View Full Version : Version 7.4 won't go away

October 3rd, 2009, 12:35 AM
I have updated to the latest software version. 7.4 and 7.5 co-existed but when I would double click on a tune (*.TUN) file without EFILive 7.5 Scan Tool being open, the EFILive version 7.4 tune tool starts but cannot read the tune because it was created for and by version 7.5 and exits with an error.

I decided to associate the *.TUN extension with the new 7.5 Tune executable in the FOLDER OPTIONS > FILE TYPES from windows explorer. This did not fix the problem stated above; 7.4 tune tool would still try start.

I decided to uninstall 7.4 but it keeps coming up whenever I select a *.TUN file and then exits with an error message. I then went into the windows xp registry and removed the EFILive7 entry with all sub entries. 7.4 tune tool STILL wants to be the dominant executable!

I then removed EFILive 7.5 from the computer hard drive and re-installed it without any connection to 7.4. Low and behold the EFILive 7.4 Tune Tool STILL pops up and exits with an error!

How do I get rid of 7.4 ??? :help2:

October 3rd, 2009, 08:21 AM
1) Backup the 'C:\Program Files\EFILive' and 'My Documents\EFILive' folders
2) Uninstall all EFILive software (version 7.4 and 7.5)
3) Delete the 'C:\Program Files\EFILive' and 'My Documents\EFILive' folders
4) Install the latest version and answer yes to resetting the Registry to default
5) Drivers will be in the 'C:\Program Files\EFILive\Drivers\EFILive\<your OS>' folder
6) Copy back the content from the backup you want

Hopefully that should be you sorted.

October 3rd, 2009, 09:15 AM
Thanks, the only thing on the list that I didn't do was to delete the V7 directory under program files. I will also search the registry for references to V7.

October 3rd, 2009, 09:20 AM
Registry will be pretty much two places: