View Full Version : Coasting Porblems

August 30th, 2009, 03:59 PM
I have a LS1 auto and have the tune pretty good now just having problems when coasting around 60km to 80 kms the car wont decelerate i have to apply the brake to slow down
at rest in neutral and in gear the throttle drops back fast
but at speed it doesnt.
I have tried settings in throttle cracker and throttle follower and dont know haw to fix this

August 30th, 2009, 05:23 PM
You will need to decrease the throttle cracker airflow in that area. It can be a personal thing in regards to how much engine braking you like so just keep lowering the table at the speeds where the problem is occuring until you are happy. You may also want to increase the TC decay slightly.