View Full Version : Autotap & EFILive

April 13th, 2010, 01:56 AM
I have both the Autotap and EFILive V2. can I use the autotap to scan with the efilive software or vice versa, can I use the EFILive flashscan cable with the autotap software?

April 13th, 2010, 04:11 AM
EFILive software will scan/log with the AutoTap cable, but you must have a license (available for free).

Please see posts #14 1nd #15 below .

April 13th, 2010, 05:26 AM
How do I aquire this license?

April 13th, 2010, 06:03 AM
I pm'd Tech Support.

April 13th, 2010, 06:04 AM

April 13th, 2010, 06:12 AM
EFILive software will scan/log with the AutoTap cable, but you must have a license (available for free).

Just to correct this. If you only have an AutoTap cable and are not an owner of the EFILive V5 or EFILive V6 software then there is no software license available at no cost; in fact there isn't a software only license that can be purchased. There was this option on initial release of FlashScan V1. We later reduced the cost of the V1 products markedly and at that time the software only option was dropped (basically was the same price as the product that included the interface).

I have both the Autotap and EFILive V2. can I use the autotap to scan with the efilive software or vice versa, can I use the EFILive flashscan cable with the autotap software?

By EFILive V2 do you mean you have the FlashScan V2 product also? If so then provided the AutoTap interface is an "AT1/AT123 V1", "AT1/AT123 V2" or "ATUSB V3" you should be able to use it for scanning in the version 7 software.

The FlashScan V2 (and V1) interfaces are proprietary and can only be used by the EFILive software products.


March 7th, 2011, 07:28 PM
To revive an old thread with the same question real quick,just want to get is straight.
I own EFILive V2 commercial,and I've also owned Atap for a couple years with enhanced GM/Ford coverage.
I can PM Tech support and get a license (Free since I own both) to use the EFILive scan/log software with the Autotap cable.

Man,I really liked the scantool abilities of the EFILive but hated lugging it all around with all my other cables (TCII) to scan a car at work (Ford tech)
Atap is lacking but i'm more used to it and it's a tiny bit more compact.
Couldn't begin to explain how great it would be to use the EFILive scantool with my Atap cable.

So do I need to send my registration numbers for EFILive and Autotap to tech support or ?
I can get my Atap reg from my saved email or Atap version info I guess.
Will have to dig out reg for EFI though,haven't used it for awhile (still haven't tuned with it yet).
Installing on my new laptop now,will have to get better acquianted with it.

Thanks alot guy's,this makes my week for sure!

March 7th, 2011, 07:37 PM
If you already own FlashScan V2 then I'm not following what you might expect to achieve by using the AutoTap interface with the V7.5 Scan Tool (which you should already be able to do BTW)? You are not going to be able to scan older OBDI or Ford vehicles using the V7.5 Scan Tool if that is what you are envisaging?

March 7th, 2011, 08:08 PM
No,it's simply a convienence for me.
I work at a dealership and do driveability all day long.
Sometimes when trade's,auctions or other makes come in i'll take a look at them.
Our scantools are great for one thing-FoMoCo products.
I have many scanners and laptop based programs of my own,and I have a second laptop bag for all the cables/boxes.
So space in my actual laptop bag is limited,specially since I keep a multimeter in there with it and other stuff.
So the smaller the package,the better.
Hate lugging around all the stuff all day,it stays at home and I only carry my laptop bag.
I'm actually buying yet another scanner tomorrow specifically for OBDI lol,funny you should mention it.
Been shopping for a tech 1a,have to settle for a snapon unit.

And you say I should already be able to do it?
Just plug and play with no software license needed?
I have a general inquiry drafted with both my reg key's ready to send.
I can just wait and try it on a car tomorrow though,just downloaded the V7 software again and registered it.

March 8th, 2011, 04:16 AM
The AutoTap cable is more compact than FSV2.

You will need to request a V7 software license for your AutoTap hardware.

March 8th, 2011, 05:54 AM
Okay,tried it out today and it works great-even the bi-directional controls.
This will really help me out,EFILive scantool is alot better than the Atap software.
It did ask me to register the new device but recognized it just fine as ATUSB3 something.

I tried to put in the last registration key I got for Atap,didn't work of course.
Where do I request the software license?
Just send a note to sales/general inquiry or Atap or here?

I will say one thing I never have like much about the Atap and the EFIlive is all the info you have to input to get it going.
GM's will bring the VIN up automatically on Atap,but no others.
These are the only scantools I own (out of about 7-8 laptop and handheld I personally own) that will not automatically recognize the VIN.
I haven't memorized all the controllers yet,so that part is really annoying.
Otherwise,this is an awesome tool and I thank you guy's for making it available to use with the Atap interface.

March 8th, 2011, 07:08 AM
Unless you had purchased the AutoTap cable and also purchased EFILive V5/V6 Professional back in the day you wouldn't be eligible for a free license of V7 actually. The EFILive software is not a giveaway :)

To your benefit as you have FlashScan V2 you already have the full (registered) install of the V7.5 software.

March 8th, 2011, 08:13 AM
So I can't use it? (though it hooks up/works just fine..?)
Or I can't get software key or ?

Sorry i'm a bit slow.
From what I'm understanding (contrary to post #2 above)
There is no license available for using scantool with Atap unless you were a customer long time ago and bought the old stuff?
I bought Atap and have been using it since about 2006 I think,bought it with GM enhanced and upgraded to Ford enhanced also.
In 2009 I purchased Efilive Flash/scan/tune V2 commercial software package.
There is no license available to me? only if I had purchased the older software version?

Does this mean just continue using it without a software license since it works,or that I don't need one or I need to purchase one?
If I need to purchase something give me a part number.
Not sure where the free software giveaway is coming in,you guy's have got well over $1k bucks from me for software/hardware.
I just want to make them work together,what do I need and is it available for me or not?

March 8th, 2011, 09:46 AM
So I can't use it? (though it hooks up/works just fine..?)
Or I can't get software key or ?

Yup, you can choose to use the AutoTap interface with the software you own (as part of your FlashScan V2 purchase) ;)

Sorry i'm a bit slow.
From what I'm understanding (contrary to post #2 above)
There is no license available for using scantool with Atap unless you were a customer long time ago and bought the old stuff?
I bought Atap and have been using it since about 2006 I think,bought it with GM enhanced and upgraded to Ford enhanced also.
In 2009 I purchased Efilive Flash/scan/tune V2 commercial software package.
There is no license available to me? only if I had purchased the older software version?

Post #2 is incorrect I'm afraid. The software is not free, it is provided as part of an EFILive product purchase. Ongoing software updates are free.

The confusion about the free license will be from cases where an existing EFILive V5/V6 Professional customer is given a free license code for a V7.5 Scan Only. This is only provided due to them being an existing customer, not extraordinary generosity :)

Does this mean just continue using it without a software license since it works,or that I don't need one or I need to purchase one?
If I need to purchase something give me a part number.
Not sure where the free software giveaway is coming in,you guy's have got well over $1k bucks from me for software/hardware.
I just want to make them work together,what do I need and is it available for me or not?

Per above, you already have the software license as part of your FlashScan v2 product purchase and are able to use the AutoTap as it is a supported interface type in the V7.5 Scan Tool software.


March 8th, 2011, 12:34 PM
@playtoy_18: Have just been speaking with development about this. I'm not real familiar with AutoTap directly (as we have our own hardware) so I was not aware that there is actually a license check performed when using an AutoTap cable type :doh2:.

As you're already an EFILive customer we have no problem issuing you with a code that will allow yoiu to use your V7.5 software with the AutoTap device.

What I need from you (by email please to support@efilive.com) is the serial number of your AutoTap device. I can then generate and email you a code to use.


March 10th, 2011, 07:17 AM
Thank you very much!
It keeps giving me message about registering the interface though the console does say it is a supported device.
I will send the email now,have been getting more acquainted with it and it is a very capable scantool!
Look forward to having it as an option alongside my snapon,OTC and various other handheld/laptop based scantools.
If you ever think of adding Ford support I'll be one of the first customers.
(would be glad to help with it if I could also,I have IDS/VCM software,factory cailbrations and can download from any vehicle you need including SVT's).