View Full Version : Need a Little Help with my VE...

June 5th, 2009, 08:45 AM

I dropped out of COS5 school (for now) and went back to my original OS. It runs good on my old OS and I got frustrated with trying to learn the AutoVE/COS. I am to the point I just want to drive for a while instead of tune.

Anyway, I have attached a couple logs and a tune to reference.

The last WOT pull on the second log(_0003N2OLastWOT) is on a 100hp wet shot. My jetting seems to be ok for AFR change on spray (~ -0.4:1 vs N/A).

The other log is using other PIDs more focused on spark and some fueling.

Two Questions:

1. My Commanded and Actual AFR are pretty close at WOT @ ~ 11.8 to 12.0:1 N/A. Only thing is, I want my N/A AFR to be 12.6:1 and jet to ~ 11.7:1 on spray. HOW do I go about bringing the AFR up to 12.6:1 while still keeping commanded and actual near one another?

2. I have a small amount of KR showing up (~ 1 to 1,5*). Shows up at part throttle as well as WOT. SHOULD I drop my timing in the KR areas by the same amount of KR I see?

I am pretty happy with the car now. I just want to dial this tune in to get a bit safer on the spray. I have a new set of injectors on the way and would also like to know your opinions on an inline fuel pump to assist my stock pump.

EDIT Log _0002 is NOT based on V2_0004. It was logged off of V2_0003.tun, which I attached in next post.
Thank you!

June 5th, 2009, 09:13 AM
Ok, the tune and log files in THIS post go with each other and the log and tune files in the original post go with each other.................. sorry. Still a newb.

June 10th, 2009, 08:25 AM

OL AFR table B3605... this sets your OL mode AFR (WOT uses OL mode).
PE AFR table B3618... this sets your PE mode AFR (PE mode is enabled by B3616).

In OL the richer of B3605 or B3618 is the commanded AFR.

If your VE table is "correct", then changing either of B3605 and B3618 will still give you actual AFR tracking commanded AFR at WOT (i.e. your WOT BEN will stay the same).

2. KR

You can try reducing HO timing table B5913 by a few degrees and see if knock stays away...

can also try higher octane (either by mixing in unleaded 100 or by adding octane additive) and see if knock stays away;

if knock persists and you can audibly hear it, then try some top engine cleaner to blow carbon/oil deposits out.

Fuel Pump

With nitrous spray, upgraded fuel delivery capacity is a preventative measure and is good, but I have no experience with this... if your in-tank fuel pump has some miles on it (say 50K+) then replace it with an aftermarket high flow pump.

June 10th, 2009, 05:05 PM
Thanks Joe,

I attached a few images from a tune that, when logged, showed a WOT commanded AFR of 12.0:1 and an actual AFR of 11.7:1 to 12.0:1.

The difference between the two is pretty minimal but I'd like to keep them that way. Hence the request for your thoughts. lol In order to bring my actual AFR to 12.6:1, what would you suggest I do first?

I plan to change all cells of B3618 to 12.6:1, change the cells in B3605 that are affected by WOT to 12.6 then hope maybe you could briefly explain the best method of relating the data in the B5001 map to these tables to gain VE accuracy.

Also, related to B3605, is PE basically disabled as it is set in the attached table?

I understand your references on managing KR. It has shown the most KR in the lower RPM range. I think there are a couple areas in the HO table that have abrupt transitions. As for octane boost, I will be stepping its use from this point on. I have 33 lb injectors on the way and I'm shopping for a good, reasonable fuel pump. Any suggestions?

Truly, I believe that dialing the VE table is my biggest road block. I will search for more info on VE to read tonight.

Oh yeah. Before I forget. What's the best way to screenshot a table etc and get it to upload to your post clear and decent sized? It still kicks my ass....

Thank you,


June 10th, 2009, 05:12 PM
One more...............

June 11th, 2009, 04:01 AM
I'll look at those images later...

Download/install IrfanView (goto www.irfanview.com (http://www.irfanview.com) and follow the download links)...

Save screenshots as .png files using IrfanView, and then see this: showthread.php?t=3064 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=3064)