View Full Version : EGT flashscan integration

September 23rd, 2009, 02:29 AM
Hello guys,

Just signed up and have my EFILive all loaded and ready to go, but I've got a few questions before proceeding.

First I've got my PID & dashboard pretty much configured for my LMM. However I can not seem to log two things properly; one- Boost two-EGT's.

There seems to be a few boost PID's but I only found one that works and it sits at 14.8psi at idle. It will fluctuate properly, but I can't seem to subtract 14.8 fast enough down the road in my head...lol How do I either calibrate this PID or use one that works as it should?

Second; EGT's. I realize the Flashscan has the ability to interface utilizing the AD2 connectors, but I can't seem to find any information explaining what the different pins are for at the bottom of the Flashscan and which leads to use from the probe. Any thoughts there?

Any help is appreciated! Thanks guys.

September 23rd, 2009, 03:40 AM

Welcome to the forum...:cheers:

Regarding "one":
what is the boost pid you are using...?
Find this file: \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\User Configuration\calc_pids.txt
and post a copy of it here, I'll show you how to edit it.
More info:
showthread.php?t=11864&highlight=CALC.BOOST (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=11864&highlight=CALC.BOOST)

What vehicle do you have...?

Regarding "two":
See attached pic... turn your FlashScan V2 over and you should see a decal showing the pinouts.
More info:
showthread.php?t=115&highlight=k-type (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=115&highlight=k-type)
showthread.php?t=4761&highlight=k-type (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=4761&highlight=k-type)

September 23rd, 2009, 04:33 AM
Thank for the quick reply!

To answer your questions;

I'm using the PID - Turbo Boost Pressure - caption (BOOST2_DMA)

I have attached the document you have requested.

I'm working with a LMM.

Thanks on the thermocouple!! LOL. I missed the part in the instructions that says, "turn this over". LOL

September 23rd, 2009, 05:35 AM
Replace your calc_pids.txt with the one from this post: showpost.php?p=104303&postcount=9 (http://forum.efilive.com/showpost.php?p=104303&postcount=9)

Close the scantool, and then:
Copy the new file to \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\User Configuration\ overwriting the original file.

September 23rd, 2009, 08:15 AM

Thanks for your help. The support here is unlike anything I've experienced from Hp Tuners. Thank you!

I'll plug this info into the laptop tonight and try to log.


September 23rd, 2009, 08:43 AM
Cool... and thanks for the compliment... let us know how you go. :)

September 25th, 2009, 03:26 AM
Hey Joecar,

I replaced the pids file and attempted to utilize the "calboost" PID and it does the same thing. It says 14.5-14.8psi at idle.

Could it be a parameter not supported with the LMM OS I'm using? What do you think?

Also while tuning last night the DIC posted this "engine power reduced" and it remained until I let off the pedal. I didn't necessarily notice a power reduction, but I"m curious about why this popped up.

Thanks again!

September 25th, 2009, 04:00 AM
On the PIDs tab, on the pid CALC.BOOST do rightclick->More info and paste a screenshot of that...

Also, see what value the BARO pid shows...? It should show about 14-15 psi.

Post a screenshot of your selected pids (PIDs tab).

I am not sure what pids are defined for LMM.

September 25th, 2009, 08:04 AM
Ok this is what I've been able to find with your latest request.

In the PID selection tab, I validated the PIDs and opened two different logs; one called Duramax Imperial.pid and the other Duramax LBZ Imperial.pid.

Both of these do have the boost PID that you have listed as calcboost. I can see it in the dashboard for the DuramaxLBZ, but when I attempt to load it as a gauge, a line is shown through the middle essentially telling me its not available.

Coincidentally the same problem exists with the baro PID you requested.

I'm beginning to think that these are options that I do not have with the LMM, is this possible? Why does my Insight monitor log boost with not problems?

I attached a quick snapshot of the PID data screen & Dashboard.

Thanks and sorry for all the problems...

September 25th, 2009, 08:08 AM
Sorry forgot the attachments

September 25th, 2009, 08:28 AM
The calc pid CALC.BOOST needs the pid SAE.BARO to be defined... I don't see any BARO pids defined for your platform, so you may not be able to do this...

If you know your barometric pressure in psi and/or kPa, and you don't change elevation too much, you could replace the following in the calc_pids.txt file:

replace SAE.BARO.psi with 14.7 (or your actual barometric psi),
replace SAE.BARO.kPa with 101.3 (or you actual barometric kPa).