View Full Version : V1 - is mine broken?

September 5th, 2009, 04:31 PM
When I connect to my PC all the LEDs flash sequentially then the MEM light flashes rapidly. I understand that this means a full memory. The Scan software version 7.5 doesn't see the black box connected through the USB. I have installed the USB driver and it appears in my hardware configuration.

When I connect to the car (DLC) all the lights flash repeated EXCEPT the PCM and LOG LEDs. I am no longer able to log data but strangely I was able to flash the last changes to my pcm. I won't try doing that again with the V1 acting like this.

It appears the V1 went into the current condition while I was data logging for an undetermined period of time. In other words, I was logging for a good while. I was busy getting used to my wideband LM-1 and just let the V1 do its thing. The V1 and LM-1 are in no way connected.

Is my V1 broken? I have used it very little - what should I do? :help2:

September 5th, 2009, 06:15 PM
With V1 connected to PC and not to vehicle, can you connect to V1 at all...?

I notified Tech Support.

September 5th, 2009, 06:25 PM
If you connect the V1 to the PC, open the tune tool and go to Help/V1 PCM licensing, can you see the Serial Number and the available PCM slots?


September 5th, 2009, 10:59 PM
Yes, I can view the Serial and Authentication codes. I can see how many times I have flashed with it (4) and I see the available licenses left. But I can do nothing else. I can't access the memory to clear it nor can I view any data stored within and the LOG function doesn't respond when connected the vehicle ALDL.

Thanks for your replies!

September 6th, 2009, 08:15 AM
Are these the steps you followed:
- disconnect from vehicle,
- connect to PC,
- start scantool,
- do File->Connect,
- do FlashScan->Read Logged Data From FlashScan;

post a screenshot of the resulting screen.

September 6th, 2009, 10:49 AM
A friend from LS1Tech told me to give him a call and it is now sorted out. Just as your message tells me to do - I connected, chose the appropriate controller and then from the FlashScan tab I selected "Program Selected PIDs in FlashScan" from that control page I chose "Clear". The memory was then erased and the flashing MEM led went off. I'm pretty certain my V1 will work now.

Now for one question that I hope not to offend anyone. What is the logic to clearing the PIDs in order to remove the logs from memory???


September 6th, 2009, 02:02 PM
If you pressed Clear, then that clears the log(s)... is this what you did (it should not have cleared the pids).

If you pressed Reset, then that clears log(s) and pids.

September 6th, 2009, 06:37 PM
I just pressed "Clear" (I hope). While on the phone, I had tried several things but I don't believe I tried "Reset". :) Looking at the PIDs Control Panel I still see "24" in the PIDs box. "Estimated Performance" shows 528K.

However, when I select "Read logged Data from the FlashScan" I get the following error dialog: "Incorrect checksum detected in FlashScan Memory- Please reset FlashScan and retry data capture". When I select OK the PIDs tab shows nothing. The Status tab shows 66 PIDs currently programmed into FlashScan. Under "Read logged data from FlashScan" the bottom memory usage status bar is still full of green rectangles.

Update: I didn't realize the memory test MUST make several passes to complete or the memory is left corrupted. I can see the test writes non zero values. Apparently I interrupted the test while getting help on the phone and when I selected "Stop" the memory was full of those non zero entries and the pointer was still set to the end. I selected "Test" again and left the room this time. Upon returning the test had completed and reported that the memory was "OK". Now my programmed PIDs are gone and the memory usage status bar is clear. It looks like a clean slate. Maybe a "Don't Interrupt" or "PIDs must be reprogrammed after test" warning would be helpful when selecting the memory test.

When I bought the V1 I didn't own a laptop so blackbox recording was a necessity. I own a laptop now - so I won't rely on the blackbox memory to hold the logs any longer. Apparently I'm getting myself into trouble with the internal storage.

I'm still wondering if anyone else has gotten confused by the function of clearing the logs residing in the "Program Selected PIDs" section. It just seems like a strange a place, not where I would expect to find it. I need to dedicate some time to reading the manual again.

Thanks again for your help.

September 7th, 2009, 02:21 AM
after testing the memory the PIDs will be cleared,
so you will need to reload them.

September 7th, 2009, 06:30 AM
Yes, I've done that but after connecting to the vehicle the V1 can no longer log to the laptop or itself. This is disappointing....

I've generated a bug report and am hoping tech support will answer.

September 7th, 2009, 06:47 AM
Yes, I've done that but after connecting to the vehicle the V1 can no longer log to the laptop or itself. This is disappointing....

I've generated a bug report and am hoping tech support will answer.What exactly do you see...?

September 7th, 2009, 08:44 AM
So the obvious tests.

With the laptop and the EFILive attached to the car, can you check for trouble codes? If so, can you see the RPM on the EFILive dashboard?


September 7th, 2009, 11:33 AM
Well, I spent 20 minutes describing everything and thought to look things over again. I had thought that the selected PIDs were programmed into the cable but apparently not. Once I did that; the logging began. It kept kicking off and I would need to restart the logging but I guess the default of 600 frames doesn't last very long, just a minute or so with my 22 PIDs.

The funny part of all of this is how the cable acts when the memory is full or the PIDs are missing. For instance, the progress bar would go 1/3 across and stop. In about 30 seconds it would disappear and I would get some message. I can't remember now what it was but at some point and place I was found the possible causes for the error. It had to do with a poor connection and to check the cable and look for bent pins etc. It turns out once again that I don't know what I am doing. There's a lot here and I haven't grasp the tenth of it. Thank you for your replies.

September 7th, 2009, 12:11 PM
I've only used my V1 twice. LOL
From the manual

Max frames per log can be set so that after a
specified number of frames have been logged,
FlashScan will automatically stop logging.
This is useful for drag strip passes.
You could set the number of frames to 600,
which at 10 frames per second will log data for 1 minute.
Setting this parameter to zero means FlashScan will not stop logging
until it either runs out of memory or until you press the
Start/Stop data Logging button on the FlashScan interface.

September 7th, 2009, 06:42 PM
Yeah, that's a help. I go swimming through that manual and come up gasping for air.

Setting the frames to zero would be good I think if it all goes to the laptop. I'm gun shy now because of my recent experience of filling the memory - not understanding the basics like connecting, having PIDs saved to the cable etc.. If not for a phone call to a place far away I'd be boxing the V1 up awaiting an RMA.

I'm going to guess that logging to the laptop is as easy as pressing a red ball at bottom of the display.

As for using this tool, I think you're on the average. I would suppose when I get the car tuned my V1 will gather some dust. I'm thinking the guys that tune for fun and profit would have all the answers but they're too busy to peruse the forums very often after they have gotten the big picture. Anyway, thanks for pointing me to that bit of information.

September 8th, 2009, 04:13 AM
I'm going to guess that logging to the laptop is as easy as pressing a red ball at bottom of the display.
You are correct.

September 10th, 2009, 12:03 AM
Actually, because it was the first time connecting since the cable had been cleared of logs and PIDs due to the memory full situation and that it was connected to my laptop while being connected to the car; EFILive Scan prompted me for the controller's OS. I didn't know it off hand so I had to close that dialog. Then I was asked for the controller type; that I did know. Answering that, Scan automagically found the OS and answered its own first question. I then had to select a list of PIDs after the cable queried the PCM. The next step was to validate and save them to the cable.

THEN all I had to do was press the RED or YELLOW ball at the bottom of the application. LOL.

But not all is well. Even now in my list of supported PIDs, INJDC1 and INJDC2 have mysteriously become unsupported and invalidated. Can I assume I need to clear the cable and let it search for supported PIDs once again??


September 10th, 2009, 01:58 AM
Are the prerequisite PIDs selected as well?

September 10th, 2009, 02:49 AM
Are the prerequisite PIDs selected as well?
:doh2:That fixed it and you're brilliant!:rockon: mr.prick :anitoof:

How can I learn more about the prerequisite PIDs or is it just a common sense thing??

Excellent help here; next thing you know I'll be reading the manual - thank you!

September 10th, 2009, 03:01 AM
To see a pids prerequiste pids, do rightclick->More Info.

Also, press the red button (record)... the yellow button (monitor) is not as useful.

September 10th, 2009, 09:05 PM
Thanks for that. Now I'm having some fun!

I've learned something from the docs too. The (12_chars_of_VIN).vpl is a file that contains the supported PIDs gathered by my V1 cable. I had a full size 304 PID list on my PC but for some reason my laptop didn't get the same list and I couldn't build a scan of the supported PIDs that I need to log. After copying the (vin).VPL over, it looks like I'm fixed up. I'm beginning to appreciate what a piece of work EFILive is.

Thanks for all the great help here!