View Full Version : BBL and Allison PIDS not reading and no available data in the log being displayedonPC

June 28th, 2009, 12:01 PM
hey guys -

On my 07 LBZ Alli after I reset all the tap information after loading a tune my BBL won't update...

The "PID" I'm having trouble with is "FASTLRN1" - after resetting all TAP's it shows 'progress' at 0 and all everything not learned, not convrg, and sump temp at 0.

Also; when trying to review my log, in my PC that logged info never shows up... it's like it doesn't exist.

I'm doing BBL NOT pass through to PC, I'm reviewing my logs later on my PC where the information is missing.


July 1st, 2009, 06:01 PM
Anything on this or anyone else notice this?