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View Full Version : B2229, b2230, b2231

October 7th, 2009, 05:05 PM
What are these values referring to? For example in the desription:

"The coolant temperature turbo vane position table multiplier will be limited to this value."

where is that multiplier?

October 7th, 2009, 06:25 PM
I'll have to check my description, I might have meant the desired boost.

October 8th, 2009, 02:21 AM
ok, I will be trying to use these today, and just wanted to get clarification. I am probably the only one on the planet who cares, but I do appreciate that I can use them to create a cold weather load for quicker warmup. I have used them as part of a recipe to warm up the truck in 50% less time when cold.

I ran into issues and these settings are probably complicit. If you could clarify what these tables refer to for sure, I will test them out.

October 8th, 2009, 02:31 AM
B2226 vs B2229

are these referring to the same thing? I am just making a guess here, that you intended for ECT vane position adjustment, but those tables never made it to release, or were chopped for some reason.

From my point of view (I am into making software wastegates from whatever is available...limiting vane position under high heat and high load conditions is very important to me) if vane position is adjustable with ECT, that would be a big hit in the effort to fix GM's LLY induction overheating fiasco.

October 10th, 2009, 05:18 AM
I thought the vanes were already kept closed at low ECT to help warmup?

October 10th, 2009, 05:25 AM
At least in the case of an LLY, that is what is suggested by the tables. However, these tables have been out of service since inception.

I can say 100%, they did at one time work in my OS, with Ross's help. :)

Does anyone else get ECT boost to work? (B2216)

October 11th, 2009, 03:02 PM
that is rpm axis breakpoint for me

October 13th, 2009, 12:37 PM
New stuff, and finally some light.

I just spent a lot of time trying to track down anomolies in ect boost, B2216. I could not figure out why it wasn't working, as I described above.

Through trial and error, I found my answer in B2220 and B2221, it turns out they are not what they are labeled. Perhaps they are not what Ross and crew thought they were, or maybe I just misunderstood them. They are labled "boost baro pressure". I had zero'd them out, thinking they were literal, expecting only to take baro out of the loop. It turns out that this act zeroed my other dynamic boost adjustments, ECT boost and IAT boost. This is not anywhere in the table description, unless I missed it :) and I will recommend that this be changed.

I did not do any tests to determine if they, in fact, do have a "baro" element to them, besides the axis. I can only say, it might be wise to avoid touching them until they are better understood.

So IOW, I just spent probably 20 hours of effort to come to the (frustrating) conclusion that nomenclature is really hurting the LLY boost area, including the topic post, (which still is a mystery). I would love to have dynamic ECT adjustment of the vanes (as suggested by B2229, b2230, b2231). But if this coolant vane table is lost, it would be prudent to remove these, if for no other reason, to eliminate the confusion and lawn dart tuning mistakes that tinkerers are likely to make.

This may sound a little harsh, but this isn't how I like to spend my time after 5-6 years on this ECM. I mean no harm or foul, it is just my opinion that we should not have nomenclature challenges at this late date. I feel badly that this attention subtracts from development of other, newer platforms, like dsp for LMM.

And finally, with humility...Ross, I apologize, at first I assumed incorrectly, that you had not integrated changes from 2 years ago, and I was wrong.

Thanks for listening.

The Neens
October 13th, 2009, 06:25 PM
Or just do what I did 2 years ago...Sell that troubled LLY and upgrade to a LBZ...You'll sleep better ;)

October 14th, 2009, 12:46 PM
Or just do what I did 2 years ago...Sell that troubled LLY and upgrade to a LBZ...You'll sleep better ;)

I have tuned tons of LLY's, tow vehicles, daily driver, race vehicles, none of them overheat, nobody calls and complains about "issues", I don't mess with half the stuff available in the ecm.........:shock:

Good Like Michael,

Your on a mission for sure, hope you get it all figured out................:secret:

LLY's, I skipped that 1.5/year redheaded step-child and waited for the 2007 LBZ.


Carry On,

Thanks for all the tables Ross and Paul.


October 14th, 2009, 03:24 PM
Michael, it appears that the Baro table is used as a multiplier only to the coolant boost table, not the IAT table (why?). I will redo the descriptions.

In fairness to Michael he is definitely on a different tuning path than most LLY tuners, hence he went a little deeper than most users to discover this issue which many would dismiss as not worth worrying about given the factory settings for the coolant boost adjustment tables would determine they are not used during normal running temps.


October 15th, 2009, 12:28 AM
That is why I said he is on a mission.


October 15th, 2009, 02:30 AM
Or just do what I did 2 years ago...Sell that troubled LLY and upgrade to a LBZ...You'll sleep better ;)

HAHAHA! word to that!

October 16th, 2009, 11:52 AM
I will redo the descriptions.

any sign of the topic "turbo vane position table"? :)

There does appear to be an ECT adjustment to vane travel.

October 18th, 2009, 10:17 AM
any sign of the topic "turbo vane position table"? :)You are not making sense.

October 18th, 2009, 10:35 AM
on topic request


I am making the guess that there is an ECT and/or IAT vane table that these multipliers (B2229, b2230, b2231 ) apply to.