View Full Version : Sparks Higher than we are asking

April 20th, 2010, 10:38 AM
We Have A 00 Corvette that has more spark on the data log then what is in the file and cant seem to figure out where its coming from..... Anyone care to take a peek and see if you can find out where is coming from??


April 21st, 2010, 12:20 AM
Hi ForcefedPerformance:

I'll take a shot at this. The only thing I can remotely see is the negative integer in Table B6205. I wonder if that 'adds' to spark. Normally positive integers take spark away..so perhaps negative adds?

Just a thought. It would be 4 degrees. Got to say I have never seen this before...:confused:

April 21st, 2010, 06:15 PM
We Have A 00 Corvette that has more spark on the data log then what is in the file and cant seem to figure out where its coming from..... Anyone care to take a peek and see if you can find out where is coming from??


try logging DYNCYLAIR_DMA vs DYNCYLAIR. To the best of my knowledge
the DMA PID is the one (listed in the tune tool for high/low octane spark tables) and the one used by the PCM. Yes, I know the tune tools says you can use DYNCYLAIR, but maybe thats because the units are the same and the data is practically the same. As you have proven though, it is slightly different and based on your log looks as if the PCM is using DMA for lookup.

It is my opinion that the PREDICTED airflow is just that. Perhaps related to transitional throttle conditions for MAF cross checks? IE, is predicted ~= to the MAF data? But is not the ~actual and current data. It is also my opinion that the DYNCYLAIR_DMA is end adjusted, perhaps by ECT/ACT or other values. It would be nice to see an actual disassembly of a file to prove this out.

Not to confuse the matter more, but all PIDS are DMA. I think DMA might be a term loosely termed by EFI to describe calculated/predicdted vs actual data.

BTW, I already know Keith has about as much use for MAFs as Texas does for liberals. :hihi::hihi:

April 21st, 2010, 07:12 PM
Plain pids:
- scantool can request PCM to tell it which pids it provides/supports;
- scantool can request PCM to return value of a specific pid (by name).

DMA pids:
- scantool requests PCM to return value of some internal memory location;
- that memory location would be some internal value that the PCM uses/computes;
- PCM does not report DMA pids (i.e. the scantool already knows about DMA pids).

Calc pids:
- user defines these in calc_pids.txt by writing a mathematical expression;
- can be applied/saved after a log has been captured;
- has dependecies on other pids (plain, DMA, calc).

Keith who...?

What's a MAF...? :music_whistling_1:

I do know about the nation of Texas. ;)

I see liberals :yucky: all around me driving Toyota Pious's. :Throwup:

April 21st, 2010, 07:14 PM

I looked all thru your tables and I couldn't see where from...

Try logging the EST_ (electronic spark timing) _DMA pids, maybe one of those will reveal the source of that timing.

April 21st, 2010, 08:22 PM
Keith and Bill are two exceptional LSX guys at that shop that I happen to know.

Incidently, I spent a few years in Texas so have some knowledge of the place myself. Great people. Based on how things are progressing here, I may have another opportunity to visit the TX nation. :)

I don't really have a problem with Prius driving liberals (ok maybe w/their thought processes... :chair: :moon1: :cussing: :nuke:) , but what really stinks is when they get self righteous about you driving what they want you to drive. This state will self-destruct w/that thinking.

In any case, do you know what the tech difference is between

April 21st, 2010, 11:24 PM
I will stick with this theory..

They are in PE Mode and experiencing KR. Because B6205 was inadvertently entered with -4 KR..If in power enrichment mode, then knock can only retard the timing by these values..the KR is actually being added..(- (-4)= +4..)

They can not see it being added, because the chart properties of KR do not show KR being added, only subtracted..(max 0.0)..

I know it sounds bizarre, but is it possible they are experiencing KR and the spark is actually being added???:confused:

April 22nd, 2010, 03:52 AM
Shawn has a good probable analysis... the experiment to do is to zero B6205 and see what timing is observed.

April 22nd, 2010, 03:55 AM
My understanding:

PCM calculated cylinder airmass [g/cyl] based on VE.

Internal PCM calculated cylinder airmass [g/cyl] based on VE.

Most times those two agree with each other, but sometimes they are different.

The non-DMA pid is available to all 'enhanced' scantools...

The DMA pid is the EFILive scantool lookup of internal memory in the PCM, this value may be before and/or regardless of the value the PCM places in the non-DMA pid... i.e. special privy into the PCM's internal calculation.

April 22nd, 2010, 04:06 AM
<hijack, sorry>

Yes, I don't care that liberals drive Pious's (can you tell I don't like that car :hihi: )...

Like you said, I don't like that they dictate what you shall drive...

see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAqPMJFaEdY

(you'll be allowed to drive your Pelossi GT SS R/T man-car on designated driving days... sounds humorous, but it is heading in that direction).

Also, hyper-milers cause moving bottlenecks on I-405 each morning... ridiculous and unsafe practice... :bad:


April 22nd, 2010, 04:20 AM
Continuing the hijack (sorry)..

True story..I am almost got hit jogging about two weeks ago by a Prius or Hybrid vehicle. I live on the outskirts of Denver..and there is some landscaping along the roads that can block the view. I listen and look for cars..did not see or 'hear' one..dashed across the road and luckily the driver hit the brakes..or my loved ones would have a modified 2002 Camaro as part of their estate.

They are kinda quiet..:grin:..

Forcefed..sorry again about the HJ..

I would try Joecar's suggestion. I had a similar experience once..I had my +/- reversed..its a guess, but with Spark very few Tables add..

Good luck..

April 22nd, 2010, 04:24 AM
Yep, good find. I am going to go along with that theory. Now if the guy would just come back on here and tell you if it worked or not, that would be nice.

April 22nd, 2010, 06:02 AM
Sorry i have not had a chance to try what shawn had said, we pulled the car off the dyno and have not put it back on yet...but as soon as we can i will give a update on what happens.
