View Full Version : Question for the gurus!

September 21st, 2009, 08:29 AM
I have two questions.


Table B0727, Throttle based injection quantity. It says in the description

"This table defines the base fuel injection quantity based on throttle position.
The value from this table (which is defined as mm3/st) is then used by the main fueling table as the fuel quantity that is to be delivered.
For example, if the value read from this table was 70mm3, then the main fueling tables {B0720} "Main Injection Pulse" and {B0721} "Main Injection Pulse (No Pilot)" will use 70mm3 as the reference to the Y axis of the table."

Ok, I logged some data and noticed that in B0727 the RPM's were 2800, TP was 60% and the intersection of thees two was 40mm3. Then I go to B0720 (or any place using mm3 GM.FUELQ_MAIN_DMA) and I see a mm3 of 70. This contradicts what was said in the description of B0727.
Where does the output of B0727 (FUELQ_THR_DMA) go before it becomes GM.FUELQ_MAIN_DMA ?


I'm logging Pilot Rate MM3 and Pilot uS on an 02 lb7. It says in the pids it's not supported but I select it anyway and it works. The Us (pulse) tracks the map (B0722) in the tuning tool and the values match what I have logged. The Pilot Rate (B0748) however, the y and x axis track but the value doesn't match what i have logged in the scantool. The ECT multiplyer was 0. any suggestions?

Thank you for any input. Brett~