View Full Version : Logging daisy chained PLX sensor modules(serial)

April 11th, 2010, 02:40 AM
Hey there

I recently purchased a PLX boost sensor module and PLX WB-AFR module. The serial input/output on these can be daisy chained together. I was wanting to daisy chain them and log the serial data from both with the EFILive Scan tool on my PC.

I've read all about the wideband sensor module and how to modify for serial coms but, I don't see anything about how to set the boost sensor up. There are no PIDs available or anything about logging multiple sensors through the serial connection.

Hopefully this is possible so I don't have to put any gauges in my Trailblazer SS! :D

So if someone can start me down the correct path or give me a hand getting this stuff setup I would appreciate it.



April 14th, 2010, 10:56 AM
Any ideas? :-D

April 14th, 2010, 11:49 AM
I haven't looked at the PLX serial data system, but it might be like the Techedge units. The following is Techedge specific.....

The serial data stream is broken up into specific "segments" called "frames". Each frame has a defines setup, to enable the data held within it to be decoded correctly. The Frame is also a set number of "bits" long. The frame has the following attributes...

Start bits ( indicates a frame beginning)
Frame sequence ( the frame count number )
Timer data ( just an indicator of elapsed time for reference )
User Data ( or actual logged data )
Frame CRC ( to ensure the frame was received correctly )

The user data contains the Lambda / AFR data in digital format, but it can also contain many other logged parameters, RPM, VSS, A/D data etc. However, the V2 is currently only configured to understand the Lambda / AFR data in the frame. To do this, the V2 probably understands the frame header ( start and sequence ), the Lambda / AFR data and possibly the CRC. This means that there is a large portion of the frame that the V2 does not understand or care about, this is where your "boost" data would normally reside. A good indicator that the V2 is only configured for the Lambda / AFR data is that they are the only PID's you can select in the V2.

Having said all that, why can't you just log MAP via the std PIDs?


April 14th, 2010, 01:55 PM
I haven't looked at the PLX serial data system, but it might be like the Techedge units. The following is Techedge specific.....

The serial data stream is broken up into specific "segments" called "frames". Each frame has a defines setup, to enable the data held within it to be decoded correctly. The Frame is also a set number of "bits" long. The frame has the following attributes...

Start bits ( indicates a frame beginning)
Frame sequence ( the frame count number )
Timer data ( just an indicator of elapsed time for reference )
User Data ( or actual logged data )
Frame CRC ( to ensure the frame was received correctly )

The user data contains the Lambda / AFR data in digital format, but it can also contain many other logged parameters, RPM, VSS, A/D data etc. However, the V2 is currently only configured to understand the Lambda / AFR data in the frame. To do this, the V2 probably understands the frame header ( start and sequence ), the Lambda / AFR data and possibly the CRC. This means that there is a large portion of the frame that the V2 does not understand or care about, this is where your "boost" data would normally reside. A good indicator that the V2 is only configured for the Lambda / AFR data is that they are the only PID's you can select in the V2.

Having said all that, why can't you just log MAP via the std PIDs?


Thanks for the info Simon. I guess a new PID would have to be made to understand the boost gauge section of the serial data stream for the PLX stuff. I'll get with PLX and the guys here and see if something can be done up!

I'm still running a 1bar/MAF setup so no 2 bar logging for me.

June 29th, 2011, 10:27 AM
Awakening an old thread - has anyone figured out how to log the additional user inputs available on the tech edge units via a serial connection into the V2? I would like to do so for external sensors (4 egts, etc) and avoid having a ton of wires connected to the V2.
