View Full Version : lc-1 noob problems

April 13th, 2010, 11:22 AM
alright this isn't worded very well but here it goes:

i finally got everything installed so i took the lc-1 out for a spin to check it out. I didn't have my cable with me at the time so i used it with the factory defaults that are programmed into it. The ben that was calculated was in the range of .7-.9. so i applied that ben to the map and just went out for another drive...

here is where things start screwing up:
i had the cable now to check the setpoints on the lc1 so i followed the tutorial and clicked the afr button and set 1 volt=10afr and 2 volt=20 afr turned the key and now it says that i have an afr of 8:1 when i had 12:1 before. the calculated ben either doesn't show up or says .5 . so i reset the lc1 to the factory defaults and it still says 8:1, so i revert back to the same tune i ran this morning with the lc1 reset to defaults and i still get 8:1....i'm stumped anyone have any ideas?

this is all with a v1

April 13th, 2010, 11:24 AM
should i set 1v=10afr and 2v=20 afr or do i leave it alone

April 13th, 2010, 11:43 AM
well i halfway figured it out i was looking at the wrong input on the lm programmer program. so now the question is why am i running so rich all of the sudden?

April 13th, 2010, 11:44 AM
With the lc-1 set to 1v 10AFR 2v 20AFR, You need to use the expression "{EXT.ADx} *10" so a scanned voltage of 1.47v will read 14.7:1 AFR
This doesnt give very good resolution, and a small ground offset error will have a large impact on the scanned AFR value.
The default expression for Efilive is "({EXT.AD1}*3)+7.35"
This needs the LC1 to be programmed to
0.88333 Volts at AFR: 10.00
4.21667 Volts at AFR: 20.00

April 13th, 2010, 11:44 AM
How to match wideband output to {B3601} (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=13229)

If you change the output of your WBO2 you will need to change the PID expression to match.

The LC-1 PIDs are for the factory pre-programmed settings:

Your settings of:
1 volt=10afr and 2 volt=20 are the same as the LM-1 PIDs

Do you see the conflict here?

April 14th, 2010, 12:47 AM
thanks i'll try the
0.88333 Volts at AFR: 10.00
4.21667 Volts at AFR: 20.00

well last night i had a buddy of mine over who's a shop manager, and we figured out that i must have bumped the calibration button while it was running...(yes i know i'm an idiot i'm glad you guys have patience). So we recalibrated and its working now...i think. Its telling me 12ish afr so it sounds somewhat logical now. i can''t remember exactly but i think its set on 0v=7.35afr and 5v=22.39afr. but i'll try 5.7ute's numbers and see what happens. thanks mr.prick for the spreadsheet. i'm using 14.07 for my afr in b3601, so i need to change the expression {EXT.AD} *3+7.35 sae_generic.txt file right?

April 14th, 2010, 02:27 AM
Program the outputs, then fill in the spreadsheet.
I would just use the default settings or at least give 0 volts a value to make things easier. :)
Remember that {B3601} like all the other tables will be 6 places past the decimal (14.07xxxx) and
the Lambda range is what is important not the AFR range.

1. fill in the voltage range with 0 volts the minimum
2. fill in the lambda range
3. copy & paste the value of {B3601} into it's cell.
4. write the {B3601} Expression to your calc_pids.txt in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\User Configuration
Here's an example of how the calc_pids.txt will look.

# ================================================== ============================
# File details
# ------------
# This section defines various details about the file format.


#Parameter Value Description
#---------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------
VERSION 7.1.1 File version
DECSEP . Decimal separator used in this file

# ================================================== ============================
# Units
# -------------------
# See sae_generic.txt for more information on the *UNITS section


#Code System Abbr Description
#-------- ---------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------

None None "" "No units"

# ================================================== ============================
# Add slot definitions here
# --------------------------------
# See sae_generic.txt for more information on "SLOT" formats
#Units Low High Fmt Expression
#------------ ------------- ------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------
AFR 7.35 22.39 .2 "({EXT.AD1}*m)+b"

factor 0.00 2.00 .2 "({CALC.LC1_AFR}/{GM.AFR})"
# ================================================== ============================
*PRN - Parameter Reference Numbers
# --------------------------------
# See sae_generic.txt for more information on the *PRN section
#Code PRN SLOT Units System Description
#------------------------- ---- ------------ ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------
CALC.LC1_AFR F001 CLC-00-001 AFR WO2-Analog "Wide Band AFR - LC-1"

CALC.BEN_LC1 F002 CLC-00-002 factor WO2-Analog "Base Efficiency Numerator - LC1"