View Full Version : Mandatory math test for tuners!!!!

98 tigershark
September 5th, 2009, 06:02 PM
Dear Fellow tuners,
Here is a very simple math problem to test your ability to do tuning. If you can get it right you have the right stuff!!
Last year or so, 3 foreign nations went to Bernie Maddoff and said they wanted to invest. So he said OK and the 3 countries invested 30 trillion dollars, 10 trillion each. A few months later it was discovered the 3 countries were overcharged 5 trillion dollars. So a Bernie's sons were called on to go to those 3 countries and return the 5 trillion dollars they were overcharged. On the flight to the countries the Sons said hey, lets give each country one trillion dollars back and we will keep the 2 trillion for our selfs and no body will know. Therefore they Madoff with the 2 trillion dollars. They then went to each of the 3 countries and returned 1 trillion dollars to each country. Each country was very grateful. So, if each country paid 10 trillion dollars and received back one trillion dollars they each had 9 trillion dollars invested with Maddoff. 3 multiplied by 9 trillion equals 27 trillion, plus the 2 trillion dollars the wall streeters madoff with equals a grand total of 29 trillion dollars. So I ask you, What on earth happen to the other 1 trillion Dollars.
So lets review the problem again.
In the end each of the 3 countries invested 9 trillion dollars which equals a 27 trillion dollar grand total for all 3 countries, plus the 2 trillion dollars the wall streeters Madoff with equals a grand total of 29 trillion dollars, right?
So what really happened to the other 1 trillion dollars the regulators can not find. Remember originally 30 trillion was invested, less the 29 trillion that we know about leaves us short 1 trillion dollars right?
I hope this problem is not true, it is hopefully not based on fact, and its intent is to make us all think about math and tuning and accuses no one. If you can find the one trillion dollars that is lost let EFILive know how you found it, as you are then ready to be a pro tuner!
98 tigershark:bangin::rippedhand::bs::beer:

September 5th, 2009, 06:21 PM
The correct accounting is not 9+9+9+2 but rather 25+3+2... (each country paid 9.333 not 9).

98 tigershark
September 6th, 2009, 03:39 AM
Hey Joe,

You got this part right ( 25+3+2... ) Think about the last part. you are very close. Did you get your cats taken care of?
Take care and be well.
98 tigershark

The correct accounting is not 9+9+9+2 but rather 25+3+2... (each country paid 9.333 not 9).

September 6th, 2009, 08:24 AM
I was about to weld the seam and I discovered my Ar/CO2 bottle is empty... (and it's a long weekend)...

I might just plug the seam with exhaust putty and see how it goes.

September 6th, 2009, 10:34 AM
The other trillion went on beer for tuning.

September 7th, 2009, 01:35 AM
30-2-5=23+(1x3)=26 that leaves 2trill for the sons plus the 2trill the WALL STREETERS made off with! am i ready

September 7th, 2009, 02:34 AM
so they had a bank of 30 trillion gave back 3 trillion leaving 27 trillion. The sons stole 2 trillion leaving a bank of 25 trillion. There is no missing trillion, it's all accounted for. The countries are going to be pissed to find out that only 8.3333 trillion is being invested. Rumor is the Sons invested in GM and lost their stolen 2 trillion


We start with 30 degrees of spark with some knock, take out 1 degree but it's still knocking, take out another degree and then another again it is still knocking. Let's take out another 2 degrees and it stops knocking at 25 degrees of spark. :grin:

98 tigershark
September 7th, 2009, 04:08 AM
You are almost ready, The first part is correct. 10 trillion each they did in the end invest - the 1 trillion each= 9 trillion. So 3x9=27 trillion. Instead of adding the 2 trillion to 27 trillion, it should be adding the 2 trillion to the 25 trillion in the bank or subtracting it from the 27 trillion (not adding it). The 3 trillion returned + the 2 trillion the madeoff boys have and the 25 trillion Bernnie Madeoff has some where = 30 trillion. Or 30 trillion-3 trillion returned=27 trilliion, 27 trillion- the 2 trillion dollars the Madeoff boys took= 25 trillion, So 2 trillion (bernnies boys) +3 trillion(returned to investors)+ (Bernnies) 25 trillion= the 30 trillion. Bernnie Madeoff still has = 25 trillion and the boys have 2 trillion and the Investors received 3 trillion back that does equal 30 trillion. As far as the investors, as to there investment % you are wrong by quite a bit. This is the part thats wrong (The countries are going to be pissed to find out that only 8.3333 trillion is being invested. Rumor is the Sons invested in GM and lost their stolen 2 trillion) Think about it and try again!!
98 tigershark

98 tigershark
September 7th, 2009, 04:19 AM
You are the closest but not quite there.
Keep trying as you are ooh soo close!!
98 tigershark

The other trillion went on beer for tuning.

September 7th, 2009, 04:21 AM
Rumor is the Sons invested in GM and lost their stolen 2 trillion) Think about it and try again!!
98 tigershark

So that's where all the money went. :doh2:
Some investors those guys are. :hihi:

98 tigershark
September 7th, 2009, 04:23 AM
That leaves 4 trillion short or 2 trillion if you count the Madeoff boys 2 trillion.
But you are one the right track, sooo keep trying!!
98 tigershark

30-2-5=23+(1x3)=26 that leaves 2trill for the sons plus the 2trill the WALL STREETERS made off with! am i ready

98 tigershark
September 7th, 2009, 04:25 AM
Wrong for the most part!!
Try again!!!
98 tigershark

So that's where all the money went. :doh2:
Some investors those guys are. :hihi:

98 tigershark
September 7th, 2009, 04:30 AM
Is the exhaust diameter 2 3/4"? if so my offer still stands as my stock 98 vette ones are 2 3/4" I think but I have not checked for a while.
Let me know,
Take care Joe and dont give up on the test!!!
Your pal,
98 tigershark

I was about to weld the seam and I discovered my Ar/CO2 bottle is empty... (and it's a long weekend)...

I might just plug the seam with exhaust putty and see how it goes.

98 tigershark
September 7th, 2009, 04:35 AM
Remember originally 30 trillion was invested, less the 29 trillion that we know about leaves us short 1 trillion dollars right?
The hint is this is a question!!! What happens to the money when your customers have paid for a very bad tune and you need to retune it!!!
Keep trying!!!!
So far very very close all !!!!
98 tigershark

September 7th, 2009, 05:03 AM
Wrong for the most part!!
Try again!!!
98 tigershark

That was a joke.
I was referring to GM being a lousy investment.
What was the question again? :hihi:

98 tigershark
September 7th, 2009, 05:09 AM
For a joke you are the closest, now that is funny!!!
Dont give up as you are ooohh sssooo close to the corect answer!!!
98 tigershark:help::rippedhand::bangin::grd::bash:

That was a joke.
I was referring to GM being a lousy investment.
What was the question again? :hihi:

98 tigershark
September 7th, 2009, 05:11 AM
Come on guys, Your math is good, don't give up!!!
98 tigershark

98 tigershark
September 7th, 2009, 05:33 AM
The math is correct for most all of our tuners. But what happens when one of your customers or friends have been ripped for a bad tune?
They have lost the money.
So here is the answer to:
So what really happened to the other 1 trillion dollars the regulators can not find. Remember originally 30 trillion was invested, less the 29 trillion that we know about leaves us short 1 trillion dollars right?
1.) The investors that got back 1 trillion each had to give it to the SEC as that gave them a favored status and put way down the line. So that 3 trillion returned is gone zero nada $0,000,000,000,000.00
2.) The money the Mafeoff boys made off with is gone also, remember they have doen no wrong or so they say. soo again, $0,000,000,000,000.00
3.) The money that was mistaken to be in the bank was not as Bernnie Madeoff had it. How much has any investor got back? $0,000,000,000,000.00

So the correct math is as follows:

$30,000,000,000,000.00-$25,000,000,000,000.00( Money lost to bernie Madeoff as no one can find it and Madeoff says he doesnt have it)-$3,000,000,000,000.00 returned and then taken by the SEC-$2,000,000,000,000.00 taken by the Madeoff boys and is gone as they say they do not have it=$0
SO the correct answer is $0 or we are $30,000,000,000,000.00 Short. Remember the reasons why you guys missed this is you are not crooks,
So you all passed the test, have integrity and are very good ethical tuners.
If you got the answer correct I would have been very worried!!
I am not a crook!!!!:notacrook:
98 tigershark

September 7th, 2009, 08:25 AM
Is the exhaust diameter 2 3/4"? if so my offer still stands as my stock 98 vette ones are 2 3/4" I think but I have not checked for a while.
Let me know,
Take care Joe and dont give up on the test!!!
Your pal,
98 tigersharkThanks for the offer...:cheers:...the problem is that the F-car cats have different flanges on them so the Y-car cats won't fit, see diagrams.

I can weld a short seam, but I'm not good enough yet to cut/swap the flanges.

I'll get more mig gas on Tuesday.

September 8th, 2009, 06:23 AM
i got it now! 30-5=25 that means they have 25 all together and 28 all together after the returned 1 each. with the 2 that the sons kept, none is missing! thats my last and final answer!

98 tigershark
September 8th, 2009, 08:28 AM
Your math is correct but your answer is wrong. But! Thats a good thing! Look at the answer I posted yesterday at 11:33.
You will see.
Good job,
98 tigershark

i got it now! 30-5=25 that means they have 25 all together and 28 all together after the returned 1 each. with the 2 that the sons kept, none is missing! thats my last and final answer!

September 8th, 2009, 08:44 AM
30-5 = 25 ( Total invested )

3 countries: 25/3=8.3333 ( Each countries investment )

It's the sequence in which the maths is actually performed. If you get it out of order ( which is how it's presented in the story ) then the figures don;t add up. You need to stand back and look at the "bigger picture".

Another way to look at it is...

Original fee = $10t per Country

Over charge was $5t in total so 5/3 = $1.66666t each

They each got back $1t, leaving $0.666666t each


98 tigershark
September 8th, 2009, 08:58 AM
When you look at post 18 in this thread you will understand
good math though!
98 tigerhsark

30-5 = 25 ( Total invested )

3 countries: 25/3=8.3333 ( Each countries investment )

It's the sequence in which the maths is actually performed. If you get it out of order ( which is how it's presented in the story ) then the figures don;t add up. You need to stand back and look at the "bigger picture".

Another way to look at it is...

Original fee = $10t per Country

Over charge was $5t in total so 5/3 = $1.66666t each

They each got back $1t, leaving $0.666666t each


September 8th, 2009, 09:17 AM
Oh, I see it now....

It's an example of how the American ecconomy is run........


98 tigershark
September 8th, 2009, 09:27 AM
Yup! But you passed the test, that a good thing as you are honest. You forgot the real world aspect because you do not think like a crook!
You are there fore a tuner as the math and honesty was the key!
Good job,
98 tigershark

Oh, I see it now....

It's an example of how the American ecconomy is run........


September 8th, 2009, 10:12 AM
i see now! LOL