View Full Version : 95 Riviera supercharged - EFL v4 - no DTC codes coming up

June 2nd, 2010, 03:55 PM
got efl v.465_305 using the95 Pontiac vin1 profile on a 95 riviera w SC.

The interface is working pretty good (has some occasional red lines in the macro readout and i have the adata line selected.) the clear code function does not work
some of the gauges are working (which what I expected) but my DTC codes are not doing anything... they just sit there and never change. I am getting C-C error count in the gauges section (as the car misses the count goes up) and my check engine light is on.

Im wondering if I am doing something wrong here... I would like to buy the app but I need it to give me the codes.

thanks, any help is really appreciated.


June 2nd, 2010, 05:43 PM
The Evaluation version has some limitations (naturally). They can be reviewed in the documentation (under the menu: Help->Help F1), then follow the links: Release notes -> Pro vs Eval. Does this sound like what you're seeing?

June 2nd, 2010, 05:44 PM
The V4 documentation lists the differences between the Pro version and the Eval version. One of those differences is that the Eval version only monitors the first 8 trouble codes defined in the vehicle definition. The Pro version monitors them all.

I guess if you really want to see if the software will display the code that is set (before splashing out for the Pro version) then you could modify the vehicle definition file (or better, modify a copy of it) and remove the first 8 defined trouble codes, try again and you should see the next 8 trouble codes being monitored. Keep removing and retrying until the software is displaying the trouble code that is set. The DTCs are defined from byte 58 thru 65 in the vehicle definition in the file that you are using.

The little green engine icon on the [DTC F(10)] tab page will turn red if DTCs are detected. Did it turn red when you logged your vehicle? If so then it has detected the trouble code, just that the eval version is not showing you what it is.
