View Full Version : B0101 set to kpa, but gray box not following right

October 18th, 2005, 04:14 PM
I have all my air flow settings to kpa with most every thing else set to imperial, as it is easier for me to convert in both the scanner and the tuner. but when I log MAP kPa and then try to review it in and see where I'm at in the 0101 table, the gray box acts like it is getting data from in inHg form and never leaves the first 3-4 boxes. When I change the units to inHq if follows like it should in the table. Is this a bug, or do I have something not set correctly.

October 18th, 2005, 04:39 PM
When matching units between the Scan and Tuning Tools you must make sure the units for the PID in the Scan Tool are specified correctly on the [PIDs (F8)] tab page. Right click the PID to change the units in the Scan Tool.

The units that are displayed on the gauges and/or charts have no effect on the linked data. The data that is sent to the Tuning Tool is sent from the [Data (F9)] tab page. So whatever units are displayed on the [Data (F9)] tab page is what will be sent to the Tuning Tool.

And obviously the units must match the units in the row or column of the Tuning Tool table.


October 18th, 2005, 04:57 PM
Ok, went to PID's (F8 ) and changed it from imperial to metric and it fixed it. Thanks Blacky, now I know how that part of it works . :wink: