View Full Version : Logworks and {B3601}

June 27th, 2009, 05:33 AM
{B3601} is 14.628573 AFR (stock)
Logworks gasoline setting is 14.7

EFILive will not save @ 14.7 and
Logworks will not save @ 14.628573
precision is .1 either 14.6 or 14.7

My question is does it matter if these match perfectly or not?
I believe that because these settings are not programmed to the LC-1
it does not matter, especially when using serial connection.

I have always had Logworks set to gas (14.7) but diesel (14.6) is closer to
the value {B3601} will save. :confused:

June 28th, 2009, 04:57 PM
My idea is to use serial Lambda and create an appropriate ben calc pid for it (something like GM.EQIVRATIO * EXT.WO2LAM1... did I get that right...?)... I haven't tried this yet, my LC-1 is off my car at the moment.

June 28th, 2009, 05:24 PM
Depending on where you look Stoich for gasoline is 14.6 or 14.7
but it does not matter with serial connection because the fuel settings
do not change how the LC-1 interpolates data from the sensor,
just how it's displayed through Logworks.

1 EQ does not have to be equal to 1 Lambda. (whatever it is)

BTW I made a PID for External Wideband EQ
Commanded EQ is "({B3601}/{GM.AFR})"