View Full Version : STFT Swings and Narrow O2s

August 12th, 2009, 05:37 PM
Is there a way to make the PCM narrow down the overshoot? i have a z06 with lg headers and it gives a slight surging with a cam. And this is coming from the fuel swings. When it rises to the lean side it tends to surge.

I know this is for CAT operation to work correctly. Is it possible to narrow it down/eliminate it to follow like a dialed in open loop fueling?


August 13th, 2009, 02:15 AM
Have you tried modifying B4110?

August 13th, 2009, 04:00 AM
I tried b4109 w/o much success... Guess we need another go.. .luckily i have a RR so i can test pretty fast.

August 13th, 2009, 04:46 AM
This may be really dumb, but what about lowering B4105?

August 13th, 2009, 05:00 AM
Last night before seeing this thread I was working on figuring out why
my idle areas (800-900RPM & 40-45kPa) AFR is a little lean.
I imagine this is because of the cam and then thought of
{B4109} & {B4110} w/RTACS on my 4th GEN Fbody.
The funny thing is STFT and LTFT are good in these areas. :confused:
{B4105} is 450mV

Here is what I came up with for RTACS:

;STFT Idle Correction

;STFT Base Correction


#Units Low High Fmt Expression
#------------ ------------- ------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------
mV 0.0 1113.2 0.1 "({GM.HO2S11}+{GM.HO2S21})/2*1000"

None 0.0 64 0.0 "Lookup({GM.DYNAIR.gps}, 0,0, 4,4, 8,12, 12,30, 16,36, 20,40, 24,44, 28,50, 32,54, 36,54, 40,54, 44,54, 48,54, 52,54, 56,56, 60,64, 64,64, 68,64, 72,64, 76,64, 80,64, 84,64, 88,64, 92,64, 96,64, 100,64, 104,64, 108,64, 112,64,116,64,120,64,124,64, 128,64, 132,64, 136,64, 140,64, 144,64, 148,64, 152,64, 156,64, 160,64, 164,64, 168,64, 172,64, 176,64, 180,64, 184,64, 188,64, 192,64, 196,64, 200,64, 204,64, 208,64, 212,64, 216,64, 220,64, 224,64, 228,64, 232,64, 236,64, 240,64, 244,64, 248,64, 252,64, 256,64, 260,64, 264,64, 268,64, 272,64, 276,64, 280,64, 284,64, 288,64, 292,64, 296,64, 300,64, 304,64, 308,64, 312,64, 316,64, 320,64)"
# ================================================== ================================================== ==========================
#Code PRN SLOT Units System Description
#------------------------- ---- ------------ ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------
CALC.CLMODE F018 CLC-00-018 None Air "Closed Loop Mode"

Ben may not be the way to go and
I have used the CL Mode PID for {B4105} and it works.
I have not used the CALC.O2VOLTS PID tho.

August 13th, 2009, 05:43 AM
There is actually no need to log both sides, as what you do in one side the other one will follow. The problem you will have with the averages is that STFTs are independent and can screw your changes too much... I am going to start fiddling with this, as the LGs are way long.

August 13th, 2009, 06:10 AM
I figured using the average of both would be better than
using the lower or higher of the two for tracking.
Also this is a PID I already had made. :hihi:
Which bank would you suggest using?

All the tables that reference O2 voltage are in Milli-volts but the PID for 02's are in Volts. :confused:
I mentioned this a while back and IIRC it was Ross commented on changing that,
there has not been an update since tho.

Please post your results and method. :secret:

August 13th, 2009, 07:07 AM
This may be really dumb, but what about lowering B4105?
I think you mean increasing...and IMO this would be the quickest fix.

Higher NBO2 voltages indicate a richer AFR.

August 13th, 2009, 07:20 AM
I think you mean increasing...and IMO this would be the quickest fix.

Higher NBO2 voltages indicate a richer AFR.

Your correct, I was thinking of it backwards....

August 14th, 2009, 03:19 PM
I changed the O2 voltage PID and it works for tracking {B4110}
I didn't see any change to AFR.

August 18th, 2009, 05:56 PM
Could a person not command,

from {B3607} a richer AFR for idle (say 14.0 to 14.5) along with {B4105} set at around 500-525Mv, to help with a more solid or stable idle? :)