View Full Version : What's going on with my log files?

December 6th, 2009, 03:38 PM
My recent log files appear corrupted when I try to view them on my notebook which was working normally before. They look normal when I view them on a PC which may have an older build. Tried re-installing the software on the notebook, but still have this problem. Older log files open OK on either the notebook or PC. Any ideas?

December 6th, 2009, 06:14 PM
What is the version of your EFILive software (and the version that captured the log if different)?

Or if this log was created with FlashScan V2 BBL what is the firmware version?

December 7th, 2009, 02:49 PM
What is the version of your EFILive software (and the version that captured the log if different)?

Or if this log was created with FlashScan V2 BBL what is the firmware version?

Not using BBL. All logs were recorded on the notebook.

Version 7.5 on both machines. Both XP. Older build of 7.5 on the PC(73). Current build on the notebook. Until things went wonky with the last log I had been able to view all previous logs on the notebook. Now the most recent half dozen appear messed up if opened on the notebook.
Looks like in all of those logs I was logging trans PIDs. Sample log attached.

December 7th, 2009, 02:57 PM
That latest log opens and displays perfectly on my 7.5.6 Build 99 pre-release software. Can you please ensure that all EFILive software (on any pc/laptop) is updated to at least 7.5.5 Build 88?

December 7th, 2009, 03:26 PM
That latest log opens and displays perfectly on my 7.5.6 Build 99 pre-release software. Can you please ensure that all EFILive software (on any pc/laptop) is updated to at least 7.5.5 Build 88?

I re-installed 7.5 on the notebook yesterday(build 88), but it did not corrrect the problem.

The file displayed perfectly on my PC as well (build 73) up until 10 minutes ago. Then I installed build 88 on the PC and now the files will not display properly on the PC either!

December 7th, 2009, 03:28 PM
Sorry, should have been typing 7.5.5, not 7.5.

December 7th, 2009, 03:31 PM
There was a bug ages ago that resulted in logs like that, and it was an issue with an early BBL release as well. Perhaps the log was recorded with a buggy version in which case it will not be resolved by running latest software now (future logs should be free of the error).

December 7th, 2009, 03:41 PM
Thanks. These logs were recorded just over 1 month ago with the most current release/updates available at that time. What's odd is that I had been able to view them until the last one was recorded. After that none of the recent trans logs displayed properly??

My next test will be to record some new logs on another vehicle and see what happens. The truck is torn down now(trans), so the V2 hasn't seen much action recently.