View Full Version : Can't Find sae_generic.txt file

November 19th, 2005, 08:05 AM
Just downloaded version 7.3 and can't find the sae_generic.txt file referred to. I was having the same problem with the version (7.2) I loaded when I got my EFI software. I looked in the user config file where there are other .txt files but it isn't there. Please help.

Thanks :oops:

November 19th, 2005, 09:44 AM
Did you get V7.3.0 from here:


or are you using one of the pre-releases?

If you go there and scroll down a bit you'll see a link to a fixed sae_generic.txt. I haven't looked at it to see whether or not it differs from what came with the last pre-release I installed.

November 19th, 2005, 10:45 AM
I believe the sae_generic must match the gm.._prn file. As they share info.
You cant use a prerelease sae_generic with the 7.3 release version.
So you need to get the new sae_generic to match.

November 20th, 2005, 02:45 AM
Did you get V7.3.0 from here:


or are you using one of the pre-releases?

If you go there and scroll down a bit you'll see a link to a fixed sae_generic.txt. I haven't looked at it to see whether or not it differs from what came with the last pre-release I installed.

Yes, That's where I downloaded it from. I scrolled down to the link for the sae_generic.txt file fix and followed the instructions. The 7.2 version I had was missing the sae_generic.txt file. Would this be why I was having a problem with a calc_pid I created? It wouldn't appear in the PID tab in scan tool even after I had closed scan and reopened it. Is there anything else I should check?

Thanks :)

November 20th, 2005, 09:18 AM
Be aware that the sae_generic.txt file does not live in the same folder as the calc_pids.txt file.

Most user editable files (including calc_pids.txt) live in "My Documents"
\My Documents\EFILive\V7\User Configuration

Most non user editable files (including sae_generic.txt) live in "Program Files"
\Program Files\EFILive\V7\Configuration

Make sure you put the sae_generic.txt file in the correct folder.

To see your calculated PIDs you may need to uncheck the "Supported" check button on the [PIDs (F8)] tab page.
If you calc PID shows up as unsupported, then right click on it and select "More info..." to find out why.


November 20th, 2005, 11:44 AM
Paul, thanks once again for helping me out. I downloaded the new 7.3 version and by mistake (not reading closely enough) had saved the new sae_generic.txt file to the User Configuration file instead of the Configuration file. :oops: I guess the new file did fix whatever was wrong before because I now was able to create a new calc_pid to calculate the Base AirFlow Numerator (BAFN) in the calc_pid.txt file and it does appear in the PID tab of Scan Tool. I know I made the right choice when I bought EFILive. Your support is numero uno!

Tony :D