View Full Version : COS 5 Question..

July 3rd, 2009, 09:36 AM

Just a quick question regarding the installation of a custom operating system:

About a month or two ago, I had installed COS5 in my 99 Trans Am. I had alot of trouble with it and gave up. I loaded my factory OS back up and have been running it since.

I have learned alot about tuning since then and I'm considering putting COS5 back in for the options it gives for nitrous tuning.

Finally the question- Can I load my old COS5 tune all together? Meaning, change the OS AND load the calibrations or do I have to load the OS THEN load my calibrations?


July 3rd, 2009, 01:55 PM

Are you currently running 12212156...?

If you are, then you do this:
- full flash of 02020005 (COS5),
- cal only flash from 12212156 (i.e. your parameters/tables),
- read the PCM and save to file,
- fix the out of range cells,
- initialize any other tables (see attached, make sure TP VE table is disabled),
- save to file,
- do cal only flash.

Car should now run on COS5 as well as it ran on 12212156.

July 3rd, 2009, 02:34 PM

No, I'm not running 12212156 right now. I am back on my 99 OS. I still have my 12212156 tune that I used last time. It just needs to be updated with my new calibrations. I also have completely fixed my previous COS5 tune (attached) that was in the car when I tried the first time.

That was the reason I was wondering if I could load the COS5 tune, operating system, cals, everything, all at once. I noticed that there is a function to load OS and calibrations together.

Is that not recommended?


Edit: Now it's attached...lol

July 5th, 2009, 02:49 PM

I'm sorry, I have been away for a couple of days...

If you copied your tables into the COS5 file, then you can certainly do a full flash (os plus cals).

July 5th, 2009, 02:54 PM
In B3647 you may want to make the upper right part of the table richer... for example, what will happen when you open the throttle part way (avoiding a downshift) when RPM is below 3200 rpm...?

Same comment for B3618.

July 6th, 2009, 02:11 PM

Thanks for the help. In your opinion, which looks more like the appropriate settings for B3647 on my N/A H/C 346? Also, I attached the adjusted tune if you would like to look at it.

B3617, that should be set to 0% or no enrichment, correct?

My MAF and VE are dialed pretty well dialed in. Should I be aiming to get away from using the MAF all together?

Just for reference I have changed injectors and have the correct values in the IFR table.



July 7th, 2009, 01:32 AM
I like B3647_2 better.

You can set B3617 to stock (gives richer AFR when ECT is cold which is good).

You can run with MAF/VE (set B0120 to 4000 rpm).

What is your maximum RPM...? In your B0101 VE table, make sure that the RPM row that corresponds to your maximum RPM (6400) is correct (blended with the next row down)... look at attached image... oh, that green area is probably never hit, so it's ok...

otherwise tune looks good, good job...:cheers:...how does car run...?

July 7th, 2009, 01:56 PM
Thanks Joe,

I set B3618 back to stock. How will B3616, B3617 and B3641 affect the COS? Will my current settings still work or could there be a conflict with B3647?

I think that is my last question until I get this loaded and logged.


July 7th, 2009, 08:34 PM
How will B3616, B3617 and B3641 affect the COS? Will my current settings still work or could there be a conflict with B3647?
...Those are fine as they are.

You may find that during warmup your commanded and wideband AFR's may not match (they will match by the time the engine reaches operating temp)... to fix this you will have to edit A0008 (as you have done).

July 10th, 2009, 12:25 PM

On my standard OS a couple weeks ago I had to search a little to see where some of my advance was going under WOT. B5910 appearer to be set correctly but when I reviewed a log file, I resized the scan tool to the tune tool and I noticed that B5910 was showing my ECT at 140* C. Obviously, this was not correct. My actual ECT runs at ~ 90* C but on the B5910 table, at140* C the stock tune pulls 6* of advance. I changed the table to zero retard and, yep, that was where my advance was going.

So first, why do you think my ECT was reporting incorrectly on this table but not others?

And, in my COS, should I zero out any tables that may retard my spark so that my high octane table is all that is used once the engine is warm?

I know this is a bad idea but what is your opinion on spark setup?


July 11th, 2009, 12:35 AM
Also, I just noticed that IAT in B5911 is reported incorrectly. The IAT is recorded accurately in the log but when an area of the log is highlighted, the corresponding cells that are highlighted in the tune tool do not match.

I have always had problems with spark retard that does not make sense or I can't find.

It appears that only the tables that use or rely on IAT or ECT are affected.

Has anyone else had these issues? Do I have something set up wrong?


July 11th, 2009, 01:40 PM
Check that the scantool Data tab shows the same units for ECT as the tunetool table axis (i.e. both C or both F).

I don't know why the highlight won't match... check units between scantool Data tab and tootune table axis.

July 12th, 2009, 04:05 AM
Ok, I'll check that. I did have them matched but I do remember changing part of the tune tool to Fahrenheit so I could understand it better. I very well may have left it that way.

Kind of a dumb question but, if I am using COS5 with LTFT disabled (B3801), B4205 maxed out, actively using my MAF and trying to use B3647 to command my AFR what type of tune is it called? Is that semi-open loop? Or is it just half-ass?

B3618 is still affecting my AFR. I thought that PE should be disabled by the way I have my tune set up.

Since my VE is set up pretty well, should I be looking to go MAFLESS??

Current tune attached.

July 12th, 2009, 12:27 PM
Open Loop (OL) with MAF = OLMAF

There are 4 possible combinations:

Semi-Open Loop (SOL) is where B3647 contains cells that command stoichiometric AFR (i.e. EQ 1.00)... whenever the PCM goes into OL those cells EQ 1.00 cells cause the PCM to use STFT's to trim to EQ 1.00... this is called SOL.

Note that OL is present in the following situations:
- always in OLSD and OLMAF;
- at WOT and/or when cold in CLSD and CLMAF.

July 12th, 2009, 02:06 PM
Thanks for the explanation. That is helpful.

The reason I ask is dialing in AFR is still a bit tricky. Seems that the most responsive change was to update the MAF calibration. Now it seems difficult to use B3647, A0008 and B3618 to wok together.

I guess the question I am trying to ask is: Is there a better or easier way?

I finally understand most of the basics but wonder if I will ever get "done".

Anyway, enough crying.

Thank you for all of your help. I really appreciate it.
