View Full Version : Engine Brake Pattern for C4500?

December 28th, 2009, 11:14 AM
I would like to change the down shift points during engine braking in my '06 C4500 LBZ.

There does not appear to be a "Pattern" for Engine Braking mode even though the truck comes stock from GM with a electronic engine braking.

What am I missing?


December 29th, 2009, 01:58 PM
not missing anything. The 6speed is not fully developed and there are quite a few tables that have yet to be found, that is one of them.

December 29th, 2009, 05:00 PM
Everett huh? Seattle here, good to see another NW member.

The 6spd calibrations are being developed continually, but Im pretty sure for the 5spd Allis there's no section for engine braking.

January 1st, 2010, 12:52 PM
What does it take before the issue becomes important enough to come to the top of EFI Live priorities list?

January 1st, 2010, 11:41 PM
We tend not to chop and change between development on the various controllers we support or nothing would ever get completed. For example, we recently spent a while working on the DSP for LBZ/LMM, a custom OS for the E38/E67 ECM's and pretty much nothing else got a look in.
Requests like yours will be noted for the next time we are working on the Alli 6spd.
I don't know when that will be, we need to juggle handling further development on existing controllers and expanding in to new territory.
You may or may not know that the Alli 6spd TCM underwent a change in 2009, at this stage we haven't added support for that new TCM, it's development is well under way, in fact the reading of the new TCM was released in the last update. We will probably look to add user requests on certain tables once we switch to full development on the new TCM.
Also please keep in mind, we are not GM, we are not Allison, we can't guarantee we can find every table or function that may (or may not) be in a controller.


January 2nd, 2010, 06:02 AM
Thanks for the info Ross.

I completely understand and will await the next 6spd update.

Happy New Year & best wishes for continued success in 2010!