View Full Version : AutoVE with AEM UEGO

June 12th, 2009, 05:33 PM
I am trying to run the AutoVE with a AEM UEGO wideband using the serial output. I configured the com port on the V2 to use the AEM, and it is displaying correctly (Both AFR and EQ).

What AFR PIDs should I be logging on the V2? The tutorial suggests the following:

I can't find either of those in the "Scan and Tune" utility under "F3: Black Box Logging" for the "LS1 99+ Auto" PIDs, so I selected WO2AFR1 (Serial AFR) and AFR (Commanded AFR) on the V2 for logging instead of CALC.AFR_XXXn, but what should I be using for CALC.BEN_XXXn?

Also, what should I be using for a map inside of the scan tool? I can't find a CALC.BEN.map.

June 12th, 2009, 05:49 PM
CALC.BEN1 and EXT.WO2AFR (or 2) for serial WBO2

WO2AFR1 for BBL (scan & tune)

You will need to add the BEN PID to the log after wards.
Just make your own MAP.

June 13th, 2009, 03:03 AM
Guess I am still confused here. BEN1 isn't available for my OS?

June 13th, 2009, 04:07 AM
I also noticed that when I configure the V2 from the scan and tune tool, when I select EQ, it sets the serial wideband to Lambda on the V2.

June 13th, 2009, 04:23 AM
If you want EQ you will need to make a calc.pid

#Units Low High Fmt Expression
EQ 0.0 2.0 0.2 "{B3601}/{EXT.WO2AFR1})"

#Code PRN SLOT Units System Description
#------------------------- ---- ------------ -----------------
EXT.WO2EQ1 F021 CLC-00-021 EQ External "External Wideband EQ"

IMO use AFR and BEN, but "whatever floats your boat" :grin:

CALC.BEN1(2) will be valid after EXT.WO2AFR1(2) & GM.AFR are selected.
factor = {EXT.WO2AFR1}/{GM.AFR}
Right click> more info to find out if pre-requisite PIDs are needed.

June 13th, 2009, 04:57 AM
*Face palm* EXT.WO2AFR1 wasn't in the log I made previously, even though I swear I selected it in the settings. I made a new log after selecting "Automatically select all external digital" in the device settings, and it's working now.

When you select EQ in the V2 settings, it is only what it displays on the v2 screen, not what it records in the log file. If you open the log with EFILive Scan, it will be as AFR, not EQ.

Still appears to be a bug with whatever generates the settings.dat file (Or the software on the V2 that reads the .dat file). EQ and Lambda are switched. Paul?