View Full Version : Headers adjustment questions

January 15th, 2010, 08:10 AM
Recently I got a set of headers installed for my TB I6 since they just came out. Ive searched through the forum looking what to adjust on my tune for headers and have found no answer. What do i need to adjust for the headers inorder to get better performance out of them? Thanks

January 15th, 2010, 08:30 AM
Try an AutoVE... and then log some MAF BEN's and LTFT's to see what's going on.

January 15th, 2010, 09:08 AM
when finding Main VE the Trailblazer has 4 VE tables. Which one is the Main VE?


January 15th, 2010, 09:42 AM
Hmmm... good one...:doh2:

My guess is you would have to find the boundaries at which the various tables become active...

and then set you BEN filter to exclude any data outside those boundaries...

January 15th, 2010, 10:11 AM
Its tricky, on the P10 we have 2 low VE tables table goes from 0-3800rpms, high RPM table goes from 3800-7000rpms and idle goes from 400-1600rpms. Idle is active when the PCM commands and idle condition (so deceleration I believe), low and high RPM tables are self-explanatory. No idea what the 2 fire low VE table does as Ive never seen that occur, GM has both low VE tables set the same from the factory so I just mirror the low VE single fire into the 2 fire table.

Also, we cant AutoVE because our SAE.LOAD_PCT outputs ridiculous values and is obviously incorrectly reported and GM.AFR doesnt exist (GM.AFR_B does but is invalid). So we can get a reported WBO2 value but no commanded AFR from the PCM to compare it against. Cant dial the VE table without the LOAD_PCT PID either. So yea, kinda SOL right now for anymore fine tuning the P10s. Im either running 13.9-14.2 or 14.9-15.2 under cruise and cant figure out which cells I need to adjust because I cant get valid data.

No MAF, P10s are hybrid alpha-n/Speed Density mode which makes VE tuning difficult.

January 15th, 2010, 11:56 AM
Erik , try targeting the 20 to 30 kPa cells from 1200 to 2400 for the cruise .

January 15th, 2010, 12:32 PM
well i just did my first ever log based on the tutorial guide. Let me know what you think.


January 15th, 2010, 02:35 PM

January 15th, 2010, 03:44 PM

January 15th, 2010, 04:14 PM






January 15th, 2010, 04:14 PM



January 15th, 2010, 04:17 PM
Logs worthless, check out the GM.AFR you are commanding. Starts off at like 4:1 and progresses to 8:1. Waaaaay off, and GM.AFR_B for the LS2 shouldnt even be a valid PID for the P10 as it sits at 14.6 and never moves.

Also, you're wideband isnt working properly, 7.35:1 AFR isnt right. How do you have it hooked up?

We really really need those PIDs I mentioned before coughGM.AFRandSAE.LOAD_PCTcough before we can actually do anything.

Ill look at those cells, but I dont want to mess with them without watching my wideband (which I had to remove because EFILive doesnt have these PIDs and I had to pass emissions).

Sorry if I come off aggressive, Im really frustrated because I cant tune this damn thing without these PIDs being valid. Had my wideband for 2 plus months and couldnt get it how I liked so went back to my original tune from before.

January 15th, 2010, 04:34 PM
I dont understand the wideband part plus this is my first time using the scan tool. This might be a stupid question but what is the wideband and how can i tell if im using it or not?

January 15th, 2010, 04:39 PM
If you dont know what a wideband oxygen sensor is then you do not have one. It is an aftermarket oxygen sensor that outputs the actual AFR/EQ Ratio/Lambda value so we can log and record what AFR the engine is actually running at. Popular ones include Innovate Motorsports LC-1 (what I have), TechEdge, AEM Ugo, PLX, etc. The LC1 is the cheapest at $150 online and you can buy a serial cable from member TAQuickness (I have one and it is awesome) to get a digital reading into your V2.

Read more about them in the LS1 and other sections of the forum, lots of good info in there.

January 15th, 2010, 04:41 PM
If your talking about this http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=138&Itemid=143

then i dont have it. Do I have to purchase this inorder to help with my tuning?

January 15th, 2010, 04:42 PM
If you dont know what a wideband oxygen sensor is then you do not have one. It is an aftermarket oxygen sensor that outputs the actual AFR/EQ Ratio/Lambda value so we can log and record what AFR the engine is actually running at. Popular ones include Innovate Motorsports LC-1 (what I have), TechEdge, AEM Ugo, PLX, etc. The LC1 is the cheapest at $150 online and you can buy a serial cable from member TAQuickness (I have one and it is awesome) to get a digital reading into your V2.

Read more about them in the LS1 and other sections of the forum, lots of good info in there.

Cool! I take a look and try to save some money to buy one as soon as possible.