View Full Version : RR wont connect

February 18th, 2010, 10:19 AM
I have started using my RR again but I keep getting the message " no roadrunner USB device can be found" It used to work on this computer......and yet it still works on my old computer, help:angel_innocent:


February 18th, 2010, 10:51 AM
BT or USB?
What are the RR settings in the tune tool, it should be Virtual COM Port.
The USB port setting could be different too.
My sig has links for RR set up.

February 18th, 2010, 11:48 AM
I def says USB, Everything else is as it should be.


February 18th, 2010, 03:50 PM
Open the device manager to see if it's visible or
try the USB View.exe in C:\Program Files\EFILive\Drivers\Utilities.
Check to see what port it's on and if it's in range of the RR settings.

March 1st, 2010, 10:12 AM
Is that in usbview under utilities?

RR seems to work when I change from Virtual COM Port to Native port.......


March 1st, 2010, 12:47 PM
The USB view is in the Utilities folder but you can use Device Manager as well,
check to see if the USB port properties matches what is shown here.
Quick-Start Guide for RoadRunner with EFI Live (http://www.moates.net/roadrunner/livestart.htm)
If Native USB works for you then use that. :nixweiss:

June 3rd, 2010, 12:49 PM
Im have issues connecting on both native and virtual with my usb road runner

it was working the other day but now that im going racing it has decided to quit?

Mr Prick i have followed the instuctions in that nice tutorial and still nothing? please help im dying to get this truck tuned!

June 3rd, 2010, 12:56 PM
my issue could be that i dont see a com port 9? i have 13-14 15 but no 9

i installed the drivers again and it say this device is ready to use when i plug in the rr usb

June 3rd, 2010, 10:12 PM
Use Virtual COM Port & scan all ports.
Make sure it is powered up in the car or you are using a powered USB port.
Moates took down the RR Quick Start Guide, here it is in Word.


Man the layout of the forum really sucks now. :doh:

June 4th, 2010, 07:54 AM
thanks for the help but it did not help

im going to assume it is a bad cable since all the setting were ok and it was working a few days ago and now its not!

June 4th, 2010, 09:43 PM
Is it direct, mini USB or the Moates made cable?

June 5th, 2010, 12:23 PM
Is it direct, mini USB or the Moates made cable?

I believe the moates cable the round 4 pin cable end plugs to the ECM and then USB on the laptop end

Sadly I'm just going to buy a normal ECM to enablee to tune this truck if this happens again

however I would love to get the road runner working as it certainly speeds up the process

Thanks for the assistance

June 5th, 2010, 11:12 PM
Don't know how many times I have to say it guys...GET RID OF THE SUPPLIED USB connector!!!
Man..this is a MAJOR cause of issues for the RR.
Hook up a USB-b plug straight to the 'on board' socket, REMOVE the ribbon cable (unplug it and pull it out) and be done with it!

June 5th, 2010, 11:46 PM
Does the computer make a ding dong sound when you plug in the RR?

Mine did but didn't show up under ports it showed up under USB devices as USB Serial Device in Device Manager..

So I had to go to that device and right click or double click and update driver and then manually navigate to the folder where the .inf is from the driver you downloaded from efilive or better yet from FDTI.com. the VCxx drivers IIRC.

Once done should switch it over to show under comm ports. If not reboot.

If you hear a ding dong dong dong dong sound that is a driver that failed.

And always be suspect of the supplied usb cable. The bulkhead connector is crap. And going to ribbon I don't think helps either. Mine when I unscrew only 1 turn of the threads disconnects from the computer. Meaning very little pin engagement.

thanks for the help but it did not help

im going to assume it is a bad cable since all the setting were ok and it was working a few days ago and now its not!

June 6th, 2010, 09:28 AM
Guys thankyou for the advice nodih mine is how u explained it it's not showing under comports it's under USB devices

I will try what u said but don't know why it would work fine and then not? I never changed anything

as far as swapping the cable is it pretty simple to do? Anyone have pics!

June 6th, 2010, 10:24 AM

In hindsight....I'd just remove the supplied USB socket and cable, buy a small gland to fit in the same hole and install the USB-b cable/plug through there!
Man....I had CONSTANT issues with the RR dropping out, having to reload drivers, not recognising the RR....etc...etc.
NEVER had an isue since doing this.....and I've used the RR 100's/1000's of times!!!

June 6th, 2010, 01:32 PM
I sent a connector idea to craig but he never go around to messing with it. It is a chassis mount usb connector from molex. Go to molex.com and look up usb. You'll find it.

I have some will have to get around to modding up mine to show it.

June 6th, 2010, 02:20 PM

In hindsight....I'd just remove the supplied USB socket and cable, buy a small gland to fit in the same hole and install the USB-b cable/plug through there!
Man....I had CONSTANT issues with the RR dropping out, having to reload drivers, not recognising the RR....etc...etc.
NEVER had an isue since doing this.....and I've used the RR 100's/1000's of times!!!

Very nice! Thankyou!!!!

Pardon my ignorance but will my ECM hav this USB connector or do I need the guts kit?
I'm not at home now so I can't look and if I need something special I would like to order it now

Thanks for all your help everyone

June 6th, 2010, 02:55 PM
The RR has a mini USB port.

June 7th, 2010, 01:15 AM
Boy am I glad they did....

Where I just got laid off we called it an "EMU" connector, Enhanced Mini USB, but that might have been more application than anything. We used it for audio and USB and power all at the same time.

The RR has a mini USB port.

June 13th, 2010, 07:46 AM
I switched over to the mini USB and Wow I updated the drivers restartd the. Computer and it worked ?? I'm s happy now!!!!!

Thanks guys

June 13th, 2010, 07:51 AM

I switched over to the mini USB and Wow I updated the drivers restartd the. Computer and it worked ?? I'm s happy now!!!!!

Thanks guys

June 29th, 2010, 02:40 AM
Well so far so good using the USB cable thanks again guys!

What does the little battery do in the ECM?

June 29th, 2010, 06:24 AM
The battery maintains the data in memory. It is RAM not Flash memory so needs to have power maintained.

June 29th, 2010, 07:27 AM
I just sent mine off to Moates for a new battery. :sly:
It would not allow me to flash calz only or read the .tun from it nor would the car start. :shock:
Only a full calz & OS flash would get it to work and only for a minute, after that I had to full flash again.

Hopefully it's only the battery.

June 30th, 2010, 01:11 AM
Keep us posted....

February 16th, 2011, 05:23 PM
Phew, I have just been all through this after my hard drive crashed, and had huge dramas getting it to work again.
I did everything as explained in this thread, but still coukdnt get my usb to show up in Ports in Device mananger, so I tried what NODIH suggested, because I could see and hear ding dong when inserting rr usb that it was showing in usb controllers, so I manually changed it as suggested, but still no good, however, there is one more tiny detail, and that is when you go to properties for the usb serial convertor, and select advanced, there is a little box you need to check called load vcp. Now when you reopen the Device Manager, it shows up in Ports and you can then change the Latency Timer to 1, and then continue with the next steps as described here in the previous posts.
Thanks again to all those that contributed
I hope my little bit helps others as well.

February 16th, 2011, 07:44 PM
There is actually a reliable way to get the RoadRunner working as a Native USB Device. I'll write a knowledgebase article in the next while to detail it (it's in a forum post here somewhere. Basically it has to do with the fact that Moates didn't set a custom hardware ID so when you connect the device to your PC it goes away to Windows Update and gets the latest driver, trying to be helpful. You have to use the same driver as the FlashScan devices for it to work properly, but you never et the chance during th driver install to do that. But you can still do it manually.

February 17th, 2011, 01:12 AM
Cool, looking forward to it. It is surprising that the FTDI drivers are not standard in Windows.... But without the ID set, that would pose windows to do what it thinks is best....

There is actually a reliable way to get the RoadRunner working as a Native USB Device. I'll write a knowledgebase article in the next while to detail it (it's in a forum post here somewhere. Basically it has to do with the fact that Moates didn't set a custom hardware ID so when you connect the device to your PC it goes away to Windows Update and gets the latest driver, trying to be helpful. You have to use the same driver as the FlashScan devices for it to work properly, but you never et the chance during th driver install to do that. But you can still do it manually.

February 17th, 2011, 04:13 AM
There is actually a reliable way to get the RoadRunner working as a Native USB Device. I'll write a knowledgebase article in the next while to detail it (it's in a forum post here somewhere. Basically it has to do with the fact that Moates didn't set a custom hardware ID so when you connect the device to your PC it goes away to Windows Update and gets the latest driver, trying to be helpful. You have to use the same driver as the FlashScan devices for it to work properly, but you never et the chance during th driver install to do that. But you can still do it manually.Andrew, please post a link here to the KB when written.

February 20th, 2011, 01:11 PM
OK, I've now written a couple of knowledgebase articles for loading of drivers for RoadRunner and also one for configuring for Virtual COM Port operation in the event that you just cannot get it to function as a USB Device.

Here they are:
- Loading RoadRunner Drivers (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7234-QWEZ-4023)
- Configuring RoadRunner in Virtual COM Port (VCP) Mode (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=8995-QACM-5153)
