did not mess with and get the same results.

I'm going to road atlanta Monday with Chin and was hoping to bbl a 30 minute session. How often do you get to run that long over 4k rpm??

Help appreciated. Please break it down and be detailed as I'm kinda new to this, but am none the less a computer geek by nature.

Ken . . .

May 30th, 2009, 01:16 AM
Does the "newest" update create a new shortcut for EE?
When EFILive Scan and Tune.exe was first released, it took over the EE shortcut.
You had to remake a shortcut specifically for EE.
At first this caused some confusion for me, I thought EE was no longer being used for BBL or firmware/bootblock updates.

May 30th, 2009, 02:53 AM
I didn't get a shortcut on the desktop, but it is in start / programs.

May 30th, 2009, 02:54 AM
If anybody could just address why the 7.5 version doesn't even play the sample .efi logs right after a fresh install, maybe that would lead to a solution?

May 30th, 2009, 05:51 AM
I've installed fresh onto my desktop computer and it works fine. Looks like I'll have to reinstall on the notebook and start playing some more!

I've never posted to this forum before. Kinda wierd not to get any help. Maybe there are only a handful of people trying this??

May 30th, 2009, 07:56 AM
I completely uninstalled from my notebood and reinstalled. It still wont even play the sample log files. Hmmm, gonna need the notebood for this tuning stuff.

Anybody know how to really uninstall?

May 30th, 2009, 08:56 AM
Do you have the maps you want to view open?
Are you looking at the Data tab and not the PIDs tab?
The fact your desktop computer works fine and your notebook fails speaks for itself.

May 30th, 2009, 09:05 AM
Ya, it says something is wrong with the notebook, but a notebook is what we all will use. I'm now hacking the registry to delete all efilive occurance.

I don't understand you data pid comment.

When I load various .efi files the program deselects pids I selected, once deselected, they also don't show in the data tab. It's very wierd. Works fine on desktop.

Wondering if I will have to uninstall v8 to get v5.75 working. Its just that v8 seems to be doing what it needs to do and I really don't want to mess with it.

May 30th, 2009, 09:14 AM
Looks like I got it working again. Cleaned registry and installed to a different directory. Also wiped the efilive directory under my documents. The samples seem to be working now.

May 30th, 2009, 09:33 AM

Welcome to the forum...:)

May 30th, 2009, 10:25 AM
Has anybody used BBL to log real 150mph runs (not on dyno)?

May 30th, 2009, 11:25 AM
Some points that may help you keep ahead of the curve when using the software:

The V8.1 software is (as you correctly observed) only for selecitng PIDs for black box logging and settings for FlashScan and AutoCal. We are currently working on the Scan and Tune features for V8. Until they are ready you will need to use V7.5 to display log files and tune/reflash vehicles.

A number of PIDs have had their names changed in the V8 software. You can see a list of the old/new names in the file: \Program FIles\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration\sae_generic.txt, under the section: *BBLV7. The V7 scan tool automatically converts the PID file names when you load in a *.efi file created using BBL.

You can always restore the default dashboard layouts using the Scan Tool menu option: Dashboard->Recall installation defaults.

Each time you load a *.efi file, the selected PIDs will be set to only those PIDs in the loaded file.

If you create a dashboard file (*.vdb) with the same name as the PID selection file (*.pid), then when you load the selected PID file, the matching dashboard file will be loaded.

The dashboard that you want to use to display a logged file is stored in the log file when it is first saved. Obviously when you record a file using BBL there is no dashboard name to store in the log file. After you transfer a BBL log onto your PC and into the software it will not know which dashboard to use. You should then load (or configure) the dashboard that you want to use to display the log file and then resave the log file. It will then store the name of the current dashboard in the log file so that next time you load the log file it will also load the correct dashboard file. (Also see the setting in the Scan Tool properties window: Properties->Startup->Load defaults.)

You can only add calculated PIDs (CALC.xxxxx) once a file is loaded or a log has been recorded. Otherwise you need to clear the data before selecting new PIDs (in the V7.5 PC based software).


May 30th, 2009, 01:35 PM
Thanks, that was a very helpfull post.