View Full Version : V2 Battery?

June 9th, 2009, 05:30 PM
I had read that someone had hacked the V2 to install a battery and thus the v2 would keep power and the time correctly?

Can anyone post such a hack? and if I lobotomize my V2, will I be able to buy another one and transfer my licenses? EH PAUL?

Thank you!


June 10th, 2009, 01:02 AM
Where did you read this? :secret:

June 10th, 2009, 06:14 AM
I can't find it.... Hence why I posted it... it would be awesome...

June 10th, 2009, 08:15 AM
I mentioned that I was going to "try" and add a battery...... but have not done it yet. Here is my plan....

Simple method: Take an old USB cable and hack USB-A plug off the end. Then just connect a battery to the +ve and -ve power wires to supply power to the V2. It's an easy hack, but doesn't help if you need to use the USB connection.
Add on to simple: Splice in to a USB extension lead and apply power to the +ve and -ve wires. This would still allow you to connect to the V2 via the USB extension lead. However, it still looks a bit rough and you need to keep the bits together some how.
Getting techo: Open the V2 and connect a battery to the USB plug inside the unit. Using a diode and a dropping resistor ( if needed ) you could use a flat mobile phone lithium ion battery which you charge off the USB port when connected to the PC. It would work, providing the battery had sufficient voltage. If the battery is flat though, it *may* take too much power from the USB port and the V2 may not work until the battery has some charge in it. I think it'll work fine though.
Boffin Territory: Get a proper RTC chip for the V2 and integrate it with the rest of the system. This would require a firmware change as well as significant changes to the current circuitry. You could "almost" call it a "V3" by then..... hint, hint......

I'll probably try the internal battery trick but also add a switch in case something goes very wrong and it needs a hard reset. A "charge" indicator will be nice, as well as the ability to charge off both the USB and the ODBII port. These 2 power sources will of course need to be isolated from each other. Once I get around to trying it, I'll let you know how it goes. I can't see there being any huge risk to the V2, unless I completely stuff up the soldering.


June 10th, 2009, 10:28 AM
It likely won't work well, except for walking to the car. A V2 pulls over 100ma though I guess if you put it into low power mode it might go awhile longer, just don't accidentally press a button or the battery will likely die in minutes.
