View Full Version : Still a Bit Rich @ WOT.. What am I Missing?

June 19th, 2009, 11:31 AM

Still working on the tune, obviously. Car is running good. Sure would like to run it somewhere lower than 5200' in the sky. Pretty much maxed out at 80 on the MAP.

I am trying to get an actual AFR of 12.8:1 N/A, which will put me at 11.9:1 on a 100 shot. I am getting closer but wonder if I am missing something in the PE modifiers. I attached some maps and a log and tune.

I will adjust my VE in the next tune and drop my 2>3 shift point down by 2 mph (notice the lean spike in one of the wot pulls).

Also, does my timing curve suck? I have retarded spark in th KR areas already and I'm running 95.6 octane fuel.

It gets me the most at low RPM, high MAP situations. Generally in overdrive and trying to increase speed slowly (higher engine load, I imagine).

Thanks for looking

June 19th, 2009, 01:49 PM
Those 2 ben maps are the same... the 1st one displays more digits, but when you copy/paste-multiply they should give you the same result... sanity check this by pasting to a spreadsheet and eyeballing the values.

KR is difficult to deal with... either it's real or it's not real... but either way it is difficult to pin down the cause(s)...

If it's real, the chart may show a sawtooth pattern (but not always), and there has to be one or more real causes:
-- too lean,
-- too hot (high IAT will easily contribute),
-- over-advanced,
-- compression ratio too high,
-- under-octaned (ingesting oil may contribute to this, or CR may be too high),
-- carbon deposits (retain heat and glow under pressure),
-- spark plug heat range too hot,
-- other (mechanical, header banging underbody, loose bolts...),
-- you may or may not audibly hear it (if you can hear it then it is severe knock);

If it's not real, then the chart will not give you a true indication that it is not real;
it may be caused by bad knock sensors, or the knock sensors may not match the knock filter parameters, or some other reason.

June 19th, 2009, 02:29 PM
Yep, it is the same data. Talk about a sanity check. Glad you are around to ground me. lol

Anyway, I guess the real question is; How much more should I toil? Is this a safe tune for the long haul?????


June 19th, 2009, 07:10 PM
I think that tune is good and safe, it is mostly within 2%.

June 19th, 2009, 11:24 PM
Thanks for all of your help, Joe.