View Full Version : How to use Forums Efficiently..Advice for All Tuners from 'Newbies' to Veterans..

June 4th, 2010, 01:33 PM

Have an interesting thread going on in the GEN III Section..but figured it was time to open it up (and move it).

These are general notes on how to use the forums more efficiently..


Originally Posted by redhardsupra http://forum.efilive.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?p=123069#post123069)
here's my tuning commandments:

Physics is undodgable--don't oversimplify complex issues.
Tune reflects reality--bad data cause bad consequences.
Know your hardware--don't tune around physical problems.
Know your limits--don't lie to the ECU.
Nature has no sharp corners--all transitions are gradual.

everything else pretty much can be mapped onto one of these babiesThe "log BEFORE making any changes" rule cannot be stressed hard enough. No one does that, and it's the biggest downfall of us as a tuning community. We try to make cars behave after we installed mods, but we don't know what the behavior should look like in the scanner. Then how are you supposed to know what to aim for?!

The Internet is full of shit. Especially when it comes to science, as it's not opinion based. Some people can be more trusted than others. Some people I trust implicitly, but I still ask questions. Others are full of crap no matter how many years they've been trying to 'get it.' The less they explain and the more tell you to do things by fast and hard rules, the more likely they are to be full of shit.

The 'give engine what the engine wants, not what the Internet says' has two hidden gems: Learn to read logs. Be obsessive about it. Learn what it's trying to tell you. That's what tuning is. Pushing buttons and entering numbers is merely a formality. Knowing how to arrive at what numbers, where, and when to enter them is the Real Know-How (TM).

The second gem would be 'have a healthy dose of doubt in you at all times.' The fact that a lot of people repeat something, doesn't mean it's true, it just means that particular myth might have been around for longer than others. Old does not equal correct, and New does not mean better.
Making small changes and logging before and after is absolutely crucial, it is the entire idea of scientific inquiry. Without it it's just bunch of speculations. I remember this as 'one crime at a time' rule.

Asking questions is absolutely crucial. Contrary to popular opinion, there are plenty of stupid questions. Don't ask a question just because it went off in your head. Read first, gather data, maybe even carry out and experiment. Do your homework first, THEN ask. Unless it's potentially dangerous, then you wanna check first. When asking, show what you've tried, found, read, observed. This shows insight, interest, and respect. Questions like this will be answered with a corresponding respect and attention.

Remember that tuning is not a game of magic numbers. Magic numbers don't exist. Don't ask for steps and procedures, ask for derivations and explanations. If people don't want to give you a full answer, challenge them. Argue the math, methodology, assumptions, but don't argue a person. This is a highly evolving knowledge base, what was an established method last week might have been replaced by something better today. Don't be afraid to bring up old posts, they need to be modernized. Asking 'hey, does this still apply or do we know better now?' questions are much needed.

Umm... what else am I forgetting here? ..

Tuners: In response to this 'sub-thread, a few of us how been giving ideas on how to make the use of these forums more efficient.

Any ideas you have would be greatly appreciated.


June 14th, 2010, 02:39 PM
I just want to reply so I can track this thread easier and also I really appreciate all the good advice. Perhaps I can contribute that sometimes I use this quick spell check before posting:


or similar and yes guys please no caps and never-ending sentences. Some people are brilliant when it comes to cars but look like teenagers when posting in a hurry hehe. Anyways you expert tuners are greatly appreciated, thanks for your time and effort in patiently helping me not become too discouraged!