View Full Version : LMM DSP5 timing issues

November 24th, 2009, 07:02 AM
Has anyone else had any problems with the LMM DSP5 tables not commanding certain parameters? I just noticed today while tuning a LMM that on program 4 the timing changes aren't made. Like the tune calls for 22 degrees, but it's only running 14.5 degrees. I took the timing table from program 4 and applied it to program 1 and then it worked on program 1, but still not on program 4. The pulse width changes and FRP is where it should be, but timing is not working for me. Any ideas? It's the 8594 OP. Thanks

November 24th, 2009, 12:22 PM
Done some more testing. If I apply program 4s timing tables to programs 1-3 then the timing is changed on all 4 programs. Now when I set program 2s timing to where I originally had it program 2 is right, but program 4 is wrong. Seems program 4 uses program 2s timing tables. But 1 and 3 are still 4s timing. And if I set 1 back to where I had it before, then 3 follows 1s timing tables. This needs to be looked into. Anyone else notice this problem?

November 24th, 2009, 12:43 PM
First thing, please monitor the tune # in the scantool, ensure it really is switching to #4.
Also, what timing table are you changing?


November 24th, 2009, 01:56 PM
It is going into program 4. I can tell that just by looking at the pulse width. I can say that by changing the B Low Altitude and Transient timing tables in program 2 that it affects the tables in program 4. The OP system is 52628594.

November 26th, 2009, 10:37 AM
Dan, firstly thank you for finding this problem, it's real! I made an error in the OS.
The ECM is selecting the tunes alright but instead of using Tune 3 & 4, it's using 1 & 2 again. Easy fix at my end now I can see what I've done and I'll post an updated .calz file for everyone.
It will mean you need to repatch any 52628594 you have made. Meaning, start with the stock OS and apply the OS patch.

52628594 was the last OS I did, I guess my brain was too frazzled to see the error when I checked it before release, never mind, at least it wasn't a disaster.


January 26th, 2011, 01:09 PM
Dan, firstly thank you for finding this problem, it's real! I made an error in the OS.
The ECM is selecting the tunes alright but instead of using Tune 3 & 4, it's using 1 & 2 again. Easy fix at my end now I can see what I've done and I'll post an updated .calz file for everyone.
It will mean you need to repatch any 52628594 you have made. Meaning, start with the stock OS and apply the OS patch.

52628594 was the last OS I did, I guess my brain was too frazzled to see the error when I checked it before release, never mind, at least it wasn't a disaster.


Has this been fixed if so how can I tell (calibration folder ect.),one of my customers has that operating system its been drving me crazy,so I put the big tune on base tables and not dsp but can not get timing up looks like all the modifyer tables are set to be off at 149 degs f ,I have low,Mid,transient,set the same still timing it lower then them like 10degs or something,maybe I am over looking something like b0955 the example doesnt show say -10x0=maybe -10?,my customer keeps stoping over on weekends so any ideas

January 26th, 2011, 01:13 PM
Yeah this problem has been fixed. What op system do you have? Did you raise the max injection timing tables?

January 26th, 2011, 01:58 PM
52628594 I didn't raise it because tunes not that big