View Full Version : Setting up auto ve with serial input ???

February 6th, 2010, 05:43 AM
I am trying to follow the auto ve tutorial. It was created years ago and serial wideband inputs and preloaded maps are availible now and I need to know how to intergrate them , but I am having issues doing so. I am using a lm1 with a serial homemade cable and a 98 pcm. Any advice , thread links or pointers would be great.

February 6th, 2010, 06:03 AM
To elaborate, I am looking for how to build my maps for serial wideband data to perform autove.

February 6th, 2010, 06:49 AM
Select the serial WBO2 PIDs, then change the parameter in the map's properties.
The manual has a section on how to build a map. ;)

February 6th, 2010, 07:47 AM
As mr.prick said... open an existing analog BEN map (say the one for the LC-1), edit its properties, on its Data tab change the parameter to CALC.BEN1 (this is the BEN pid for the serial AFR), save with a new name (indicating serial BEN), and exit properties.

February 6th, 2010, 03:12 PM
Thanks guys. I am asking the same questions I did last year. I am working on a newer laptop now and I only have one job know so maybe I can learn this stuff. I am going to search how to post my maps and see if I can show you what I am doing. Tahnks again!!!

February 6th, 2010, 07:09 PM

I don't mean to hijack your thread, but would you mind posting how you setup WBO2 autove? I have read everything I can find about it, most of it twice. I can't find Calc.AFR_LC1 or Calc.BEN_LC1.

I know the helpers get tired of answering simple(to them) questions. I just wish someone would write a real beginners guide. I'm going to try that after I figure out how to use this system and before I loose sight of what was difficult to understand.

I'm really pitchin a b!@#$ about this tutorial BS,

February 6th, 2010, 07:58 PM
You need to have EXT.AD1 selected for those to be available.
Uncheck the supported box in the PIDs tab to see all PIDs

February 7th, 2010, 09:15 AM

I don't mean to hijack your thread, but would you mind posting how you setup WBO2 autove? I have read everything I can find about it, most of it twice. I can't find Calc.AFR_LC1 or Calc.BEN_LC1.

I know the helpers get tired of answering simple(to them) questions. I just wish someone would write a real beginners guide. I'm going to try that after I figure out how to use this system and before I loose sight of what was difficult to understand.

I'm really pitchin a b!@#$ about this tutorial BS,

Not a hijack in my eyes. I followed the tutorial on bbl serial WB install. I have yet to auto ve even once. Still trying to get the maps correct for it.
Some people are willing to help. just have to put in the effort and explain your screwups for the world to see like me. I know there are tons of people just like me who are having a fit doing seemingly simple tasks. The sad thing is no local tuners want to share because you/I may tune for someone that could have been a customer for them.
For those that do respond, Thanks for the :help2: guys.

February 7th, 2010, 12:02 PM
These are my primary and backup maps I made for autove. Let me know how they look please.



February 7th, 2010, 02:29 PM

I have been fighting pids and BBL for a few days. Got that worked out today. Will need to work on maps and filters next. I hope the two of us can possibly help each other with these "basics".

My current problem is that I flashed a 2002 tune to my 2000 and everything is good except the red battery (alternator) display keeps blinking. Alternator works well though. Also, since I flashed I cannot seem to log any data(might be my fault).

I think I found the required WBO2 and calcBEN pids. I think that combination, along with commanded AFR is used in a map. that will create a %error from commanded afr. Then, somehow that is pasted with labels to the ve table. Somehow the %error is added/subtracted into each of the ve's perspective cells, thus moving the tables closer to 0%error.

Best luck,

February 8th, 2010, 05:03 AM
Which wideband do you have...?

You setup the wideband in the V2 setup options (how do you get there...?).

You have to use a serial cable equivalent to a null-modem cable.

In your BEN map (which slowrc has provided images of for the 1998 PCM), make sure your displaying the average value (x-bar), apply the transient filter, copy the whole map, and then paste-multiply-with labels into B0101 (i.e. multiply by the correction factor).

Important: in the tunetool, make sure the fueling units are set to EQR or AFR and not Lambda before you start the AutoVE tutorial (look at the units of B3605).

We can discuss each point above one-at-a-time.

February 8th, 2010, 08:23 AM
Which wideband do you have...?
I am using a lm1

You setup the wideband in the V2 setup options (how do you get there...?).
I used the tutorial from taquickness I believe

You have to use a serial cable equivalent to a null-modem cable.
I rigged a 4wire phone line and a tore apart s-video cable to using the wiring diagrams I found in the tutorial

In your BEN map (which slowrc has provided images of for the 1998 PCM), make sure your displaying the average value (x-bar), apply the transient filter, copy the whole map, and then paste-multiply-with labels into B0101 (i.e. multiply by the correction factor).

Important: in the tunetool, make sure the fueling units are set to EQR or AFR and not Lambda before you start the AutoVE tutorial (look at the units of B3605).

We can discuss each point above one-at-a-time.

I am trying to post the steps and info as I get it and apply it so that other lost folk may find it helpful. For the record, my first auto ve session is still ahead! Thanks for the response JOECAR

February 8th, 2010, 10:52 AM
Oh, make sure that your V2 displays live AFR/Lambda/EQR readings from your LM-1 before proceeding with AutoVE... there's a separate V2 display page for this (Scan Tool -> Data Logging -> Diaplay WO2)... sanity check that they are correct (e.g. should show stoich in CL).

February 8th, 2010, 11:31 AM
What I'd like to know for sure is whether Serial Lambda1 is always 14.7AFR or
if it depends on the manufacturer.
I know for the Innovate WBO2's Lambda1 = 14.7AFR.

Does selecting the WBO2 brand in the LC-1 just define the serial settings or
does it also change the Lambda to AFR multiplier? :sneaky:

February 8th, 2010, 11:32 AM
That 's one reason why I like using EQR instead of AFR... :)

February 8th, 2010, 11:43 AM
I'm just wondering for future reference. ;)
Even tho Lambda1 does not match EQ1 exactly,
BEN matches perfectly with commanded EQ/Lambda & EQ/Lambda error. :cool:

February 8th, 2010, 03:27 PM
Ok, so I am back at it. I'll try and make some pointed questions?

Should I use pid (BEN Factor Bank 1, serial Wideband,LS1) for my logs?

When building these maps, Should I use, [ (0) BEN Factor Bank 1, Serial Wideband, LS1 style factor] for my selection under the parameter drop down for both the primary and backup maps ?

I did need to change to AFR. THANKS!

February 8th, 2010, 04:19 PM
What I'd like to know for sure is whether Serial Lambda1 is always 14.7AFR or
if it depends on the manufacturer.
I know for the Innovate WBO2's Lambda1 = 14.7AFR.

Does selecting the WBO2 brand in the LC-1 just define the serial settings or
does it also change the Lambda to AFR multiplier? :sneaky:

Innovate: LC1, LM1 and LM2 all report stoich back to EFILive with whatever stoich value they have been programmed. EFILive/FlashScan uses that reported value to compute AFR from the WO2's lambda value.

PLX, AEM_UEGO, JAW, ECM, TechEdge, FJO, and Zt2 all use EFIlive's 14.7 default for stoich.

February 9th, 2010, 02:52 AM
Ok, so I am back at it. I'll try and make some pointed questions?

Should I use pid (BEN Factor Bank 1, serial Wideband,LS1) for my logs?

When building these maps, Should I use, [ (0) BEN Factor Bank 1, Serial Wideband, LS1 style factor] for my selection under the parameter drop down for both the primary and backup maps ?

I did need to change to AFR. THANKS!

TTT for some help for the confused one, I think thats me, I am not sure though

February 9th, 2010, 05:24 AM
{EXT.WO2AFR1} needs to be selected for it to be valid.

February 9th, 2010, 06:05 AM
That's correct... CALC.BEN1 requires EXT.WO2AFR1 and GM.AFR.

February 12th, 2010, 05:00 AM
BTW: the serial tutorial is located here: showthread.php?t=8858 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=8858)

February 12th, 2010, 05:01 AM
Also, see this: showthread.php?t=13024 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=13024)