View Full Version : Making real time timing changes on load dyno??

Redline Motorsports
October 23rd, 2005, 06:10 AM
I thought I remember being told that EFI Live has a "bidirectional" function that allows you to making "real time" changes to the timing of the motor. We have a load dyno and would like to fool around with timing at low to mid speed loads as we do with aftermarket stand alone type units. What is the best way to do this? I understand that the changes are not permanant but how can you retain the information for later re-flashing?

I always felt that most tuning power is in the spark timing more then A/F and feel there is some more power in the low end of these motors that we never get time to tap into.



October 23rd, 2005, 06:31 AM
if its anything like hptuners as long as your recording the scanned data you can see the adjustments to spart or a/f your making since your just setting them in stone for the time being. Then just play it back.

Redline Motorsports
October 23rd, 2005, 07:07 AM
So do you think that while recording a scan, the changes that you make are also recorded? What about if you keep feeding it timing under a specific load; go up to peak torque and then go back down again. What would be recorded all the up and down changes?? I would like to hold the motor at a given rpm (lets say 3000) and then keep tweaking the timing for peak cylinder pressure. Once I determine what degree of timing works, be able to note that value (somewhere!) and give the car more throttle and to the next load cell along the 3000 rpm row.

First question was where in FS can you feed the timing value? My dyno reads real time hp/tq values so I'll know when I reach the peak. What do I need an assistant to note the timing value and which cell (KPA/rpm) it was in at the time the change was made?? :D

October 23rd, 2005, 08:35 AM
1. Open the Scan Tool Control Panel (Menu: Bidirectional->Control panel...), and select the [Spark/Fuel (Ctlr+F8)] tab page.
2. Start data logging
3. Enter the desired spark that you want. At this stage the PCM will still be running off of it's internal spark control.

Once you have your vehicle/dyno at the correct rpm/load point, check the box in the Control Panel for "Absolute spark control". That will command the spark to the value selected. You will see the commanded spark change in the EFILive data logger. Experiment at idle first if you are unsure.

Due to rounding errors the spark may be 0.5 degrees different than what you are commanding.

You can control fuel the same way as well.

Note: When you are using bidirectional controls, EFILive drops the data logging down to Dynamic, which is only around 7-8 frames per second (fps). If you have already started logging in fast 10fps prior to opening the Control Panel then you will not be able to open the Control Panel until you stop logging.

Note #2: If you exceed a calibrated RPM, (See Tuning tool under: Engine Diganostics->Bidi->Parameters->{C6152}) then the bidirectional controls will be terminated by the PCM and you will need to uncheck and recheck the control to re-activate it. If it becomes a problem then increase the value of {C6152}.


October 23rd, 2005, 01:37 PM
That's great info, Paul. I wondered why I couldn't turn on the controls sometimes during logging, and that explains it.

Future feature request:
A change in the chart line characteristics (solid to dotted line) or some other indicator when bidirectional controls are engaged? That way, when looking over a log, one could tell at a glance when you were overriding the base settings with the control panel.

Redline Motorsports
October 23rd, 2005, 02:39 PM

Thanks for those tips! So many cool functions with this software! I'm glad I made the right choice!

I'll check this out tomorrow!


October 23rd, 2005, 03:33 PM
That's great info, Paul. I wondered why I couldn't turn on the controls sometimes during logging, and that explains it.

Future feature request:
A change in the chart line characteristics (solid to dotted line) or some other indicator when bidirectional controls are engaged? That way, when looking over a log, one could tell at a glance when you were overriding the base settings with the control panel.

That is a cool idea :) I'll stick that on Sant's wish list.