View Full Version : Weird stuff happening since the real 7.3 release

November 19th, 2005, 06:07 PM
I knew I should have left everything well enough alone but decided to clear all the old pre release stuff and put in a fresh new 7.3. I copied the generic.txt file as instructed.

Now everytime I load PIDs into the flashscan cable for black box logging they never come out the same as going in. For example, I'm using the AC pressure sensor to log boost, ever since the 7.3 upgrade no matter what I do if I load the AC pressure voltage and log it comes back as AC pressure kpa/psi - that doesnt work since the calculated pid uses the voltage in a lookup table. I tried loading all new pids a dozen times and it wont 'hold' thr AC pressure sensor voltage, always reads back as the pressure pid. Also sometimes the calculated boost PID that I use doesnt 'stick either, comes back as air mass.

Its getting a little frustrating, does the same thing on fresh 7.3 installs on both my desktop and laptop. Worked 100% perfect before.

November 19th, 2005, 07:12 PM
The calculated PIDs problem is caused by the faulty sae_generic.txt that shipped with V7.3.0.

Please make absolutely certain that you have downloaded the sae_generic.txt updated file. AND that you have copied it into the correct location. You must restart EFILive once the file has been copied into the correct location.


November 19th, 2005, 07:17 PM
Also make sure that any of your own calculated PIDs do not use PRNs in the range $F500..$F5FF. Since that range is used by EFILive for its own calculated PIDs.

See comment in sae_generic.txt:

# Note: the PRN must be in the range $F000..$F6FF which is reserved for
# scan tools. Additionally, EFILive defined calculated PIDs will be in
# the range $F500..$F5FF


November 20th, 2005, 04:54 AM
I downloaded and copied that generic.txt file like 5 times exactly where is should be :)

I can get it to work but have to clear the log, select AC pressure switch volts and calc boost. Then 'preview' the log from flashscan, then 'save as' and it all comes up fine. If I save the BB logs direct there is no way I can get the AC pressure (GM.ACP) changed to the votage (GM.ACPS). If it didnt work fine before I wouldnt complain. Naturally logging from the laptop everything is fine, only when I load the GM.ACPS pid into the flashscan cable it always comes out as GM.ACP and then I'll get an error that since GM.ACP isnt a valid PID then calc boost pid wont work. But if I clear the log, select GM.ACPS and preview, then save as, it works.

All other PIDs, wideband and such, work just fine when programmed into the cable, just the GM.ACPS gets changed to GM.ACP for some reason and sometimes the calc boost pid gets changed into something completely unrealted and random. The address for the calc boost pid is $F500 and it has always worked fine.

I guess I'll clear everything out and try again..

November 20th, 2005, 09:35 AM
There is a problem logging either of GM.ACPS and GM.ACP with black-box logging. Both PIDs are defined with the same PRN. They are really the same PID just scaled differently, one is scaled for pressure the other is scaled for voltage. When logging via the PC, the PID name is used so EFILive can identify them apart.
When black-box logging, the PRN is used and since they are the same the PID using the same PRN, the value that is returned will be a "random" choice of the two. ("Random" = depending on the order of the PID names listed inside of the EFILive software.)

The {GM.ACPS} PID will be removed.

That means your calculated PID will need to be changed to use the raw({GM.ACP})/51 function - which will return the sensor's voltage in the range 0-5V.
Note, raw({GM.ACP}) will return a value in the range 0..255 which represents the sensor voltage range 0-5V. Divide by 51 to get the actual voltage.

About the calculated boost PID using PRN $F500. PRN's in the range $F500..$F5FF have always been reserved for use by EFILive in sae_generic.txt. $F500 is used by EFILive for the CALC.CYLAIR PID.
The PRN's used in sae_generic were renumbered starting at $F500 in the latest release. It would explain why it used to work - there may not have been a PID using $F500 previously.

You should use values from $F000..$F4FF for user defined calculated PID.


November 20th, 2005, 11:01 AM
Thanks Paul, I'll change everything around and see how it all works.


November 20th, 2005, 11:07 AM
I've noticed something weird with the scanner too. The 400rpm row cells are filling up when my whole run never goes below 550. I ended up with 28X cell counts in one of the cells because it was jumping in there while I was idling. But, playing back the dashboard, it never goes under 550 rpm. Any ideas?

Depending on how your rpm labels are set up it is probably because of the way EFILive "decides" which column to place the data in.

EFILive used to use the row/col labels as break points, now it uses the row/col labels as the center point of the data.

Assume the rpm labels are:
400, 800, 1200,...

The OLD way:
RPM values from 0-400 would be placed under the 400 col
RPM values from 401-800 would be placed under the 800 col
RPM values from 801-1200 would be placed under the 1200 col
In this case rpm value of 500 would be placed in col 800.

The NEW way:
RPM values from 0-600 would be placed under the 400 col
RPM values from 601-1000 would be placed under the 800 col
RPM values from 1001-1400 would be placed under the 1200 col
In this case rpm value of 500 would be placed in col 400.


November 20th, 2005, 08:18 PM
I'm a dumbass when it comes to these calculated PIDs :(

This is what I have, its coming out way off so I'm sure something isnt right here:

"Lookup(raw({GM.ACP})/15,0.02,-29.10,0.35,-25.00,0.77,etc etc)"

November 21st, 2005, 03:39 PM
I'm a dumbass when it comes to these calculated PIDs :(

This is what I have, its coming out way off so I'm sure something isnt right here:

"Lookup(raw({GM.ACP})/15,0.02,-29.10,0.35,-25.00,0.77,etc etc)"

To get the ACP voltage (0-5), you should divide by 51 instead of 15


November 21st, 2005, 04:22 PM
heh, well that what I get for trying to do this after 3am after a few beers. I could have swore that 15 was a 51 last night :oops:

November 21st, 2005, 10:04 PM
Don't blame the beers, they're our friend... :D

November 22nd, 2005, 04:25 AM
Don't blame the beers, they're our friend... :D

indeed :)

Paul, instead of just killing the ACPS pid altogether, I just realized all my old logs used thet, I just made 2 calc PIDs and now I can pick between them. So whichever the logger decides to come back with I dont have to close anything to read it, just select a different calculated PID.

If that makes sense..

November 22nd, 2005, 07:54 AM
Don't blame the beers, they're our friend... :D

indeed :)

Paul, instead of just killing the ACPS pid altogether, I just realized all my old logs used thet, I just made 2 calc PIDs and now I can pick between them. So whichever the logger decides to come back with I dont have to close anything to read it, just select a different calculated PID.

If that makes sense..

They are dead, RIP those PIDs. :(

EFILive will automatically convert the PIDs to the correct, remaining PID. The only thing the end user needs to do is to change the calcualted PIDs. This message is in the new Readme.rtf file:

4. Deleted Parameters:
Due to incompatability with Black-Box logging, the following PIDs have been removed from EFILive:
{GM.ACPS} Air conditioner pressure sensor voltage.
{GM.EOPS} Engine oil pressure sensor voltage.
{GM.MAPS} Manifold absolute pressure sensor voltage.

If you require the sensor voltages in calculated expressions, you may substitute the removed PIDs with the following:
{GM.ACPS} with (RAW({GM.ACP})/51)
{GM.EOPS} with (RAW({GM.EOP))/51)
{GM.MAPS} with (RAW({GM.MAP})/51)


November 22nd, 2005, 09:43 AM
They are dead, RIP those PIDs. :(

EFILive will automatically convert the PIDs to the correct, remaining PID. The only thing the end user needs to do is to change the calcualted PIDs. This message is in the new Readme.rtf file:

4. Deleted Parameters:
Due to incompatability with Black-Box logging, the following PIDs have been removed from EFILive:
{GM.ACPS} Air conditioner pressure sensor voltage.
{GM.EOPS} Engine oil pressure sensor voltage.
{GM.MAPS} Manifold absolute pressure sensor voltage.

If you require the sensor voltages in calculated expressions, you may substitute the removed PIDs with the following:
{GM.ACPS} with (RAW({GM.ACP})/51)
{GM.EOPS} with (RAW({GM.EOP))/51)
{GM.MAPS} with (RAW({GM.MAP})/51)


Sounds good to me, downloading the latest now.

November 22nd, 2005, 10:21 AM
Installed the latest, reads off the flashscan cable just fine but all my saved logs that used ACPS (all of them to this point) dont show ACP or ACPS anymore and therefore no calc boost :(

November 22nd, 2005, 10:40 AM
Installed the latest, reads off the flashscan cable just fine but all my saved logs that used ACPS (all of them to this point) dont show ACP or ACPS anymore and therefore no calc boost :(

Can you send me on of those log files please? (paul@efilive.com)

November 22nd, 2005, 10:57 AM
Installed the latest, reads off the flashscan cable just fine but all my saved logs that used ACPS (all of them to this point) dont show ACP or ACPS anymore and therefore no calc boost :(

Can you send me on of those log files please? (paul@efilive.com)

I'll send you a couple now.

November 22nd, 2005, 12:37 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry: My bad.

EFILive V7 can load three different log file formats: V5, V6 and V7.
The code to change the ACPS to ACP was only enabled when loading V6 log files. Loading a V7 log file containing ACPS caused no conversion to ACP.

I will upload a fix for it tonight.


November 22nd, 2005, 01:42 PM
No problem, once that all works fine everything will be 100% for me.
Would like some easier way to copy between compare files though, any chance of a toolbar button that copies the alt .tun file data to the main file in the parameter being displayed instead of having to copy/paste between the two? Figured if there was button to see the differences there could be a button to copy them over :)

Also on both my computers on the latest install a message popped up that said you you have to reboot. It leaves a couple things open on the screen (didnt notice what they were) and I dont think the install is finished. I clicked 'OK' to let it reboot and when I went to double click directly on a log or .tun file to ope efilive it started the efilive install program and gives some kind of .mci error. I ran the repair on the installer and it seems OK. Might just be something on my end but it appears the 'reboot' message may be popping up before the install is done..

November 22nd, 2005, 01:58 PM
No problem, once that all works fine everything will be 100% for me.
Would like some easier way to copy between compare files though, any chance of a toolbar button that copies the alt .tun file data to the main file in the parameter being displayed instead of having to copy/paste between the two? Figured if there was button to see the differences there could be a button to copy them over :)

Select the menu option File->Display calibration difference summary.
Click on the calibration hot link to open the calibration
OR (and this is the part you want to do)
Ctrl+Click on the calibration hot link to copy the alternate to the current calibration.

Also on both my computers on the latest install a message popped up that said you you have to reboot. It leaves a couple things open on the screen (didnt notice what they were) and I dont think the install is finished. I clicked 'OK' to let it reboot and when I went to double click directly on a log or .tun file to ope efilive it started the efilive install program and gives some kind of .mci error. I ran the repair on the installer and it seems OK. Might just be something on my end but it appears the 'reboot' message may be popping up before the install is done..

Which windows operating system(s)?
A reboot should not be required. (Although Adobe Acrobat Reader may require a reboot - but that is not included in the download).


November 22nd, 2005, 03:06 PM
Seems simple enough on the copy, must have missed that in the manual.

XP pro and 98 SE on the laptop, all I installed was the efilive software part. I just uninstalled and reinstalled it on both and it didnt ask to reboot. I had version 5 and 6 on both computers and I unistalled all of them before on both before I installed the latest release so maybe something kinda freaked out there. I uninstalled and reinstalled it twice on both computers and it didnt ask for a reboot just now. One day I will need to do a fresh OS install on both of these things..

November 30th, 2005, 06:35 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry: My bad.

EFILive V7 can load three different log file formats: V5, V6 and V7.
The code to change the ACPS to ACP was only enabled when loading V6 log files. Loading a V7 log file containing ACPS caused no conversion to ACP.

I will upload a fix for it tonight.


Did you ever fix this Paul, I havent seen the version change since the 22nd upload, just checking in case you fixed it and didnt change the version :)

November 30th, 2005, 07:39 PM
Did you ever fix this Paul, I havent seen the version change since the 22nd upload, just checking in case you fixed it and didnt change the version :)

Yes, its fixed but still in testing... Our deadline is Monday 5th, so you should see an update by then.


December 1st, 2005, 04:16 AM
Thanks Paul, no hurry. Just making sure it wasnt done and I missed something.