View Full Version : running efi live on a mac laptop

March 9th, 2010, 02:38 PM
how do i run efi live off my mac? is it possible?

March 9th, 2010, 03:34 PM
Only Windows XP, Vista or 7 are supported. Some customers have used BootCamp to dual boot Windows on their Mac laptops.

March 9th, 2010, 04:09 PM
Given that the Mac OS is a "flavour" of BSD / Linux ( yes I'm being very very general ) it will suffer the same USB driver problems as Linux does. There is a thread on EFILive under Linux and while I've had both Scan and Tune Tool running under "Wine", there is no functionality to connect to the V2. You can alter tunes and play back logs though.


March 9th, 2010, 04:29 PM
I have a MacBook Pro, and I tried two things:

- I installed the VMware Fusion virtual machine on Mac OSX, and then run WinXP on the vm on top of Mac OSX; it worked fine, I was able to flash my PCM, but in general everything seems to go slow (and I have thought about it, there are too many layers to go wrong during a flash).

- I installed Boot Camp, partitioned the HDD, and installed WinXP to boot/run natively (i.e. at boot time I can choose OSX or WinXP); this runs much faster, EFILive runs perfectly, connects to V1 and V2; this is what I would recommend; also, make the WinXP partition bigger than half of the disk (I find that I'm already running out of disk on the WinXP partition, there are way more Win apps than there are Mac apps).

March 24th, 2010, 02:10 AM
So EFI Live will work with Windows 7 Now. I was about to buy a Mac Pro and run the Vmware I know a friend that does it and his works great. I thought & was not working with the EFI Live. My Windows XP is acting up as I type. The screen the blacks are going green and then the screen goes to half the size and the fans stopped working most the time its cheaper to get a new one then repair it.Laptop is going on 5 years old might be alittle old its a HP Pavilion dv6000 intel Centrino Duo core 2 CPU T5500@1.66Ghz /1.66Ghz,0.99 GB of ram

So I guess this one has worked for me well. I kinda liked the mac pro for the key light up does anyone else make a laptop like that? What else is out there that is a good all around laptop for the Efi Live and kepping up with being a mod on the sites and running a online store without spending a arm and a leg to boot lol.

Thanks You

March 24th, 2010, 04:22 AM
If you buy a Macbook, try using a virtualization software to install Win XP/Vista/7 and run EFILive. If that doesnt work, set it up to dual-boot Windows (google it, lots of info on this) and EFILive will work without issues this way.

March 24th, 2010, 09:45 AM
So EFI Live will work with Windows 7 Now.I am pretty sure Paul does all the software development on a PC running Win7, so you would hope it worked :grin:

March 24th, 2010, 09:47 AM
I've run Windows 7 since beta stage and have had no issues at all with the EFILive software or drivers. In the main Windows 7 is just Vista with a different interface.

March 24th, 2010, 10:03 AM
Just Vista with a different interface :shock:, might be it's no longer dragging a 2 tonne elephant with it so it feels a lot faster too. I was ready to put my HP laptop on Ebay it ran so slow under Vista (which came installed on it), but I have just put a fresh Win7 install on it and it's a new machine, I can actually use it in under a minute from a cold boot, unlike Vista which used to take about 5 mins before it would even respond to the mouse :throw:.

March 25th, 2010, 07:01 AM
There are of course many benefits, I mean I installed it immediately I could get my hand s on it. But, it's not like it is a radical redevelopment. Remember for Vista they were talking about implementing a filesystem based essentially on SQL Server. Basic interactions (like drivers etc.) are pretty much unchanged :)

March 25th, 2010, 11:47 AM
Well whatever they did under the surface has worked well.
I was using Ubuntu for a while but it got annoying when the battery went flat within an hour :angel_innocent: I don't know if there is a fix for that yet, but it's a common complaint, I know, I read many forum posts about it.

March 25th, 2010, 12:02 PM
Interesting to know about battery life, my "new" laptop (aka like 16 mo old now) has gone from 3.5hrs of battery watching movies down to about 45mins... Not too happy about that, probably going to build a solid desktop this summer and if Im really missing the portability of a laptop buy a good netbook.

Thinking of moving my old desktop to dual-boot Win XP Pro (already on there) and either Ubuntu or Lubuntu. Lubuntu uses the Xfce desktop instead of GNOME, seems to be a little quicker running in VirtualBox where Ive been testing Ubuntu vs Kubuntu vs Lubuntu.