View Full Version : i want to buy,but what should i get and for how much?

sand man
December 9th, 2009, 06:21 AM
i never tuned any car\truck,i have a small background about tunning
i want to buy a tunning program to tune my truck with a laptop, and i want to tune my friends trucks

my truck is a 2009 gmc sierra,my friends have 3 2008 sierras,2 2008 silverdaos,and 3 2009 sierras.
my goal is to start with simple tunning, like speed limter,tq mangment,spark advance,and rev limter and shift points..and ill learn more from this site and from other tuners

what kind of options i have,can i upgrade the tunning program to tune more cars\trucks if i got better with it.
the eflive site isnt that obvious and i didnt understand every thing in there

December 9th, 2009, 06:53 AM
Hi Sand Man,

Welcome to the forum...:cheers:

You would need the V2 Scan and Tune option since your and your friends' vehicles have CAN bus
(this will allow you to scan/log/edit/flash from/to the ECM and TCM controllers).

See here:

V2 comes with 2 ECM lisenses, and you can purchase further ECM licenses (up to 255), or if you have a tuning shop with good customer volume you can purchase the unlimited license workshop streams.

Download/install the V7.5 software from here:

You can test drive the software, it comes with sample log/tune files from real vehicles;
you can also download the files from www.holdencrazy.com and view/edit those.


sand man
December 9th, 2009, 07:05 AM
how can i down load and instal this? i have to own a usb to obd2 wire am i right?and how much do i have to pay to tune more cars?how much would each vehicle cost?

December 9th, 2009, 08:25 AM
Download the software from that link, and run it (double-click) to install.

Without the V2/OBD2 cable, you can still view log files and view/edit tune files.

To scan, log, read/flash the PCM you need the V2/OBD2 cable.

December 9th, 2009, 08:27 AM
V2 comes with 2 licenses, this is sufficient to flash the ECM and TCM on 2 vehicles...

For each additional vehicle, a combined ECM/TCM license costs $99... (you get your friends pay for each license).

Yes, that is correct, to be able to scan, log, and flash you need to buy the V2 cable.

sand man
December 9th, 2009, 08:36 AM
so this will be the last qustion befor the purches.what dose EFI live have over HPtuners

i see that both cost the same to tune 1 more vehicle,but with HPtuners i can buy the hole chevy silverado and gmc sierra starting from 2007 and up models by buying 4 more credits for just under 200...thats 49.99 per credit

+hp tuners is cheaper to buy for 649 for pro and 499 for standerd

thats alot less than efi live is there a reason for that

December 9th, 2009, 08:47 AM
so this will be the last qustion befor the purches.what dose EFI live have over HPtuners

i see that both cost the same to tune 1 more vehicle,but with HPtuners i can buy the hole chevy silverado and gmc sierra starting from 2007 and up models by buying 4 more credits for just under 200...thats 49.99 per credit

+hp tuners is cheaper to buy for 649 for pro and 499 for standerd

thats alot less than efi live is there a reason for that

It wouldn't be 2007 and up models. It would be 2007 Silverado for 4 more. Each model/year combo would be additional. Whereas if you expect you'll be tuning quite a few similar, yet different vehicles, EFILive's stream license can work out to be much cheaper.

Additionally, each HPTuner custom operating system that you'd like to apply will be an additional cost (if you so choose). EFILive's custom operating systems are free.

In my opinion, EFILive's scan tool is far superior to that of HPTuners in terms of flexibility. Black Box data-logging with the V2 and soon-to-come black box flashing will allow you to do all that you need without having a laptop in the vehicle.

December 9th, 2009, 08:50 AM
The FlashScan V2 interface is a lot more advanced that anything else in the market. There is up to 4 5 volt A/D inputs as well as capability for serial wideband support.

Additionally it is possible to Black Box Log using an SD card for extended periods. With Black Box Reading and Flashing coming out soon as a free firmware update you will be able to read and flash calibrations at the vehicle without a laptop.

EFILive does not limit or restrict to vehicle types and years. As with all licensing schemes some will work better for others and vice versa. If you have 10 friends with exactly the same model and model year then perhaps the "other" scheme might work for you. If more likely you have 10 friends with differing vehicles you'll probably find that the EFILive VIN based scheme is best for you.

Certainly a good proportion of our feedback from convert customers is how our product is much cheaper overall.

December 9th, 2009, 09:02 AM
ppTuners is cheaper for a reason.
The Pro MPVI Interface would be the "closest thing"
to the V2 but still inadequate.

With serial input, BBR & BBF abilities and RTACS the V2 is superior.
Don't forget VVE, have the other guys figured that out yet? :hihi:

sand man
December 9th, 2009, 09:07 AM
ill do more research...ill get back to u on that

December 9th, 2009, 09:09 AM
Hi Sand Man,

EFILive FlashScan V2 has a few features that HPT does not:

- V2 can read the AFR/Lambda from the popular widebands using serial/digital connection (in digital form using RS232); this means that V2 sees the same AFR/Lambda that the wideband sees (i.e. with no errors due to analog voltage offsets or induced noise as would occur with an analog connection).

- V2 accepts an SD memory card, see below (a 2GB SD memory card costs US$5.00 and can hold thousands of log files and tune files).

- V2 can do standalone data logging (black box logging "BBL"): it saves logged pids to a file on SD card (HPT can also do BBL but not to an SD card); the laptop/PC does not need to be connected, it can be left at home.

- V2 can do standalone reading of calibration from ECM/TCM (black box reading "BBR"): it reads the calibration from the ECM/TCM and saves it to SD card.

- V2 will soon be able to do standalone flashing to ECM/TCM (black box flashing "BBF"): it will flash a calibration/tune file into the ECM/TCM from the SD card; this feature is currently being worked on, it is not ready yet.

- V2 can also read/scan all the OBD2 data from the ECM/TCM and save to file on SD card (all OBD2 modes): this is useful for diagnosis of problems; V2 displays a text description for each DTC.

- V2 will soon have bidirectional capability: you will be able to test the function of all the solenoids controlled by the ECM/TCM by commanding the state of each solenoid.

And there are other reasons/features.

December 9th, 2009, 09:09 AM
so this will be the last qustion...You can ask as many questions as you like, no problem...:cheers:

sand man
December 9th, 2009, 09:10 AM
i also heard that hp tuners have an advatge over efi live about the 6l80e tanny tunning options is that tru?

sand man
December 9th, 2009, 09:15 AM
thanx for all the positive feed back(dont mind my english im from Saudi Arabia)

so guys you know what i want, what should i buy to start?can i buy a full year/model vehicle ?

December 9th, 2009, 09:15 AM
Download and install the software, view the sample log files and view/edit the sample tune files (included in the installation), they were taken from real vehicles.

December 9th, 2009, 09:17 AM
thanx for all the positive feed back(dont mind my english im from Saudi Arabia)

so guys you know what i want, what should i buy to start?can i buy a full year/model vehicle ?

With EFILive you would buy the whole computer family... EG all 6 speed auto, all E38 ECM, all LS1, etc. If you're tuning anything more than just a couple of vehicles, the cost savings can be big.

December 9th, 2009, 09:17 AM
thanx for all the positive feed back(dont mind my english im from Saudi Arabia)

so guys you know what i want, what should i buy to start?can i buy a full year/model vehicle ?
You buy this: V2 Scan and Tune (http://www.efilive.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage_EFILive.tpl&product_id=63&category_id=11&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=56).

It comes with 2 licenses, each license can flash one ECM/TCM pair.

Your English is good, I understand all your questions....:cheers:


December 9th, 2009, 09:18 AM
If you're tuning the VE table and/or MAF table, you should also buy a wideband O2 sensor... be sure to get one that outputs the AFR/Lambda in serial format.

sand man
December 9th, 2009, 09:21 AM
when it comes to reality i cant pay 2500$ to be able to tune all e38s or all e67s,i dont own a shop YET,+if i opend one ill start with mechanical upgrades so a year model tunning licence is more convenince,is there a way to do so with efilive it would be alot cheaper and easyer and cheaper cause i will only be tunning trucks and working on them..

December 9th, 2009, 09:24 AM
when it comes to reality i cant pay 2500$ to be able to tune,i dont own a shop YET,+if i opend one ill start with mechanical upgrades so a year model tunning licence is more convenince,is there a way to do so with efilive

There are individual vehicle licenses, no year/model. Each individual license you purchase can be used towards purchasing a stream though.

December 9th, 2009, 09:25 AM
If you have a workshop and are ready to tune a large number of vehicles, there is available stream licenses (i.e. per ECM type, not individual ECM's)...

these are more expensive, but they are "big-picture" cheaper if you will be tuning many vehicles (as you said above... I was typing... :)).

If you buy V2 Scan and Tune (with 2 license), and add licenses (at $99 per license)... then at any time you can upgrade to a workshop stream, your existing licenses will be used as credit to reduce the cost of the workshop license, as Justin said above... if you want more details let me know, I will contact Tech Support.

sand man
December 9th, 2009, 09:28 AM
There are individual vehicle licenses, no year/model. Each individual license you purchase can be used towards purchasing a stream though.

sorry but what do you mean by stream?

can u talk more about this?

Each individual license you purchase can be used towards purchasing a stream

sand man
December 9th, 2009, 09:29 AM
If you have a workshop and are ready to tune a large number of vehicles, there is available stream licenses (i.e. per ECM type, not individual ECM's)...

these are more expensive, but they are "big-picture" cheaper if you will be tuning many vehicles (as you said above... I was typing... :)).

If you buy V2 Scan and Tune (with 2 license), and add licenses (at $99 per license)... then at any time you can upgrade to a workshop stream, your existing licenses will be used as credit to reduce the cost of the workshop license, as Justin said above... if you want more details let me know, I will contact Tech Support.

yes i would like to know more please

December 9th, 2009, 09:31 AM
A VIN license can be used to tune an ECM and TCM controller of any supported vehicle.

80% of the cost of a VIN license (US$79.20) can be rebated as a discount on a Stream purchase. A discount of up to 50% of the Stream cost can be rebated in this way.

December 9th, 2009, 09:32 AM
See here: stream licenses (http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=58).

Typically this is what happens:
a workshop buys the V2 Scan and Tune;
then the shop buys single licenses as needed;
after buying some number of single licenses, the shop buys a stream license, the single licenses become credit toward the purchase of the stream license.

i.e. as Tordne said above.

Some shops just buy streams immediately.

December 9th, 2009, 09:38 AM

80% of the cost of a VIN license (US$79.20) can be rebated as a discount on a Stream purchase. A discount of up to 50% of the Stream cost can be rebated in this way.

Sand Man, look at this:

The E67 stream costs $2500 (I'm rounding for easier math).

50% of $2500 is $1250.

A single license contributes $80 ($79.20 as Tordne said) toward the purchase of the stream.

$1250/$80 = 15.625 vehicles...

i.e. if you tune 16 or more E67 vehicles, then the E67 stream will be cheaper than single licenses.

Same math for E38 stream.

Tordne, did I get this right...?

sand man
December 9th, 2009, 01:38 PM
i got that..but whats a VVE i know whats a VE now thanx to the efilve tune v7.5 i downloaded.

December 9th, 2009, 02:33 PM
VVE is EFILive's Virtual VE innovation. In the E38 and E67 ECMs the VE table is dynamically calculated form data from 2D zone files. The VVE performs all of the complex maths to enable the Tune Tool to present a 3D VE table which is much easier for customers to modify. The changed table is then recalculated and stored back in the ECM zones.

December 9th, 2009, 03:11 PM
Sand Man,

With the E38/E67 ECMs, GM is modelling the cylinder airmass using a series of polynomials... the math/visualization is non-intuitive and difficult to manually calculate by hand... so what Tordne said is that EFILive performs the calculation for you, and the user interface is a 3D map that looks/work very much similar to the old LS1 VE table.

VE = Volumetric Efficiency; the VE table models the cylinder airmass (scaled for temperature/pressure) for the operating MAP/RPM range.

December 9th, 2009, 03:37 PM
Another thing no one mentioned yet is that EFI_Live includes a stream for alll 1997 and 1998 LS1 vehicles. You won't ever need to pay a license fee for those models. You never know what you might wind up working on in the future.