View Full Version : Help with software going corrupt

October 16th, 2009, 12:09 AM

Once again I cannot get the software to read my PID's from my log file on my notebook. I've been running great for a couple months since reinstalling Vista fresh. But Now the PID's are not showing up in F9. I know they are there. I can load the same log on another machine and they show. I need some way to identify what is clobbering your software. I recently added a lot of cam and movie editing stuff for my incar videos and since then, things went bad. I have removed and reinstalled your latest 7.5.6 version and that didn't work. Currently uninstalling and reinstalling to a different directory, but I doubt that will work for long.

Please come up with something to debug what is going on. I need the notebook to do the flashes and really should not have to have ONLY EFILive running on it so that it behaves.

Ken . . .

October 16th, 2009, 04:09 AM
Do you have any screenshots...

October 16th, 2009, 05:03 AM
Sure Joe, see attachments. Again, the software is not recoginizing the logged PID's on my notebook. I can open the same exact Log file on two other desktops just fine. I could even send it to you and you would open it just fine. I can't keep reinstalling Vista on my notebook everytime this happens. It takes many many hours to re-install all my stuff.

You will see one screenshot showing only one data item logged, the other shows a ton. Two different computers opening the same file. The problem installation has been uninstalled and freshly installed with the latest version today!

October 16th, 2009, 05:41 AM
The A/D PIDs are the only ones missing data.
Did you configure the A/D PIDs in the V2 before BBL?

October 16th, 2009, 05:43 AM
The A/D PIDs are the only ones missing data.
Did you configure the A/D PIDs in the V2 before BBL?

I think you missed VSS, TP, MAP, IAT,KR etc.

Unless you are saying you opened it and saw them all. If that is the case, you have seen my problem. The file is good, but on my notebook it will not see the PID's. I don't care about the A/D ones.

October 16th, 2009, 05:45 AM
I see them.
The only PIDs not showing data are the A/Ds.
I am using XP.

October 16th, 2009, 05:52 AM
I see them.
The only PIDs not showing data are the A/Ds.
I am using XP.

Now if you can help me to see them, my problem will be fixed :doh2:

My software on my notebook does not see the logged PID's, see the first screenshot above.

October 16th, 2009, 06:08 AM
Did you replot the log? Shft+Ctrl+R
If the the Disable confirmation dialogs box in the scan tool properties is checked
then you will not see anything until you replot the log.
If it is unchecked the dialog box will appear when opening the log.

October 16th, 2009, 07:49 AM
I can also see all the data in the log running latest pre-release build on Windows 7.

October 16th, 2009, 07:50 AM
After loading a log file, sometimes the list of PIDs shown in the [Data F9] tab page will not refresh correctly. To force them to refresh, click on one of the gray column headings to re-sort the data by that column. That will force a display refresh and possibly restore the PIDs that you cannot see.


October 16th, 2009, 02:47 PM
After loading a log file, sometimes the list of PIDs shown in the [Data F9] tab page will not refresh correctly. To force them to refresh, click on one of the gray column headings to re-sort the data by that column. That will force a display refresh and possibly restore the PIDs that you cannot see.


Hmmm, I'll have to try that but I don't think it was a sort thing because dashboard had all my Charted PID's with strikeout lines through them.

Odd thing is, I'm at a hotel by Barber Motorsports Park in Alabama right now. Tried opening the file and it worked perfect. I would be very happy it it works all weekend as I never finished tuning my MAF because it rained for the last two weeks straight in Atlanta. I'm desperately planning on using my warm up laps to tweak my MAF before it start hitting the track all out. I really need this to work tomorrow. The driving part is stressful enough, but add the responsibility of not blowing your engine because you goofed a tune all up. Got a lot on my mind.

Hopefully I'll get the tune setup and have some more interesting and substantial tuning questions from some of my high speed logs over the weekend.

I was going to take some incar video at the track and overlay some A-Dashboard gauges over the footage to show whats happening in conjunction with the track. I think all that video stuff is what screwed up my EFILive. Perhaps some DLL's are overwritten, or perhaps some conflicts. I uninstalled all that stuff out of desperation to get EFILive working for this weekend though.

October 19th, 2009, 01:00 PM

I did a quick log with the latest V8 BBL stuff tonight. Used explorer to bring it over to my HD. Tried loading it by double clicking it four different times. Each time, it recognizes a different PID's in the F9 section.

Are you going to give me something to troubleshoot this with?

We know the files are good as I can read them on two other machines and when I posted them up, others were able to read all the PID's too. Whatever the Scan tool is doing to decide what PID's are in a log is not working on my notebook for some reason.

October 19th, 2009, 01:58 PM

I can see 23 channels worth of pids... see attached pic...

Can you post some pics of these tabs:
- Data,
- Dash B.

October 19th, 2009, 02:01 PM
Ken, is your software build 99...?

October 19th, 2009, 02:46 PM
Joe, yes build 99 as you see in the first pic with the help about included.

All three of these snapshots are the same exact file.

I double click on the logfile to open scan tool and snap a screen shot.

Close down

Double click again, take screen shot, close

Double click again take screen shot.

As you see, the program can not properly detect what PID's are in the file. Just like you did, I too can open this file on two other machines just fine. Need the notebook to work so I can go to the car with it. Have already reloaded Vista once to fix the problem. That got me by for a couple months.

October 19th, 2009, 03:09 PM
Do you have UAC enabled?
That can cause all kinds of problems when installing software with Vista.

October 19th, 2009, 03:21 PM
Try resetting EFILive's registry settings to their defaults:

Exit from all EFILive software.
Click Start, enter regedit in the start menu search box and click on the regedit program that appears in the start menu.
Navigate to the key: \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EFILive\V7.5 and delete the V7.5 key and all its subkeys.
Restart the V7.5 Scan Tool and try loading the file.

Another thing to try is to check that your laptop locality settings (from the Windows control panel) are set to the same as your desktop. Specifically settings such as date/time formats and number formats (commas and decimal points get swapped around when the locality settings are set to some European country settings).


October 19th, 2009, 03:33 PM
Do you have UAC enabled?
That can cause all kinds of problems when installing software with Vista.

UAC is off