View Full Version : Very minor problem

January 13th, 2005, 08:20 PM
My lowly goal list for tonight was as follows:

1.) Delete the service engine light caused by me removing the A.I.R. system, and keep the car from trying to use the A.I.R. system.
2.) Remove the C.A.G.S. light (I completed the resistor mod some time ago), and keep the car from trying to use the C.A.G.S. system.

First, I downloaded my stock configuration. Next, I went to the "Engine Calibration" tab, "AIR pump", I set:

"Air Pump On Time" = 0
"Air Pump Coolent Temp Disable" = 140
"RPM Airpump disable Threshold" = 0
"RPM Airpump disable Timer" = 0

I named the file AIRremove.tun, flashed, and everything was great

Next, I wanted to disable CAGS, so I went to "Transmission Calibration", "CARS/CAGS", and I set:

"Enable Cars." = Disable

I then saved the file as AIRCAGSremove.tun, and tried to flash. I only got the "PCM not ready, waiting five seconds" until it timed out and gave me (I believe) an $33 error message. I closed the program, turned off the key, powered everything back up, and tried to open AIRCAGSremove.tun. Here's the error I get:

Error box
TFsBin.GetSeg: 8 out of range 0..7.

I figured this was file naming problem, so I resaved the file as AIR-CAGSremove.tun and everything went fine from there. I was then able to set the 412 and 418 MIL light to disable, set "not reported" 410 412 and 418 DTC processing enablers, reflash, and that completed my goals list for the night.

So, not a major problem, but I thought I'd throw it out before I went to bed.

(Note: Please forgive any typing errors... it's almost 2:30 AM here now. 8)

January 13th, 2005, 10:20 PM
I then saved the file as AIRCAGSremove.tun, and tried to flash. I only got the "PCM not ready, waiting five seconds" until it timed out and gave me (I believe) an $33 error message. I closed the program, turned off the key, powered everything back up, and tried to open AIRCAGSremove.tun. Here's the error I get:

Error box
TFsBin.GetSeg: 8 out of range 0..7.

If you still have it, can you send the AIRCAGSremove.tun file to me, please.


January 14th, 2005, 03:42 AM
I'll have to post it later, my server seems to be having issues this morning. :(

January 14th, 2005, 08:58 AM
I'll have to post it later, my server seems to be having issues this morning. :(

Seems to be quite a few internet issues today... anyone know why?

January 14th, 2005, 04:31 PM
Update: I tried the file again and now it's working. Wierd. :? I have no idea what was up with that error message. I'll keep an eye out for it again though, and if it pops up again I'll send you the file. My server is still having trouble with my upload for some reason...