View Full Version : Having some problems...

July 6th, 2009, 12:28 PM
Hey all, I downloaded the eval version recently under hopes to get it to work and I am considering purchasing the full version if i can get this to work right.

Now, I'm sure this is a simple problem with a simple solution...but I dont know it...

I'm getting this in my log
22:58.591: Initialising...
22:58.989: Opening COM3 8228,8,N,1
22:59.000: setCommState() failed for Com3. The parameter is incorrect.

22:59.153: Ready.

What do I do? I keep getting that setCommState() failed for Com3 and can't get it to go away no matter what I try.Thanks in advance for helping out a noob.

July 7th, 2009, 06:04 AM
Are you using a USB-COM converter? If so then the problem is most likely the converter does not support the (non-standard) ALDL baudrate. I.e. 8228, which is the closest the PC's UART can be programmed to the real ALDL baud rate of 8192. Try using a laptop with a real serial port.

If you are using a real serial port, make sure that COM3 actually exists and the the interface is connected to it. If the interface is connected to some other COM port then change the EFILive settings to the appropriate COM port.


July 7th, 2009, 10:05 AM
I'm using the USB cable from aldlcable.com

The thing that has me stumped though, is that I downloaded and used efilive eval successfully when I first got the cable. I didn't have any problems with it then and was able to connect easily. I had to reformat my computer since and haven't tried to use efilive until now, and now this problem is arising.

The vehicle is a 1993 Pontiac Bonneville SSEi and is the same one that I used the program on before. What could cause it to work before but not now?

July 7th, 2009, 10:47 AM
Probably because after you re-installed windows the COM port changed so that it is no longer COM3. Try this:
1. Right click on My Computer and select Properties.
2. Select Hardware->Device Manager
3. Expand the "Ports (COM & LPT)" entry
4. Look for the USB cable and double click it (or right click and select properties).
5. Go through the settings until you find something that defines which COM port it is hooked up to. There may be a setting to lock it to that COM port permanently - if so I recommend doing that.

Then start the EFILive software and Select Edit->Properties->Comms and select the correct COM port for the ALDL cable.


July 7th, 2009, 12:45 PM
Success! Thanks for your help Paul.

Now that I have this solved, is there a write up or directions anywhere of how to make a definition file for my car, I'm not sure if any of the available ones will work for me perfectly.

July 7th, 2009, 01:11 PM
Never mind, did a little reading here and found that there was the right definition file in there for me. Awesome :)